mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 11:36:47 +08:00
update 2024-11-16 20:36:29
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Thomas Heil <heil@terminal-consulting.de>, \
Christian Lachner <gladiac@gmail.com>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
outbound_type: [
['direct', _('DIRECT')],
['http', _('HTTP')],
['socks5', _('SOCKS5')],
['ss', _('Shadowsocks')],
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
['vmess', _('VMess')],
['vless', _('VLESS')],
['trojan', _('Trojan')],
['hysteria', _('Hysteria')],
//['hysteria', _('Hysteria')],
['hysteria2', _('Hysteria2')],
['tuic', _('TUIC')],
['wireguard', _('WireGuard')],
@ -652,6 +653,8 @@ return baseclass.extend({
return true;
validateAuthPassword: function(section_id, value) {
if (!value)
return true;
if (!value.match(/^[^:]+$/))
return _('Expecting: %s').format('[^:]+');
@ -703,6 +706,25 @@ return baseclass.extend({
return true;
validateShadowsocksPassword: function(self, encmode, section_id, value) {
var length = self.shadowsocks_cipher_length[encmode];
if (typeof length !== 'undefined') {
length = Math.ceil(length/3)*4;
if (encmode.match(/^2022-/)) {
if (value.length !== length || !value.match(/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=)?$/) || value[length-1] !== '=')
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('valid base64 key with %d characters').format(length));
} else {
if (length === 0 && !value)
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('non-empty value'));
if (length !== 0 && value.length !== length)
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('valid key length with %d characters').format(length));
} else
return true;
return true;
validateTimeDuration: function(section_id, value) {
if (!value)
return true;
@ -37,20 +37,672 @@ return view.extend({
ss.renderSectionAdd = L.bind(hm.renderSectionAdd, ss, prefmt, true);
ss.handleAdd = L.bind(hm.handleAdd, ss, prefmt);
so = ss.option(form.Value, 'label', _('Label'));
ss.tab('field_general', _('General fields'));
ss.tab('field_tls', _('TLS fields'));
ss.tab('field_transport', _('Transport fields'));
ss.tab('field_multiplex', _('Multiplex fields'));
ss.tab('field_dial', _('Dial fields'));
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'label', _('Label'));
so.load = L.bind(hm.loadDefaultLabel, so);
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateUniqueValue, so);
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.option(form.Flag, 'enabled', _('Enable'));
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'enabled', _('Enable'));
so.default = so.enabled;
so.editable = true;
so = ss.option(form.ListValue, 'type', _('Type'));
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'type', _('Type'));
so.default = hm.outbound_type[0][0];
hm.outbound_type.forEach((res) => {
so.value.apply(so, res);
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'server', _('Server address'));
so.datatype = 'host';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({type: 'direct', '!reverse': true});
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'port', _('Port'));
so.datatype = 'port';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({type: 'direct', '!reverse': true});
/* HTTP / SOCKS fields */
/* hm.validateAuth */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'username', _('Username'));
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateAuthUsername, so);
so.depends({type: /^(http|socks5|ssh)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'password', _('Password'));
so.password = true;
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateAuthPassword, so);
so.depends({type: /^(http|socks5|trojan|hysteria2|tuic|ssh)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.TextValue, 'headers', _('HTTP header'));
so.renderWidget = function(/* ... */) {
var frameEl = form.TextValue.prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, arguments);
frameEl.firstChild.style.fontFamily = hm.monospacefonts.join(',');
return frameEl;
so.placeholder = '{\n "User-Agent": [\n "Clash/v1.18.0",\n "mihomo/1.18.3"\n ],\n "Authorization": [\n //"token 1231231"\n ]\n}';
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateJson, so);
so.depends('type', 'http');
so.modalonly = true;
/* Hysteria / Hysteria2 fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.DynamicList, 'hysteria_ports', _('Ports pool'));
so.datatype = 'or(port, portrange)';
so.depends({type: /^(hysteria|hysteria2)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'hysteria_up_mbps', _('Max upload speed'),
_('In Mbps.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.depends({type: /^(hysteria|hysteria2)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'hysteria_down_mbps', _('Max download speed'),
_('In Mbps.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.depends({type: /^(hysteria|hysteria2)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'hysteria_obfs_type', _('Obfuscate type'));
so.value('', _('Disable'));
so.value('salamander', _('Salamander'));
so.depends('type', 'hysteria2');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'hysteria_obfs_password', _('Obfuscate password'),
_('Enabling obfuscation will make the server incompatible with standard QUIC connections, losing the ability to masquerade with HTTP/3.'));
so.password = true;
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends('type', 'hysteria');
so.depends({type: 'hysteria2', hysteria_obfs_type: /.+/});
so.modalonly = true;
/* SSH fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.TextValue, 'ssh_priv_key', _('Priv-key'));
so.depends('type', 'ssh');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'ssh_priv_key_passphrase', _('Priv-key passphrase'));
