mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 11:17:34 +08:00
update 2023-10-31 23:36:29
This commit is contained in:
@ -543,6 +543,9 @@ msgstr "分流模式下的 DNS 查询模式"
msgid "Anti-pollution DNS Server For Shunt Mode"
msgstr "分流模式下的访问国外域名 DNS 服务器"
msgid "Custom DNS Server for mosdns"
msgstr "MOSDNS 自定义 DNS 服务器"
msgid "Disable IPv6 In MOSDNS Query Mode (Shunt Mode)"
msgstr "禁止 MOSDNS 返回 IPv6 记录 (分流模式)"
@ -1,92 +1,96 @@
## 简介
[![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/total)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[中文文档](README.md) | [English](README_en.md)
这是一款用于 OpenWRT 路由器上进行 微信/Telegram 推送的插件
| 推送应用 | 方式 | 接口说明 |
| :-------- | :----- | :----- |
| 微信 | Server酱 | https://sct.ftqq.com/
| 微信 | 推送加 | http://www.pushplus.plus/
| 微信 | WxPusher | https://wxpusher.zjiecode.com/docs
| 企业微信 | 应用推送 | https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90135/90248
| Telegram | bot | https://t.me/BotFather
精力有限,如需要钉钉推送、飞书推送、Bark 推送等请尝试另一个分支 https://github.com/zzsj0928/luci-app-pushbot ,或使用自定义 API 设置
因插件一开始只支持 Server酱,故此插件命名为 luci-app-serverchan,但后续已经越来越臃肿,想改很久了,趁这次升级 js, 插件更名为 luci-app-wechatpush
v3.0.0 安装时会自动从 luci-app-serverchan 移植配置信息,并删除原插件,如有缺漏,请在 /etc/config/serverchan.bak 查看,安装后可能需刷新浏览器页面,否则 luci 页面入口不会更换为新插件 URL(此功能择期移除)
v2.06.2 之后的版本不再支持 LuCI 18.06,如需编译,请使用 openwrt-18.06 分支,拉取源码时请使用 `git clone -b openwrt-18.06 https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.git` 命令
## 主要功能
- [x] 路由 IP、IPv6 变动推送
- [x] 设备 上线、离线 推送
- [x] 设备在线列表及流量使用情况
- [x] CPU 负载、温度监视、PVE 宿主机温度监控
- [x] 路由运行状态定时推送
- [x] 路由 Web、SSH 登录提示,自动拉黑、端口敲门
- [x] 无人值守任务
## 说明
插件依赖 iputils-arping + curl + jq + bash,对于内存有限的路由器,请酌情安装,**在安装之前,请先运行 `opkg update` 命令,以便在安装过程中安装依赖。**
基于 X86 OpenWrt v23.05.0 制作,不同系统不同设备,可能会遇到各种问题,**如获取到错误的温度信息、页面显示错误、报错等,自行适配**
对于设备未宣告主机名、光猫拨号上网、OpenWrt 作为旁路网关等各类情况导致的获取主机名失败,可以通过以下方式设置主机名
- 使用设备名备注
- 在高级设置处配置从光猫获取
- 开启 MAC 设备数据库
默认使用 ping/arping 来主动探测设备在线状态,以对抗 Wi-Fi 休眠机制,主动探测较为耗时但可以获得较为精准的设备在线状态
- 如遇设备休眠频繁,请在高级设置处自行调整超时设置
- 如果不需要太过精准的设备在线信息,只需要其余功能,可以在高级设置中关闭主动探测
流量统计功能依赖 wrtbwmon ,需自行选装或编译,**该插件与 Routing/NAT 、Flow Offloading 、代理上网等插件冲突,开启后将会无法获取流量,请自行选择**
**关于 bug 提交:**
提交 bug 时请尽量带上以下信息
- 设备信息及插件版本号
- 执行 `/usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush` 后的提示信息
- 报错后的日志信息、`/tmp/wechatpush/` 目录下的文件信息
- `bash -x /usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush t1` 的详细运行信息
## 下载
| 支持的 OpenWrt 版本 | 下载地址 |
| :-------- | :----- |
| openwrt-19.07.0 ... latest | [![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
| openwrt-18.06 | [![Release v2.06.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v2.06.2-lightgrey.svg)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases/tag/v2.06.2)
