mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 09:57:34 +08:00
rework extensions metadata: use custom sorter that doesn't mess the order as much and ignores cyclic errors, use classes with named fields instead of dictionaries, eliminate some duplicated code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import configparser
import functools
import os
import threading
import re
@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ from modules import shared, errors, cache, scripts
from modules.gitpython_hack import Repo
from modules.paths_internal import extensions_dir, extensions_builtin_dir, script_path # noqa: F401
extensions = []
os.makedirs(extensions_dir, exist_ok=True)
@ -22,13 +22,56 @@ def active():
return [x for x in extensions if x.enabled]
class ExtensionMetadata:
filename = "metadata.ini"
config: configparser.ConfigParser
canonical_name: str
requires: list
def __init__(self, path, canonical_name):
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
filepath = os.path.join(path, self.filename)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
except Exception:
errors.report(f"Error reading {self.filename} for extension {canonical_name}.", exc_info=True)
self.canonical_name = self.config.get("Extension", "Name", fallback=canonical_name)
self.canonical_name = canonical_name.lower().strip()
self.requires = self.get_script_requirements("Requires", "Extension")
def get_script_requirements(self, field, section, extra_section=None):
"""reads a list of requirements from the config; field is the name of the field in the ini file,
like Requires or Before, and section is the name of the [section] in the ini file; additionally,
reads more requirements from [extra_section] if specified."""
x = self.config.get(section, field, fallback='')
if extra_section:
x = x + ', ' + self.config.get(extra_section, field, fallback='')
return self.parse_list(x.lower())
def parse_list(self, text):
"""converts a line from config ("ext1 ext2, ext3 ") into a python list (["ext1", "ext2", "ext3"])"""
if not text:
return []
# both "," and " " are accepted as separator
return [x for x in re.split(r"[,\s]+", text.strip()) if x]
class Extension:
lock = threading.Lock()
cached_fields = ['remote', 'commit_date', 'branch', 'commit_hash', 'version']
metadata: ExtensionMetadata
def __init__(self, name, path, enabled=True, is_builtin=False, canonical_name=None):
def __init__(self, name, path, enabled=True, is_builtin=False, metadata=None):
self.name = name
self.canonical_name = canonical_name or name.lower()
self.path = path
self.enabled = enabled
self.status = ''
@ -40,18 +83,8 @@ class Extension:
self.branch = None
self.remote = None
self.have_info_from_repo = False
def metadata(self):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, "metadata.ini")):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.read(os.path.join(self.path, "metadata.ini"))
return config
except Exception:
errors.report(f"Error reading metadata.ini for extension {self.canonical_name}.",
return None
self.metadata = metadata if metadata else ExtensionMetadata(self.path, name.lower())
self.canonical_name = metadata.canonical_name
def to_dict(self):
return {x: getattr(self, x) for x in self.cached_fields}
@ -162,7 +195,7 @@ def list_extensions():
elif shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "extra":
print("*** \"Disable all extensions\" option was set, will only load built-in extensions ***")
extension_dependency_map = {}
loaded_extensions = {}
# scan through extensions directory and load metadata
for dirname in [extensions_builtin_dir, extensions_dir]:
@ -175,55 +208,30 @@ def list_extensions():
canonical_name = extension_dirname
requires = None
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "metadata.ini")):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.read(os.path.join(path, "metadata.ini"))
canonical_name = config.get("Extension", "Name", fallback=canonical_name)
requires = config.get("Extension", "Requires", fallback=None)
except Exception:
errors.report(f"Error reading metadata.ini for extension {extension_dirname}. "
f"Will load regardless.", exc_info=True)
canonical_name = canonical_name.lower().strip()
metadata = ExtensionMetadata(path, canonical_name)
# check for duplicated canonical names
if canonical_name in extension_dependency_map:
errors.report(f"Duplicate canonical name \"{canonical_name}\" found in extensions "
f"\"{extension_dirname}\" and \"{extension_dependency_map[canonical_name]['dirname']}\". "
f"The current loading extension will be discarded.", exc_info=False)
already_loaded_extension = loaded_extensions.get(metadata.canonical_name)