so.password = true;
so.depends({type: 'ssh', ssh_priv_key: /.+/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.DynamicList, 'ssh_host_key_algorithms', _('Host-key algorithms'));
so.placeholder = 'rsa';
so.depends('type', 'ssh');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.DynamicList, 'ssh_host_key', _('Host-key'));
so.placeholder = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA...';
so.depends({type: 'ssh', ssh_host_key_algorithms: /.+/});
so.modalonly = true;
/* Shadowsocks fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'shadowsocks_chipher', _('Chipher'));
so.default = hm.shadowsocks_cipher_methods[1][0];
hm.shadowsocks_cipher_methods.forEach((res) => {
so.value.apply(so, res);
so.depends('type', 'ss');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'shadowsocks_password', _('Password'));
so.password = true;
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
var encmode = this.section.getOption('shadowsocks_chipher').formvalue(section_id);
return hm.validateShadowsocksPassword.call(this, hm, encmode, section_id, value);
so.depends({type: 'ss', shadowsocks_chipher: /.+/});
so.modalonly = true;
/* Snell fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'snell_psk', _('Pre-shared key'));
so.password = true;
so.rmempty = false;
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateAuthPassword, so);
so.depends('type', 'snell');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'snell_version', _('Version'));
so.value('1', _('v1'));
so.value('2', _('v2'));
so.value('3', _('v3'));
so.default = '3';
so.depends('type', 'snell');
so.modalonly = true;
/* TUIC fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'uuid', _('UUID'));
so.rmempty = false;
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateUUID, so);
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'tuic_ip', _('IP override'),
_('Override the IP address of the server that DNS response.'));
so.datatype = 'ipaddr(1)';
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'tuic_congestion_controller', _('Congestion controller'),
_('QUIC congestion controller.'));
so.default = 'cubic';
so.value('cubic', _('cubic'));
so.value('new_reno', _('new_reno'));
so.value('bbr', _('bbr'));
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'tuic_udp_relay_mode', _('UDP relay mode'),
_('UDP packet relay mode.'));
so.value('', _('Default'));
so.value('native', _('Native'));
so.value('quic', _('QUIC'));
so.depends({type: 'tuic', tuic_udp_over_stream: '0'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'tuic_udp_over_stream', _('UDP over stream'),
_('This is the TUIC port of the SUoT protocol, designed to provide a QUIC stream based UDP relay mode that TUIC does not provide.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'tuic_udp_over_stream_version', _('UDP over stream version'));
so.value('1', _('v1'));
so.depends({type: 'tuic', tuic_udp_over_stream: '1'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'tuic_max_udp_relay_packet_size', _('Max UDP relay packet size'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '1500';
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'tuic_reduce_rtt', _('Enable 0-RTT handshake'),
_('Enable 0-RTT QUIC connection handshake on the client side. This is not impacting much on the performance, as the protocol is fully multiplexed.<br/>' +
'Disabling this is highly recommended, as it is vulnerable to replay attacks.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'tuic_heartbeat', _('Heartbeat interval'),
_('In millisecond.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '10000';
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'tuic_request_timeout', _('Request timeout'),
_('In millisecond.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '8000';
so.depends('type', 'tuic');
so.modalonly = true;
/* Trojan fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'trojan_ss_enabled', _('Shadowsocks encrypt'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('type', 'trojan');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'trojan_ss_chipher', _('Shadowsocks chipher'));
so.value('aes-128-gcm', _('aes-128-gcm'));
so.value('aes-256-gcm', _('aes-256-gcm'));
so.value('chacha20-ietf-poly1305', _('chacha20-ietf-poly1305'));
so.depends({type: 'trojan', trojan_ss_enabled: '1'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'trojan_ss_password', _('Shadowsocks password'));
so.password = true;
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
var encmode = this.section.getOption('trojan_ss_chipher').formvalue(section_id);
return hm.validateShadowsocksPassword.call(this, hm, encmode, section_id, value);
so.depends({type: 'trojan', trojan_ss_enabled: '1'});
so.modalonly = true;
/* VMess / VLESS fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'vmess_uuid', _('UUID'));
so.rmempty = false;
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateUUID, so);
so.depends({type: /^(vmess|vless)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'vless_flow', _('Flow'));
so.value('', _('None'));
so.depends('type', 'vless');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'vmess_alterid', _('Alter ID'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.default = '0';
so.depends('type', 'vmess');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'vmess_chipher', _('Chipher'));
so.default = 'auto';
so.value('auto', _('auto'));
so.value('none', _('none'));
so.value('zero', _('zero'));
so.value('aes-128-gcm', _('aes-128-gcm'));
so.value('chacha20-poly1305', _('chacha20-poly1305'));
so.depends('type', 'vmess');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'vmess_global_padding', _('Global padding'),