## 捐赠
## 简介
[![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/total)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[中文文档](README.md) | [English](README_en.md)
这是一款用于 OpenWRT 路由器上进行 微信/Telegram 推送的插件
| 推送应用 | 方式 | 接口说明 |
| :-------- | :----- | :----- |
| 微信 | Server酱 | https://sct.ftqq.com/
| 微信 | 推送加 | http://www.pushplus.plus/
| 微信 | WxPusher | https://wxpusher.zjiecode.com/docs
| 企业微信 | 应用推送 | https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90135/90248
| Telegram | bot | https://t.me/BotFather
精力有限,如需要钉钉推送、飞书推送、Bark 推送等请尝试另一个分支 https://github.com/zzsj0928/luci-app-pushbot ,或使用自定义 API 设置
因插件一开始只支持 Server酱,故此插件命名为 luci-app-serverchan,但后续已经越来越臃肿,想改很久了,趁这次升级 js, 插件更名为 luci-app-wechatpush
v3.0.0 安装时会自动从 luci-app-serverchan 移植配置信息,并删除原插件,如有缺漏,请在 /etc/config/serverchan.bak 查看,安装后可能需刷新浏览器页面,否则 luci 页面入口不会更换为新插件 URL(此功能择期移除)
v2.06.2 之后的版本不再支持 LuCI 18.06,如需编译,请使用 openwrt-18.06 分支,拉取源码时请使用 `git clone -b openwrt-18.06 https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.git` 命令
## 主要功能
- [x] 路由 IP、IPv6 变动推送
- [x] 设备 上线、离线 推送
- [x] 设备在线列表及流量使用情况
- [x] CPU 负载、温度监视、PVE 宿主机温度监控
- [x] 路由运行状态定时推送
- [x] 路由 Web、SSH 登录提示,自动拉黑、端口敲门
- [x] 无人值守任务
## 说明
插件依赖 iputils-arping + curl + jq + bash,对于内存有限的路由器,请酌情安装,**在安装之前,请先运行 `opkg update` 命令,以便在安装过程中安装依赖。**
基于 X86 OpenWrt v23.05.0 制作,不同系统不同设备,可能会遇到各种问题,**如获取到错误的温度信息、页面显示错误、报错等,自行适配**
对于设备未宣告主机名、光猫拨号上网、OpenWrt 作为旁路网关等各类情况导致的获取主机名失败,可以通过以下方式设置主机名
- 使用设备名备注
- 在高级设置处配置从光猫获取
- 开启 MAC 设备数据库
默认使用 ping/arping 来主动探测设备在线状态,以对抗 Wi-Fi 休眠机制,主动探测较为耗时但可以获得较为精准的设备在线状态
- 如遇设备休眠频繁,请在高级设置处自行调整超时设置
- 如果不需要太过精准的设备在线信息,只需要其余功能,可以在高级设置中关闭主动探测
流量统计功能依赖 wrtbwmon ,需自行选装或编译,**该插件与 Routing/NAT 、Flow Offloading 、代理上网等插件冲突,开启后将会无法获取流量,请自行选择**
当 OpenWrt 系统或远程主机(PVE)未安装 lsblk 时,硬盘总容量信息可能与实际不一致
当 OpenWrt 系统或远程主机(PVE)未安装 smartctl 时,硬盘温度、通电时间、健康度等信息不可用
**关于 bug 提交:**
提交 bug 时请尽量带上以下信息
- 设备信息及插件版本号
- 执行 `/usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush` 后的提示信息
- 报错后的日志信息、`/tmp/wechatpush/` 目录下的文件信息
- `bash -x /usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush t1` 的详细运行信息
## 下载
| 支持的 OpenWrt 版本 | 下载地址 |
| :-------- | :----- |
| openwrt-19.07.0 ... latest | [![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
| openwrt-18.06 | [![Release v2.06.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v2.06.2-lightgrey.svg)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases/tag/v2.06.2)
## 捐赠
@ -1,81 +1,86 @@
# Introduction
[![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/total)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[中文文档](README.md) | [English](README_en.md)
A plugin for OpenWRT routers to send various information notifications to a mobile phone via WeChat or Telegram.