if already_loaded_extension is not None:
errors.report(f'Duplicate canonical name "{canonical_name}" found in extensions "{extension_dirname}" and "{already_loaded_extension.name}". Former will be discarded.', exc_info=False)
# both "," and " " are accepted as separator
requires = list(filter(None, re.split(r"[,\s]+", requires.lower()))) if requires else []
extension_dependency_map[canonical_name] = {
"dirname": extension_dirname,
"path": path,
"requires": requires,
is_builtin = dirname == extensions_builtin_dir
extension = Extension(name=extension_dirname, path=path, enabled=extension_dirname not in shared.opts.disabled_extensions, is_builtin=is_builtin, metadata=metadata)
loaded_extensions[canonical_name] = extension
# check for requirements
for (_, extension_data) in extension_dependency_map.items():
dirname, path, requires = extension_data['dirname'], extension_data['path'], extension_data['requires']
requirement_met = True
for req in requires:
if req not in extension_dependency_map:
errors.report(f"Extension \"{dirname}\" requires \"{req}\" which is not installed. "
f"The current loading extension will be discarded.", exc_info=False)
requirement_met = False
dep_dirname = extension_dependency_map[req]['dirname']
if dep_dirname in shared.opts.disabled_extensions:
errors.report(f"Extension \"{dirname}\" requires \"{dep_dirname}\" which is disabled. "
f"The current loading extension will be discarded.", exc_info=False)
requirement_met = False
for extension in extensions:
for req in extension.metadata.requires:
required_extension = loaded_extensions.get(req)
if required_extension is None:
errors.report(f'Extension "{extension.name}" requires "{req}" which is not installed.', exc_info=False)
is_builtin = dirname == extensions_builtin_dir
extension = Extension(name=dirname, path=path,
enabled=dirname not in shared.opts.disabled_extensions and requirement_met,
if not extension.enabled:
errors.report(f'Extension "{extension.name}" requires "{required_extension.name}" which is disabled.', exc_info=False)
extensions: list[Extension] = []
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import os
import re
import sys
import inspect
from graphlib import TopologicalSorter, CycleError
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
@ -312,27 +311,57 @@ scripts_data = []
postprocessing_scripts_data = []
ScriptClassData = namedtuple("ScriptClassData", ["script_class", "path", "basedir", "module"])
def topological_sort(dependencies):
"""Accepts a dictionary mapping name to its dependencies, returns a list of names ordered according to dependencies.
Ignores errors relating to missing dependeencies or circular dependencies
visited = {}
result = []
def inner(name):
visited[name] = True
for dep in dependencies.get(name, []):
if dep in dependencies and dep not in visited:
for depname in dependencies:
if depname not in visited:
return result
class ScriptWithDependencies:
script_canonical_name: str
file: ScriptFile
requires: list
load_before: list
load_after: list
def list_scripts(scriptdirname, extension, *, include_extensions=True):
scripts_list = []
script_dependency_map = {}
scripts = {}
loaded_extensions = {ext.canonical_name: ext for ext in extensions.active()}
loaded_extensions_scripts = {ext.canonical_name: [] for ext in extensions.active()}
# build script dependency map
root_script_basedir = os.path.join(paths.script_path, scriptdirname)
if os.path.exists(root_script_basedir):
for filename in sorted(os.listdir(root_script_basedir)):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root_script_basedir, filename)):
script_dependency_map[filename] = {
"extension": None,
"extension_dirname": None,
"script_file": ScriptFile(paths.script_path, filename, os.path.join(root_script_basedir, filename)),
"requires": [],
"load_before": [],
"load_after": [],
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() != extension:
script_file = ScriptFile(paths.script_path, filename, os.path.join(root_script_basedir, filename))
scripts[filename] = ScriptWithDependencies(filename, script_file, [], [], [])
if include_extensions:
for ext in extensions.active():
@ -341,96 +370,54 @@ def list_scripts(scriptdirname, extension, *, include_extensions=True):
if not os.path.isfile(extension_script.path):
script_canonical_name = ext.canonical_name + "/" + extension_script.filename
if ext.is_builtin:
script_canonical_name = "builtin/" + script_canonical_name
script_canonical_name = ("builtin/" if ext.is_builtin else "") + ext.canonical_name + "/" + extension_script.filename
relative_path = scriptdirname + "/" + extension_script.filename