_('Protocol parameter. Will waste traffic randomly if enabled (enabled by default in v2ray and cannot be disabled).'));
so.default = so.enabled;
so.depends('type', 'vmess');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'vmess_authenticated_length', _('Authenticated length'),
_('Protocol parameter. Enable length block encryption.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('type', 'vmess');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'vmess_packet_encoding', _('Packet encoding'));
so.value('', _('none'));
so.value('packetaddr', _('packet addr (v2ray-core v5+)'));
so.value('xudp', _('Xudp (Xray-core)'));
so.depends({type: /^(vmess|vless)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
/* Plugin fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'plugin', _('Plugin'));
so.value('', _('none'));
so.value('obfs', _('obfs-simple'));
//so.value('v2ray-plugin', _('v2ray-plugin'));
so.value('shadow-tls', _('shadow-tls'));
so.value('restls', _('restls'));
so.depends('type', 'ss');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'plugin_opts_obfsmode', _('Plugin: ') + _('Obfs Mode'));
so.value('http', _('HTTP'));
so.value('tls', _('TLS'));
so.depends('plugin', 'obfs');
so.depends('type', 'snell');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'plugin_opts_host', _('Plugin: ') + _('Host that supports TLS 1.3'));
so.placeholder = 'cloud.tencent.com';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({plugin: /^(obfs|v2ray-plugin|shadow-tls|restls)$/});
so.depends('type', 'snell');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'plugin_opts_thetlspassword', _('Plugin: ') + _('Password'));
so.password = true;
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({plugin: /^(shadow-tls|restls)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'plugin_opts_shadowtls_version', _('Plugin: ') + _('Version'));
so.value('1', _('v1'));
so.value('2', _('v2'));
so.value('3', _('v3'));
so.default = '2';
so.depends({plugin: 'shadow-tls'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'plugin_opts_restls_versionhint', _('Plugin: ') + _('Version hint'));
so.default = 'tls13';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({plugin: 'restls'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Value, 'plugin_opts_restls_script', _('Plugin: ') + _('Restls script'));
so.default = '300?100<1,400~100,350~100,600~100,300~200,300~100';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({plugin: 'restls'});
so.modalonly = true;
/* Extra fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'udp', _('UDP'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({type: /^(direct|socks5|ss|vmess|vless|trojan|wireguard)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'uot', _('UoT'),
_('Enable the SUoT protocol, requires server support. Conflict with Multiplex.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('type', 'ss');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.ListValue, 'uot_version', _('SUoT version'));
so.value('1', _('v1'));
so.value('2', _('v2'));
so.default = '2';
so.depends('uot', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
/* TLS fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'tls', _('TLS'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
var type = this.section.getOption('type').formvalue(section_id);
var tls = this.section.getUIElement(section_id, 'tls').node.querySelector('input');
var tls_alpn = this.section.getUIElement(section_id, 'tls_alpn');
// Force enabled
if (['trojan', 'hysteria', 'hysteria2', 'tuic'].includes(type)) {
tls.checked = true;
tls.disabled = true;
} else {
tls.disabled = null;
// Default alpn
if (!`${tls_alpn.getValue()}`) {
let def_alpn;
switch (type) {
case 'hysteria':
case 'hysteria2':
case 'tuic':
def_alpn = ['h3'];
case 'vmess':
case 'vless':
case 'trojan':
def_alpn = ['h2', 'http/1.1'];
def_alpn = [];
return true;
so.depends({type: /^(http|socks5|vmess|vless|trojan|hysteria|hysteria2|tuic)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Flag, 'tls_disable_sni', _('Disable SNI'),
_('Donot send server name in ClientHello.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(tuic)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Value, 'tls_sni', _('TLS SNI'),
_('Used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates.'));
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(http|vmess|vless|trojan|hysteria|hysteria2)$/});
so.depends({tls: '1', tls_disable_sni: '0', type: /^(tuic)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.DynamicList, 'tls_alpn', _('TLS ALPN'),
_('List of supported application level protocols, in order of preference.'));
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(vmess|vless|trojan|hysteria|hysteria2|tuic)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Value, 'tls_fingerprint', _('Cert fingerprint'),
_('Certificate fingerprint. Used to implement SSL Pinning and prevent MitM.'));
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
if (!value)
return true;
if (!((value.length === 64) && (value.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/))))
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('valid SHA256 string with %d characters').format(64));
return true;
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(http|socks5|vmess|vless|trojan|hysteria|hysteria2)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Flag, 'tls_skip_cert_verify', _('Skip cert verify'),
_('Donot verifying server certificate.') +
'<br/>' +
_('This is <strong>DANGEROUS</strong>, your traffic is almost like <strong>PLAIN TEXT</strong>! Use at your own risk!'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(http|socks5|vmess|vless|trojan|hysteria|hysteria2|tuic)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