Supported services:
| Push application | Method | description |
| :-------- | :----- | :----- |
| WeChat | Server Chan | https://sct.ftqq.com/
| WeChat | PushPlus | http://www.pushplus.plus/
| WeChat | WxPusher | https://wxpusher.zjiecode.com/docs
| WeChat for Enterprise | Application Push | https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90135/90248
| Telegram | bot | https://t.me/BotFather
Limited resources are available. If you need services such as DingTalk push, Feishu push, Bark push, etc., please try another branch at https://github.com/zzsj0928/luci-app-pushbot, or use custom API settings.
## Main Features
- [x] Push notifications for changes in router IP and IPv6.
- [x] Push notifications for device online/offline status.
- [x] Device online list and traffic usage.
- [x] CPU load and temperature monitoring, PVE host temperature monitoring.
- [x] Periodic push notifications for router status.
- [x] Web and SSH login prompts for the router, automatic blacklist and port knocking.
- [x] Unattended tasks.
## Instructions
**Regarding Installation:**
The plugin requires dependencies on iputils-arping + curl + jq + bash. For routers with limited memory, please consider the installation carefully. **Before installing, please run the opkg update command to install dependencies during the installation process.**
Developed based on X86 OpenWrt v23.05.0, different systems and devices may encounter various issues. **If you encounter errors in temperature information retrieval, display errors, or other issues, please adapt accordingly.**
**Regarding Hostnames:**
For devices that do not declare hostnames, devices connected via optical modem dial-up, OpenWrt used as a bypass gateway, and other scenarios where hostname retrieval fails, you can set the hostname using the following methods:
- Use device name remarks.
- Configure to obtain the hostname from the optical modem in advanced settings.
- Enable MAC device database.
**Regarding Device Online Status:**
By default, ping/arping is used to actively detect device online status to counter Wi-Fi sleep mechanism. Active detection takes more time but provides more accurate device online status.
- If devices frequently go into sleep mode, please adjust the timeout settings in advanced settings.
- If you don't require highly precise device online information and only need other features, you can disable active detection in advanced settings.
**Regarding Traffic Statistics:**
Traffic statistics functionality depends on `wrtbwmon`. Please install or compile it yourself. **Enabling this plugin will conflict with Routing/NAT, Flow Offloading, proxy internet access, and other plugins, resulting in the inability to obtain traffic statistics. Please choose accordingly.**
**Regarding Bug Submissions:**
When submitting a bug, please provide the following information if possible:
- Device information and plugin version number.
- Prompt information after executing `/usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush`.
- Log information and file information in the `/tmp/wechatpush/` directory after encountering an error.
- Detailed execution information of `bash -x /usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush t1`.
## DownLoad
| Supported OpenWrt Versions | Download Link |
| :-------- | :----- |
| openwrt-19.07.0 ... latest | [![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
| openwrt-18.06 | [![Release v2.06.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v2.06.2-lightgrey.svg)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases/tag/v2.06.2)
## Donate
If you feel that this project is helpful to you, please donate to us so that the project can continue to develop and be more perfect.
# Introduction
[![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/total)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
[中文文档](README.md) | [English](README_en.md)
A plugin for OpenWRT routers to send various information notifications to a mobile phone via WeChat or Telegram.
Supported services:
| Push application | Method | description |
| :-------- | :----- | :----- |
| WeChat | Server Chan | https://sct.ftqq.com/
| WeChat | PushPlus | http://www.pushplus.plus/
| WeChat | WxPusher | https://wxpusher.zjiecode.com/docs
| WeChat for Enterprise | Application Push | https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90135/90248
| Telegram | bot | https://t.me/BotFather
Limited resources are available. If you need services such as DingTalk push, Feishu push, Bark push, etc., please try another branch at https://github.com/zzsj0928/luci-app-pushbot, or use custom API settings.
## Main Features
- [x] Push notifications for changes in router IP and IPv6.
- [x] Push notifications for device online/offline status.
- [x] Device online list and traffic usage.
- [x] CPU load and temperature monitoring, PVE host temperature monitoring.
- [x] Periodic push notifications for router status.
- [x] Web and SSH login prompts for the router, automatic blacklist and port knocking.
- [x] Unattended tasks.