requires = ''
load_before = ''
load_after = ''
script = ScriptWithDependencies(
requires=ext.metadata.get_script_requirements("Requires", relative_path, scriptdirname),
load_before=ext.metadata.get_script_requirements("Before", relative_path, scriptdirname),
load_after=ext.metadata.get_script_requirements("After", relative_path, scriptdirname),
if ext.metadata is not None:
requires = ext.metadata.get(relative_path, "Requires", fallback='')
load_before = ext.metadata.get(relative_path, "Before", fallback='')
load_after = ext.metadata.get(relative_path, "After", fallback='')
scripts[script_canonical_name] = script
# propagate directory level metadata
requires = requires + ',' + ext.metadata.get(scriptdirname, "Requires", fallback='')
load_before = load_before + ',' + ext.metadata.get(scriptdirname, "Before", fallback='')
load_after = load_after + ',' + ext.metadata.get(scriptdirname, "After", fallback='')
requires = list(filter(None, re.split(r"[,\s]+", requires.lower()))) if requires else []
load_after = list(filter(None, re.split(r"[,\s]+", load_after.lower()))) if load_after else []
load_before = list(filter(None, re.split(r"[,\s]+", load_before.lower()))) if load_before else []
script_dependency_map[script_canonical_name] = {
"extension": ext.canonical_name,
"extension_dirname": ext.name,
"script_file": extension_script,
"requires": requires,
"load_before": load_before,
"load_after": load_after,
# resolve dependencies
loaded_extensions = set()
for ext in extensions.active():
for script_canonical_name, script_data in script_dependency_map.items():
for script_canonical_name, script in scripts.items():
# load before requires inverse dependency
# in this case, append the script name into the load_after list of the specified script
for load_before_script in script_data['load_before']:
for load_before in script.load_before:
# if this requires an individual script to be loaded before
if load_before_script in script_dependency_map:
elif load_before_script in loaded_extensions:
for _, script_data2 in script_dependency_map.items():
if script_data2['extension'] == load_before_script:
other_script = scripts.get(load_before)
if other_script:
# resolve extension name in load_after lists
for load_after_script in list(script_data['load_after']):
if load_after_script not in script_dependency_map and load_after_script in loaded_extensions:
for script_canonical_name2, script_data2 in script_dependency_map.items():
if script_data2['extension'] == load_after_script:
# if this requires an extension
other_extension_scripts = loaded_extensions_scripts.get(load_before)
if other_extension_scripts:
for other_script in other_extension_scripts:
# build the DAG
sorter = TopologicalSorter()
for script_canonical_name, script_data in script_dependency_map.items():
requirement_met = True
for required_script in script_data['requires']:
# if this requires an individual script to be loaded
if required_script not in script_dependency_map and required_script not in loaded_extensions:
errors.report(f"Script \"{script_canonical_name}\" "
f"requires \"{required_script}\" to "
f"be loaded, but it is not. Skipping.",
requirement_met = False
if not requirement_met:
# if After mentions an extension, remove it and instead add all of its scripts
for load_after in list(script.load_after):
if load_after not in scripts and load_after in loaded_extensions_scripts:
sorter.add(script_canonical_name, *script_data['load_after'])
for other_script in loaded_extensions_scripts.get(load_after, []):
# sort the scripts
ordered_script = sorter.static_order()
except CycleError:
errors.report("Cycle detected in script dependencies. Scripts will load in ascending order.", exc_info=True)
ordered_script = script_dependency_map.keys()
dependencies = {}
for script_canonical_name in ordered_script:
script_data = script_dependency_map[script_canonical_name]
for script_canonical_name, script in scripts.items():
for required_script in script.requires:
if required_script not in scripts and required_script not in loaded_extensions:
errors.report(f'Script "{script_canonical_name}" requires "{required_script}" to be loaded, but it is not.', exc_info=False)
scripts_list = [x for x in scripts_list if os.path.splitext(x.path)[1].lower() == extension and os.path.isfile(x.path)]
dependencies[script_canonical_name] = script.load_after
ordered_scripts = topological_sort(dependencies)
scripts_list = [scripts[script_canonical_name].file for script_canonical_name in ordered_scripts]
return scripts_list
Reference in New Issue
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