// uTLS fields
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.ListValue, 'tls_client_fingerprint', _('Client fingerprint'));
so.default = hm.tls_client_fingerprints[0][0];
hm.tls_client_fingerprints.forEach((res) => {
so.value.apply(so, res);
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(vmess|vless|trojan)$/});
so.depends({type: 'ss', plugin: /^(shadow-tls|restls)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Flag, 'tls_reality', _('REALITY'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({tls: '1', type: /^(vmess|vless|trojan)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Value, 'tls_reality_public_key', _('REALITY public key'));
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends('tls_reality', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_tls', form.Value, 'tls_reality_short_id', _('REALITY short ID'));
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends('tls_reality', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
/* Transport fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'transport_enabled', _('Transport'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({type: /^(vmess|vless|trojan)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.ListValue, 'transport_type', _('Transport type'));
so.default = 'http';
so.value('http', _('HTTP'));
so.value('h2', _('HTTPUpgrade'));
so.value('grpc', _('gRPC'));
so.value('ws', _('WebSocket'));
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
var type = this.section.getOption('type').formvalue(section_id);
switch (type) {
case 'vmess':
case 'vless':
if (!['http', 'h2', 'grpc', 'ws'].includes(value))
return _('Expecting: only support %s.').format(_('HTTP') +
' / ' + _('HTTPUpgrade') +
' / ' + _('gRPC') +
' / ' + _('WebSocket'));
case 'trojan':
if (!['grpc', 'ws'].includes(value))
return _('Expecting: only support %s.').format(_('gRPC') +
' / ' + _('WebSocket'));
return true;
so.depends('transport_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.DynamicList, 'transport_hosts', _('Server hostname'));
so.datatype = 'list(hostname)';
so.placeholder = 'example.com';
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'h2'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Value, 'transport_http_method', _('HTTP request method'));
so.value('GET', _('GET'));
so.value('POST', _('POST'));
so.value('PUT', _('PUT'));
so.default = 'GET';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'http'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.DynamicList, 'transport_paths', _('Request path'));
so.placeholder = '/video';
so.default = '/';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'http'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Value, 'transport_path', _('Request path'));
so.placeholder = '/';
so.default = '/';
so.rmempty = false;
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: /^(h2|ws)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.TextValue, 'transport_http_headers', _('HTTP header'));
so.renderWidget = function(/* ... */) {
var frameEl = form.TextValue.prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, arguments);
frameEl.firstChild.style.fontFamily = hm.monospacefonts.join(',');
return frameEl;
so.placeholder = '{\n "Host": "example.com",\n "Connection": [\n "keep-alive"\n ]\n}';
so.validate = L.bind(hm.validateJson, so);
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: /^(http|ws)$/});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Value, 'transport_grpc_servicename', _('gRPC service name'));
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'grpc'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Value, 'transport_ws_max_early_data', _('Max Early Data'),
_('Early Data first packet length limit.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'ws'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Value, 'transport_ws_early_data_header', _('Early Data header name'));
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'ws'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Flag, 'transport_ws_v2ray_http_upgrade', _('V2ray HTTPUpgrade'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'ws'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_transport', form.Flag, 'transport_ws_v2ray_http_upgrade_fast_open', _('V2ray HTTPUpgrade fast open'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({transport_enabled: '1', transport_type: 'ws', transport_ws_v2ray_http_upgrade: '1'});
so.modalonly = true;
/* Multiplex fields */ // TCP protocol only
so = ss.taboption('field_general', form.Flag, 'smux_enabled', _('Multiplex'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends({type: /^(vmess|vless|trojan)$/});
so.depends({type: 'ss', uot: '0'});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.ListValue, 'smux_protocol', _('Protocol'));
so.default = 'h2mux';
so.value('smux', _('smux'));
so.value('yamux', _('yamux'));
so.value('h2mux', _('h2mux'));
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Value, 'smux_max_connections', _('Maximum connections'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '4';
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Value, 'smux_min_streams', _('Minimum streams'),
_('Minimum multiplexed streams in a connection before opening a new connection.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '4';
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Value, 'smux_max_streams', _('Maximum streams'),
_('Maximum multiplexed streams in a connection before opening a new connection.<br/>' +
'Conflict with <code>%s</code> and <code>%s</code>.')