## Instructions
**Regarding Installation:**
The plugin requires dependencies on iputils-arping + curl + jq + bash. For routers with limited memory, please consider the installation carefully. **Before installing, please run the opkg update command to install dependencies during the installation process.**
Developed based on X86 OpenWrt v23.05.0, different systems and devices may encounter various issues. **If you encounter errors in temperature information retrieval, display errors, or other issues, please adapt accordingly.**
**Regarding Hostnames:**
For devices that do not declare hostnames, devices connected via optical modem dial-up, OpenWrt used as a bypass gateway, and other scenarios where hostname retrieval fails, you can set the hostname using the following methods:
- Use device name remarks.
- Configure to obtain the hostname from the optical modem in advanced settings.
- Enable MAC device database.
**Regarding Device Online Status:**
By default, ping/arping is used to actively detect device online status to counter Wi-Fi sleep mechanism. Active detection takes more time but provides more accurate device online status.
- If devices frequently go into sleep mode, please adjust the timeout settings in advanced settings.
- If you don't require highly precise device online information and only need other features, you can disable active detection in advanced settings.
**Regarding Traffic Statistics:**
Traffic statistics functionality depends on `wrtbwmon`. Please install or compile it yourself. **Enabling this plugin will conflict with Routing/NAT, Flow Offloading, proxy internet access, and other plugins, resulting in the inability to obtain traffic statistics. Please choose accordingly.**
**About Hard Drive Information:**
When the OpenWrt system or remote host (PVE) does not have lsblk installed, the total hard drive capacity information may be inconsistent with the actual capacity.
When the OpenWrt system or remote host (PVE) does not have smartctl installed, information such as hard drive temperature, uptime, and health status will not be available.
**Regarding Bug Submissions:**
When submitting a bug, please provide the following information if possible:
- Device information and plugin version number.
- Prompt information after executing `/usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush`.
- Log information and file information in the `/tmp/wechatpush/` directory after encountering an error.
- Detailed execution information of `bash -x /usr/share/wechatpush/wechatpush t1`.
## DownLoad
| Supported OpenWrt Versions | Download Link |
| :-------- | :----- |
| openwrt-19.07.0 ... latest | [![Lastest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases)
| openwrt-18.06 | [![Release v2.06.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v2.06.2-lightgrey.svg)](https://github.com/tty228/luci-app-wechatpush/releases/tag/v2.06.2)
## Donate
If you feel that this project is helpful to you, please donate to us so that the project can continue to develop and be more perfect.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ return view.extend({
var _this = this;
return fs.exec(programPath, ['soc']).then(function (res) {
if (!res.stdout) {
throw new Error(_('Returned temperature value is empty'));
throw new Error(_('Returned value is empty'));
_this.description = res.stdout.trim();
return _this.map.reset();
@ -303,6 +303,22 @@ return view.extend({
o.description = _('Please enter the device MAC and device alias separated by a space, such as:<br/> XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX My Phone<br/> My PC<br />Please use the 「Save」 button in the text box.');
// 推送内容
o = s.taboption('content', form.Button, '_getip', _('Test IP acquisition command'), _('You may need to save the configuration before sending.'));
o.inputstyle = 'action';
o.onclick = function () {
var _this = this;
return fs.exec(programPath, ['getip']).then(function (res) {
if (!res.stdout) {
throw new Error(_('Returned value is empty'));
_this.description = res.stdout.trim();
return _this.map.reset();
}).catch(function (err) {
_this.description = _('Fetch failed:') + err.message;
return _this.map.reset();
o = s.taboption('content', cbiRichListValue, 'get_ipv4_mode', _('IPv4 Dynamic Notification'));
o.value('', _('Close'),
_(' '));
@ -275,6 +275,10 @@ msgstr "设备别名"
msgid "Please enter the device MAC and device alias separated by a space, such as:<br/> XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX My Phone<br/> My PC<br />Please use the 「Save」 button in the text box."
