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Apfree WiFiDog: More efficient captive portal solution
Apfree-WiFidog is an open source captive portal solution for wireless router which with embeddable Linux(LEDE/Openwrt).
Enhancement of apfree-wifidog
In fact, the title should be why we choose apfree-wifidog, the reason was the following:
apfree-wifidog was widely used in tens of thousands device, which were running in business scene. In order to improve its stable, we rewrite all iptables rule by api instead of fork call, which will easily cause deadlock in multithread-fork running environment
apfree-wifidog's http request-response is more quick, u can find statistic data in our test document
More features
apfree-wifidog support https redirect, mac temporary-pass, ip,domain,pan-domain,white-mac,black-mac rule and etc. all these rules can be applied without restarting wifidog
Compitable with wifidog authentication server
u don't need to modify your wifidog authentication server to adapt apfree-wifidog
How to added apfree-wifidog into Openwrt package
Please go to package_apfree_wifidog
Getting started
before starting apfree-wifidog, we must know how to configure it. apfree-wifidog use OpenWrt standard uci config system, all your apfree-wifidog configure information stored in /etc/confg/wifidogx
, which will be parsed by /etc/init.d/wifidogx
to /tmp/wifidog.conf, apfree-wifidog's real configure file is /tmp/wifidog.conf
The default apfree-wifidog UCI configuration file like this:
config wifidog
option gateway_interface 'br-lan'
option auth_server_hostname 'wifidog.kunteng.org.cn'
option auth_server_port 443
option auth_server_path '/wifidog/'
option check_interval 60
option client_timeout 5
option apple_cna 1
option thread_number 5
option wired_passed 0
option enable 0
auth_server_hostname was apfree-wifidog auth server, it can be domain or ip; wifidog.kunteng.org.cn is a free auth server we provided, it was also open source
apple_cna 1 apple captive detect deceive; 2 apple captive detect deceive to disallow portal page appear
wired_passed means whether LAN access devices need to auth or not, value 1 means no need to auth
enable means whether start apfree-wifidog when we executed
/etc/init.d/wifidogx start
, if u wanted to start apfree-wifidog, you must set enable to 1 before executing/etc/init.d/wifidogx start
How to support https redirect
In order to support https redirect, apfree-wifidog need x509 pem cert and private key, u can generate youself like this:
generate_keys() {
local days bits country state location commonname
# Prefer px5g for certificate generation (existence evaluated last)
local GENKEY_CMD=""
local UNIQUEID=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=4 | hexdump -e '1/1 "%02x"')
[ -x "$OPENSSL_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$OPENSSL_BIN req -x509 -sha256 -outform pem -nodes"
[ -x "$PX5G_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$PX5G_BIN selfsigned -pem"
[ -n "$GENKEY_CMD" ] && {
-days ${days:-730} -newkey rsa:${bits:-2048} -keyout "${APFREE_KEY}.new" -out "${APFREE_CERT}.new" \
-subj /C="${country:-CN}"/ST="${state:-localhost}"/L="${location:-Unknown}"/O="${commonname:-ApFreeWiFidog}$UNIQUEID"/CN="${commonname:-ApFreeWiFidog}"
mv "${APFREE_KEY}.new" "${APFREE_KEY}"
mv "${APFREE_CERT}.new" "${APFREE_CERT}"
or when u start /etc/init.d/wifidogx start
, it will generate it automatically
Attention! when apfree-wifidog redirect https request, u will receive certificate file is illegal warning, no need to panic, it's normal response
apfree-wifidog Auth server open source project
apfree wifidog's official auth server is wwas, which support wfc pay and weixin auth-mode and more auth-way will be support.
demo video
More auth server please read AUTHSERVER.md
How To Contribute
Feel free to create issues or pull-requests if you have any problems.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before pushing any changes.
contact us
QQ group: 331230369 telegram: apfreewifidog