.format(_('Maximum connections'), _('Minimum streams')));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.placeholder = '0';
so.depends({smux_enabled: '1', smux_max_connections: '', smux_min_streams: ''});
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Flag, 'smux_padding', _('Enable padding'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Flag, 'smux_only_tcp', _('TCP only'),
_('Enable multiplexing only for TCP.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Flag, 'smux_statistic', _('Enable statistic'),
_('Show connections in the dashboard for breaking connections easier.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Flag, 'smux_brutal', _('Enable TCP Brutal'),
_('Enable TCP Brutal congestion control algorithm'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.depends('smux_enabled', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Value, 'smux_brutal_up', _('Upload bandwidth'),
_('Upload bandwidth in Mbps.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.depends('smux_brutal', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_multiplex', form.Value, 'smux_brutal_down', _('Download bandwidth'),
_('Download bandwidth in Mbps.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.depends('smux_brutal', '1');
so.modalonly = true;
/* Dial fields */
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', form.Flag, 'tfo', _('TFO'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', form.Flag, 'mptcp', _('mpTCP'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.modalonly = true;
// dev: Features under development
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', form.Value, 'dialer_proxy', _('dialer-proxy'));
so.readonly = true;
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'interface_name', _('Bind interface'),
_('Bind outbound interface.</br>') +
_('Priority: Proxy Node > Proxy Group > Global.'));
so.multiple = false;
so.noaliases = true;
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', form.Value, 'routing_mark', _('Routing mark'),
_('Priority: Proxy Node > Proxy Group > Global.'));
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_dial', form.ListValue, 'ip_version', _('IP version'));
so.default = hm.ip_version[0][0];
hm.ip_version.forEach((res) => {
so.value.apply(so, res);
so.modalonly = true;
/* Proxy Node END */
/* Provider START */
@ -210,7 +862,8 @@ return view.extend({
so.default = so.enabled;
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.Flag, 'override_uot', _('UoT'));
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.Flag, 'override_uot', _('UoT'),
_('Enable the SUoT protocol, requires server support. Conflict with Multiplex.'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.modalonly = true;
@ -224,7 +877,10 @@ return view.extend({
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.Flag, 'override_skip_cert_verify', _('skip-cert-verify'));
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.Flag, 'override_skip_cert_verify', _('Skip cert verify'),
_('Donot verifying server certificate.') +
'<br/>' +
_('This is <strong>DANGEROUS</strong>, your traffic is almost like <strong>PLAIN TEXT</strong>! Use at your own risk!'));
so.default = so.disabled;
so.modalonly = true;
@ -245,7 +901,7 @@ return view.extend({
so.datatype = 'uinteger';
so.modalonly = true;
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.ListValue, 'override_ip_version', _('ip-version'));
so = ss.taboption('field_override', form.ListValue, 'override_ip_version', _('IP version'));
so.default = hm.ip_version[0][0];
hm.ip_version.forEach((res) => {
so.value.apply(so, res);
@ -148,8 +148,6 @@ return view.extend({
return node;
o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
o.validate = L.bind(hm.validateAuthPassword, o);
o.rmempty = false;
o.depends({type: /^(http|socks|mixed|hysteria2)$/, username: /.+/});
@ -229,21 +227,8 @@ return view.extend({
return node;
o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
var encmode = this.section.getOption('shadowsocks_chipher').formvalue(section_id);
var length = hm.shadowsocks_cipher_length[encmode];
if (length) {
length = Math.ceil(length/3)*4;
if (encmode.match(/^2022-/)) {
if (value.length !== length || !value.match(/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=)?$/) || value[length-1] !== '=')
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('valid base64 key with %d characters').format(length));
} else {
if (length !== 0 && value.length !== length)
return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('valid key length with %d characters').format(length));
} else
return true;
return true;