msgstr "请输入设备 MAC 和设备别名,用空格隔开,例如:<br/> XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 我的手机<br/> 我的电脑<br />文本框请使用「保存」按钮"
#: applications/luci-app-wechatpush/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/wechatpush/config.js:306
msgid "Test IP acquisition command"
msgstr "测试 IP 获取命令"
#: applications/luci-app-wechatpush/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/wechatpush/config.js:306
msgid "IPv4 Dynamic Notification"
msgstr "IPv4 变动通知"
@ -806,8 +810,9 @@ msgid "Test temperature command"
msgstr "测试温度命令"
#: applications/luci-app-wechatpush/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/wechatpush/advanced.js:82
msgid "Returned temperature value is empty"
msgstr "返回的温度值为空"
#: applications/luci-app-wechatpush/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/wechatpush/config.js:312
msgid "Returned value is empty"
msgstr "返回值为空"
#: applications/luci-app-wechatpush/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/wechatpush/advanced.js:87
msgid "Fetch failed:"
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ function cut_str {
[ ! "$2" ] && return
if [ $(length_str "$1") -le "$2" ]; then
echo "$1"
echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ function cut_str {
local text=$(echo -n "$1" | cut -d ' ' -f $max_column)
if [ $(length_str "$text") -le "$2" ]; then
echo "$text"
echo "$text" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ function cut_str {
temp_length=$(expr $temp_length - 1)
echo "$(echo -n "$1" | cut -c -$temp_length)"..
echo "$(echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | cut -c -$temp_length).."
@ -838,6 +838,11 @@ function ip_changes(){
[ "$get_ipv6_mode" -eq "1" ] && local IPv6=`getip wanipv6` && local IPv6_URL="网络接口"
[ "$get_ipv6_mode" -eq "2" ] && local IPv6=`getip hostipv6` && local IPv6_URL=`echo ${IPv6}|jq -r '.URL'` && local IPv6=`echo ${IPv6}|jq -r '.IP'`
if [ "$1" ] && [ $1 == "getip" ]; then
echo "IPv4:$IPv4<br/>地址:$(get_ip_attribution $IPv4)<br/>接口:$IPv4_URL<br/>IPv6:$IPv6<br/>地址:$(get_ip_attribution $IPv6)<br/>接口:$IPv6_URL"
# 存在临时文件
if [ -f ${dir}ip ]; then
local last_IPv4=$(cat "${dir}ip"|grep IPv4|awk '{print $2}'|grep -v "^$"|sort -u|head -n1)
@ -1112,7 +1117,9 @@ function get_disk() {
# 查询本地硬盘名
local_disk_names=($(lsblk | awk '$NF=="disk" {print $1}' | sort -u))
local_disk_names=($(lsblk 2>/dev/null | awk '$NF=="disk" {print $1}' | sort -u))
# 如未安装 lsblk,查找以 /dev/ 开头,但挂载点不是根目录 / 的设备,然后提取硬盘的名称(准确性较低)
[ -z "$local_disk_names" ] && local_disk_names=($(df -h 2>/dev/null | awk '$1 ~ /^\/dev/ {if ($NF ~ /^\/[a-zA-Z0-9]/) { sub("/dev/", "", $1); sub(/[0-9]+$/, "", $1); print $1 }}'))
local_disk_tags=($(for _ in "${local_disk_names[@]}"; do echo "local"; done))
# 查询远程硬盘名
@ -1140,8 +1147,8 @@ function get_disk() {
# 如果不能获取值,使用分区名重试(因为不清楚是 OpenWrt 的原因还是 smartctl 版本的原因,使用出错重试的方式)
eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -i -n standby "/dev/${tmp_name}" | grep -qE "$error_pattern" && {
tmp_name=$(df -h | awk "/^\\/dev\\/${tmp_name}/ {print \$1}" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | head -n1)
eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -i -n standby "/dev/${tmp_name}" 2>/dev/null | grep -qE "$error_pattern" && {
tmp_name=$(eval ${tmp_command} df -h | awk "/^\\/dev\\/${tmp_name}/ {print \$1}" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | head -n1)
[ -z "$tmp_name" ] && continue
@ -1149,18 +1156,18 @@ function get_disk() {
last_disk_time=$(date -r "${file_path}" +%s 2>/dev/null) || last_disk_time=0
if [ $(( $(date +%s) - $last_disk_time )) -gt 86000 ]; then
disk_info=$(eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -i -n standby "/dev/${tmp_name}")
disk_info=$(eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -i -n standby "/dev/${tmp_name}" 2>/dev/null)
echo "$disk_info" | grep -qE "$error_pattern" && {
} || \
echo "$disk_info" | grep -q "STANDBY" && {
echo "$disk_info" > "${file_path}"
} || \
eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -a -j /dev/${tmp_name} > ${file_path}
eval ${tmp_command} smartctl -a -j /dev/${tmp_name} 2>/dev/null> ${file_path}
# 硬盘状态
if [ -f "${file_path}" ] && ( ! cat "${file_path}" | grep -q -v "STANDBY" ); then
if [ -f "${file_path}" ] && [ -s "${file_path}" ] && ( ! cat "${file_path}" | grep -q -v "STANDBY" ); then
disk_name=$(awk '/Device Model/{print $NF}' "$file_path")
[[ -n $disk_name && $disk_name != null && $disk_name != 0 ]] && {
disk_name=$(cut_str "$disk_name" "20")
@ -1170,9 +1177,12 @@ function get_disk() {
elif [ -f "${file_path}" ]; then
# 硬盘名称
disk_name=$(jq -r .model_name ${file_path})
[ -z "$disk_name" ] && disk_name=$(cat /sys/block/"${all_disk_names[i]}"/device/model)
[[ -n $disk_name && $disk_name != null && $disk_name != 0 ]] && {
disk_name=$(cut_str "$disk_name" "20")
disk_name="${disk_name}_$(eval ${tmp_command} lsblk -o NAME,SIZE | awk "/^${all_disk_names[i]}/ {print \$NF}")"
disk_size=$(eval ${tmp_command} lsblk -o NAME,SIZE 2>/dev/null | awk "/^${all_disk_names[i]}/ {print \$NF}")
[ -z "$disk_size" ] && disk_size=$(eval ${tmp_command} df -h 2>/dev/null | awk -v tmp_disk_name="${all_disk_names[i]}" '$1 ~ "^/dev/"tmp_disk_name {print $2}')
printf "${str_linefeed}${str_title_start} 硬盘名称:${disk_name}${disk_type}${str_title_end}" >> "$output_dir/get_disk"
# 硬盘温度
@ -1182,7 +1192,8 @@ function get_disk() {
disk_time=$(jq -r .power_on_time.hours ${file_path})
[[ -n $disk_time && $disk_time != null ]] && printf "${str_linefeed}${str_tab}通电时间:${disk_time}h" >> "$output_dir/get_disk"
# 空间使用
disk_use=$(eval ${tmp_command} lsblk -o NAME,FSUSE%,TYPE | awk -v part_name="${all_disk_names[i]}" '$NF == "part" && $1 ~ part_name && NF > 2 {sub(".*" part_name, part_name, $1); printf "%s: %s ", $1, $2} END {print ""}')
disk_use=$(eval ${tmp_command} lsblk -o NAME,FSUSE%,TYPE 2>/dev/null | awk -v part_name="${all_disk_names[i]}" '$NF == "part" && $1 ~ part_name && NF > 2 {sub(".*" part_name, part_name, $1); printf "%s: %s ", $1, $2} END {print ""}')
[ -z "$disk_use" ] && disk_use=$(eval ${tmp_command} df -h 2>/dev/null | awk -v part_name="${all_disk_names[i]}" '$1 ~ "^/dev/"part_name && NF > 1 {sub("/dev/", "", $1); sub(/[0-9]+$/, "", $1); printf "%s: %s ", $1, $5} END {print ""}')
[ -n "$disk_use" ] && [ -n "${disk_use// }" ] && echo -e -n "${str_linefeed}${str_tab}空间使用:${disk_use}" >> "$output_dir/get_disk"
# 寿命使用
disk_health=$(jq -r .nvme_smart_health_information_log.percentage_used ${file_path})
@ -1211,10 +1222,10 @@ function get_disk() {
# 查询 IP 归属地
function get_ip_attribution(){
[ -f ${dir}ipAddress ] && ( cat ${dir}ipAddress|grep -q -w -i "$ip" ) && echo "本地网络" && return
[ -f ${dir}ipAddress ] && ( cat ${dir}ipAddress|grep -q -w -i "$ip" ) && echo "本地局域网" && return
ip_attribution_urls=$(cat /usr/share/wechatpush/api/ip_attribution.list)
while IFS= read -r ip_attribution_command; do
login_ip_attribution=$(eval "$ip_attribution_command" 2>/dev/null)
local login_ip_attribution=$(eval "$ip_attribution_command" 2>/dev/null)
[ "$login_ip_attribution" == "null" ] && unset login_ip_attribution
[ -n "$login_ip_attribution" ] && break
done <<< "$ip_attribution_urls"
@ -1249,7 +1260,7 @@ function login_send(){
[ -n "$log_only" ] && echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` ${login_time} 【info】设备 ${login_ip} 通过 Web ${login_mode} 登录了路由器 " >> ${logfile} && continue
login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
local login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