var encmode = this.section.getOption('shadowsocks_chipher').formvalue(section_id);
return hm.validateShadowsocksPassword.call(this, hm, encmode, section_id, value);
o.depends({type: 'shadowsocks', shadowsocks_chipher: /.+/});
o.modalonly = true;
@ -275,6 +260,12 @@ return view.extend({
o.depends('type', 'tuic');
o.modalonly = true;
o = s.option(form.Value, 'tuic_max_udp_relay_packet_size', _('Max UDP relay packet size'));
o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o.default = '1500';
o.depends('type', 'tuic');
o.modalonly = true;
o = s.option(form.Value, 'tuic_max_idle_time', _('Idle timeout'),
_('In seconds.'));
o.default = '15000';
@ -289,12 +280,6 @@ return view.extend({
o.depends('type', 'tuic');
o.modalonly = true;
o = s.option(form.Value, 'tuic_max_udp_relay_packet_size', _('Max UDP relay packet size'));
o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o.default = '1500';
o.depends('type', 'tuic');
o.modalonly = true;
/* VMess fields */
o = s.option(form.Value, 'vmess_uuid', _('UUID'));
o.renderWidget = function() {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { urldecode, urlencode } from 'luci.http';
import {
isEmpty, strToBool, strToInt, durationToSecond,
arrToObj, removeBlankAttrs,
} from 'fchomo';
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ const ucisniff = 'sniff',
ucidnser = 'dns_server',
ucidnspoli = 'dns_policy',
ucipgrp = 'proxy_group',
ucinode = 'node',
uciprov = 'provider',
ucirule = 'ruleset',
ucirout = 'rules',
@ -419,6 +420,156 @@ config.proxies = [
type: 'dns'
uci.foreach(uciconf, ucinode, (cfg) => {
if (cfg.enabled === '0')
return null;
push(config.proxies, {
name: cfg.label,
type: cfg.type,
server: cfg.server,
port: strToInt(cfg.port),
/* Dial fields */
tfo: strToBool(cfg.tfo),
mptcp: strToBool(cfg.mptcp),
// dev: Features under development
["dialer-proxy"]: null, //cfg.dialer_proxy,
["interface-name"]: cfg.interface_name,
["routing-mark"]: strToInt(cfg.routing_mark),
["ip-version"]: cfg.ip_version,
/* HTTP / SOCKS / Shadowsocks / VMess / VLESS / Trojan / hysteria2 / TUIC / SSH */
username: cfg.username,
uuid: cfg.vmess_uuid || cfg.uuid,
cipher: cfg.vmess_chipher || cfg.shadowsocks_chipher,
password: cfg.shadowsocks_password || cfg.password,
headers: cfg.headers ? json(cfg.headers) : null,
/* Hysteria / Hysteria2 */
ports: isEmpty(cfg.hysteria_ports) ? null : join(',', cfg.hysteria_ports),
up: cfg.hysteria_up_mbps ? cfg.hysteria_up_mbps + ' Mbps' : null,
down: cfg.hysteria_down_mbps ? cfg.hysteria_down_mbps + ' Mbps' : null,
obfs: cfg.hysteria_obfs_type,
["obfs-password"]: cfg.hysteria_obfs_password,
/* SSH */
["private-key"]: cfg.ssh_priv_key,
["private-key-passphrase"]: cfg.ssh_priv_key_passphrase,
["host-key-algorithms"]: cfg.ssh_host_key_algorithms,
["host-key"]: cfg.ssh_host_key,
/* Shadowsocks */
/* Snell */
psk: cfg.snell_psk,
version: cfg.snell_version,
["obfs-opts"]: cfg.type === 'snell' ? {
mode: cfg.plugin_opts_obfsmode,
host: cfg.plugin_opts_host,
} : null,
/* TUIC */
ip: cfg.tuic_ip,
["congestion-controller"]: cfg.tuic_congestion_controller,
["udp-relay-mode"]: cfg.tuic_udp_relay_mode,
["udp-over-stream"]: strToBool(cfg.tuic_udp_over_stream),
["udp-over-stream-version"]: cfg.tuic_udp_over_stream_version,
["max-udp-relay-packet-size"]: strToInt(cfg.tuic_max_udp_relay_packet_size),
["reduce-rtt"]: strToBool(cfg.tuic_reduce_rtt),
["heartbeat-interval"]: strToInt(cfg.tuic_heartbeat),
["request-timeout"]: strToInt(cfg.tuic_request_timeout),
// fast-open: true
// max-open-streams: 20
/* Trojan */
["ss-opts"]: cfg.trojan_ss_enabled === '1' ? {
enabled: true,
method: cfg.trojan_ss_chipher,
password: cfg.trojan_ss_password
}: null,
/* VMess / VLESS */
flow: cfg.vless_flow,
alterId: strToInt(cfg.vmess_alterid),
["global-padding"]: cfg.type === 'vmess' ? (cfg.vmess_global_padding === '0' ? false : true) : null,
["authenticated-length"]: strToBool(cfg.vmess_authenticated_length),
["packet-encoding"]: cfg.vmess_packet_encoding,
/* Plugin fields */
plugin: cfg.plugin,
["plugin-opts"]: cfg.plugin ? {
mode: cfg.plugin_opts_obfsmode,
host: cfg.plugin_opts_host,
password: cfg.plugin_opts_thetlspassword,
version: cfg.plugin_opts_shadowtls_version,
["version-hint"]: cfg.plugin_opts_restls_versionhint,
["restls-script"]: cfg.plugin_opts_restls_script
} : null,
/* Extra fields */
udp: strToBool(cfg.udp),
["udp-over-tcp"]: strToBool(cfg.uot),
["udp-over-tcp-version"]: cfg.uot_version,
/* TLS fields */
tls: (cfg.type in ['trojan', 'hysteria', 'hysteria2', 'tuic']) ? null : strToBool(cfg.tls),
["disable-sni"]: strToBool(cfg.tls_disable_sni),
...arrToObj([[(cfg.type in ['vmess', 'vless']) ? 'servername' : 'sni', cfg.tls_sni]]),