[ -n "$login_ip_attribution" ] && content_attribution="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}IP 归属地: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_ip_attribution}"
[ -n "$login_mode" ] && content_mode="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}登录方式: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_mode}"
if { [ -z "$login_disturb" ] || [ "$login_disturb" -ne "1" ]; }; then
@ -1282,7 +1293,7 @@ function login_send(){
[ -n "$log_only" ] && echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` ${login_time} 【info】设备 ${login_ip} 通过 SSH ${login_mode} 登录了路由器 " >> ${logfile} && continue
login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
local login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
[ -n "$login_ip_attribution" ] && content_attribution="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}IP 归属地: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_ip_attribution}"
[ ! -z "$login_mode" ] && content_mode="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}登录方式: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_mode}"
if { [ -z "$login_disturb" ] || [ "$login_disturb" -ne "1" ]; }; then
@ -1304,7 +1315,7 @@ function login_send(){
# Web 非法登录
[ -f ${dir}web_failed ] && for login_ip in `cat ${dir}web_failed | sort -u`; do
[ -z "$login_ip" ] && continue
login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
local login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
[ -n "$login_ip_attribution" ] && content_attribution="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}IP 归属地: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_ip_attribution}" || unset content_attribution
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` 【!!!】设备 ${login_ip} (${login_ip_attribution}) 通过 Web 频繁尝试登录" >> ${logfile}
[ -n "$login_disturb" ] && [ "$login_disturb" -eq "1" ] && continue
@ -1324,7 +1335,7 @@ function login_send(){
# SSH 非法登录
[ -f ${dir}ssh_failed ] && for login_ip in `cat ${dir}ssh_failed | sort -u`; do
[ -z "$login_ip" ] && continue
login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
local login_ip_attribution=$(get_ip_attribution ${login_ip})
[ -n "$login_ip_attribution" ] && content_attribution="${str_linefeed}${str_tab}IP 归属地: ${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${str_space}${login_ip_attribution}" || unset content_attribution
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` 【!!!】设备 ${login_ip} (${login_ip_attribution}) 通过 SSH 频繁尝试登录" >> ${logfile}
[ -n "$login_disturb" ] && [ "$login_disturb" -eq "1" ] && continue
@ -1598,7 +1609,7 @@ function send(){
send_content="${send_content}${str_linefeed}【${tmp_name}】 ${ip_total}${str_linefeed}${str_tab}${tmp_ip} 在线 ${time_online}"
done < "${dir}tmp_sort_file"
[ ! -z "$device_name" ] && send_title="【$device_name】${send_title}"
[ -z "$send_content" ] && send_content="${str_splitline}${str_title_start} 我遇到了一个难题${str_title_end}${str_linefeed}${str_tab}定时发送选项错误,你没有选择需要发送的项目,该怎 么办呢${str_splitline}"
[ "$send_disturb" -eq "0" ] && diy_send "${send_title}" "${send_content}" "${jsonpath}" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
@ -1612,6 +1623,12 @@ function send(){
if [ "$1" ] ;then
[ $1 == "soc" ] && get_config "soc_code" "server_host" "server_port"
[ $1 == "soc" ] && soc_temp && exit $?
[ $1 == "getip" ] && {
get_config "get_ipv4_mode" "ipv4_interface" "get_ipv6_mode" "ipv6_interface"
ipv4_urllist=`cat /usr/share/wechatpush/api/ipv4.list` 2>/dev/null
ipv6_urllist=`cat /usr/share/wechatpush/api/ipv6.list` 2>/dev/null
ip_changes getip && exit $?
[ $1 == "send" ] && send && exit $?
[ $1 == "test" ] && send test && exit $?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user