fingerprint: cfg.tls_fingerprint,
alpn: cfg.tls_alpn, // Array
["skip-cert-verify"]: strToBool(cfg.tls_skip_cert_verify),
["client-fingerprint"]: cfg.tls_client_fingerprint,
["reality-opts"]: cfg.tls_reality === '1' ? {
["public-key"]: cfg.tls_reality_public_key,
["short-id"]: cfg.tls_reality_short_id
} : null,
/* Transport fields */
// https://github.com/muink/mihomo/blob/3e966e82c793ca99e3badc84bf3f2907b100edae/adapter/outbound/vmess.go#L74
...(cfg.transport_enabled === '1' ? {
network: cfg.transport_type,
["http-opts"]: cfg.transport_type === 'http' ? {
method: cfg.transport_http_method,
path: isEmpty(cfg.transport_paths) ? ['/'] : cfg.transport_paths, // Array
headers: cfg.transport_http_headers ? json(cfg.transport_http_headers) : null,
} : null,
["h2-opts"]: cfg.transport_type === 'h2' ? {
host: cfg.transport_hosts, // Array
path: cfg.transport_path || '/',
} : null,
["grpc-opts"]: cfg.transport_type === 'grpc' ? {
["grpc-service-name"]: cfg.transport_grpc_servicename
} : null,
["ws-opts"]: cfg.transport_type === 'ws' ? {
path: cfg.transport_path || '/',
headers: cfg.transport_http_headers ? json(cfg.transport_http_headers) : null,
["max-early-data"]: strToInt(cfg.transport_ws_max_early_data),
["early-data-header-name"]: cfg.transport_ws_early_data_header,
["v2ray-http-upgrade"]: strToBool(cfg.transport_ws_v2ray_http_upgrade),
["v2ray-http-upgrade-fast-open"]: strToBool(cfg.transport_ws_v2ray_http_upgrade_fast_open)
} : null
} : {}),
/* Multiplex fields */
smux: cfg.smux_enabled === '1' ? {
enabled: true,
protocol: cfg.smux_protocol,
["max-connections"]: strToInt(cfg.smux_max_connections),
["min-streams"]: strToInt(cfg.smux_min_streams),
["max-streams"]: strToInt(cfg.smux_max_streams),
statistic: strToBool(cfg.smux_statistic),
["only-tcp"]: strToBool(cfg.smux_only_tcp),
padding: strToBool(cfg.smux_padding),
["brutal-opts"]: cfg.smux_brutal === '1' ? {
enabled: true,
up: strToInt(cfg.smux_brutal_up), // Mbps
down: strToInt(cfg.smux_brutal_down) // Mbps
} : null
} : null
/* Proxy Node END */
/* Proxy Group START */
@ -22,30 +22,23 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
local result = nil
if node and node ~= "nil" then
local node_id = node[".name"]
if tag == nil then
tag = node_id
local node_remarks = node.remarks
local proxy = 0
local proxy_tag = "nil"
local proxy_tag = nil
if proxy_table ~= nil and type(proxy_table) == "table" then
proxy = proxy_table.proxy or 0
proxy_tag = proxy_table.tag or "nil"
if node.type == "sing-box" then
proxy = 0
if proxy_tag ~= "nil" then
node.detour = proxy_tag
proxy_tag = proxy_table.tag or nil
if node.type ~= "sing-box" then
local config_tag = tag
if config_tag == nil then
config_tag = node_id
local relay_port = node.port
new_port = get_new_port()
local config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s.json", flag, tag, new_port)
if tag and node_id and tag ~= node_id then
config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s_%s.json", flag, tag, node_id, new_port)
local config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s.json", flag, config_tag, new_port)
if config_tag and node_id and config_tag ~= node_id then
config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s_%s.json", flag, config_tag, node_id, new_port)
sys.call(string.format('/usr/share/%s/app.sh run_socks "%s"> /dev/null',
@ -55,7 +48,7 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
"", --bind
new_port, --socks port
config_file, --config file
(proxy == 1 and relay_port) and tostring(relay_port) or "" --relay port
(proxy_tag and proxy_tag ~= "nil" and relay_port) and tostring(relay_port) or "" --relay port
@ -64,11 +57,19 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
address = "",
port = new_port
if proxy_tag and proxy_tag ~= "nil" then
node.detour = proxy_tag
if tag == nil then
tag = node_id .. "_" .. node_remarks
result = {
_flag_tag = node_id,
_flag_proxy = proxy,
_id = node_id,
_flag = flag,
_flag_proxy_tag = proxy_tag,
tag = tag,
type = node.protocol,
@ -778,6 +779,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
local dns = nil
local inbounds = {}
local outbounds = {}
local COMMON = {}
local singbox_settings = uci:get_all(appname, "@global_singbox[0]") or {}
@ -797,7 +799,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
local experimental = nil
local default_outTag = nil
if node_id then
local node = uci:get_all(appname, node_id)
if node then
@ -1000,7 +1001,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
local proxy = preproxy_enabled and node[rule_name .. "_proxy_tag"] == preproxy_tag and _node_id ~= preproxy_node_id
local copied_outbound
for index, value in ipairs(outbounds) do
if value["_flag_tag"] == _node_id and value["_flag_proxy_tag"] == preproxy_tag then
if value["_id"] == _node_id and value["_flag_proxy_tag"] == preproxy_tag then
copied_outbound = api.clone(value)
@ -1036,23 +1037,23 @@ function gen_config(var)
local _outbound = gen_outbound(flag, _node, rule_name, { proxy = proxy and 1 or 0, tag = proxy and preproxy_tag or nil })
local outbound_tag = rule_name .. ":" .. _node.remarks
local _outbound = gen_outbound(flag, _node, outbound_tag, { tag = proxy and preproxy_tag or nil })
if _outbound then
set_outbound_detour(_node, _outbound, outbounds, rule_name)
rule_outboundTag = set_outbound_detour(_node, _outbound, outbounds, outbound_tag)
table.insert(outbounds, _outbound)
rule_outboundTag = rule_name
elseif _node.protocol == "_iface" then
if _node.iface then
local _outbound = {
type = "direct",
tag = rule_name,
tag = rule_name .. ":" .. _node.remarks,
bind_interface = _node.iface,
routing_mark = 255,
table.insert(outbounds, _outbound)
rule_outboundTag = rule_name
rule_outboundTag = _outbound.tag
sys.call("touch /tmp/etc/passwall/iface/" .. _node.iface)
@ -1211,8 +1212,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
if default_outboundTag then
route.final = default_outboundTag
default_outTag = default_outboundTag
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = default_outboundTag
for index, value in ipairs(rules) do
@ -1222,25 +1222,27 @@ function gen_config(var)
if node.iface then
local outbound = {
type = "direct",
tag = node_id,
tag = node.remarks or node_id,
bind_interface = node.iface,
routing_mark = 255,
table.insert(outbounds, outbound)
default_outTag = outbound.tag
route.final = default_outTag
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = outbound.tag
sys.call("touch /tmp/etc/passwall/iface/" .. node.iface)
local outbound = gen_outbound(flag, node)
if outbound then
default_outTag = set_outbound_detour(node, outbound, outbounds)
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = set_outbound_detour(node, outbound, outbounds)
table.insert(outbounds, outbound)
route.final = default_outTag
if COMMON.default_outbound_tag then
route.final = COMMON.default_outbound_tag
if dns_listen_port then
dns = {
servers = {},
@ -1265,6 +1267,8 @@ function gen_config(var)
server = dns_socks_address,
server_port = tonumber(dns_socks_port)
default_outTag = COMMON.default_outbound_tag
local remote_strategy = "prefer_ipv6"
@ -1406,7 +1410,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
if value.outboundTag ~= "block" and value.outboundTag ~= "direct" then
dns_rule.server = "remote"
if value.outboundTag ~= "default" and remote_server.address then
if value.outboundTag ~= COMMON.default_outbound_tag and remote_server.address then
local remote_dns_server = api.clone(remote_server)
remote_dns_server.tag = value.outboundTag
remote_dns_server.detour = value.outboundTag
@ -50,44 +50,31 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
local result = nil
if node and node ~= "nil" then
local node_id = node[".name"]
if tag == nil then
tag = node_id
local node_remarks = node.remarks
local proxy = 0
local proxy_tag = "nil"
local proxy_tag = nil
local fragment = nil
local noise = nil
if proxy_table ~= nil and type(proxy_table) == "table" then
proxy = proxy_table.proxy or 0
proxy_tag = proxy_table.tag or "nil"
proxy_tag = proxy_table.tag or nil
fragment = proxy_table.fragment or nil
noise = proxy_table.noise or nil
if node.type == "Xray" then
if node.flow == "xtls-rprx-vision" then
proxy = 0
if proxy_tag ~= "nil" then
node.proxySettings = {
tag = proxy_tag,
transportLayer = true
if node.type ~= "Xray" then
if node.type == "Socks" then
node.protocol = "socks"
node.transport = "tcp"
local config_tag = tag
if config_tag == nil then
config_tag = node_id
local relay_port = node.port
new_port = get_new_port()
local config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s.json", flag, tag, new_port)
if tag and node_id and tag ~= node_id then
config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s_%s.json", flag, tag, node_id, new_port)
local config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s.json", flag, config_tag, new_port)
if config_tag and node_id and config_tag ~= node_id then
config_file = string.format("%s_%s_%s_%s.json", flag, config_tag, node_id, new_port)
sys.call(string.format('/usr/share/%s/app.sh run_socks "%s"> /dev/null',
@ -97,7 +84,7 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
"", --bind
new_port, --socks port
config_file, --config file
(proxy == 1 and relay_port) and tostring(relay_port) or "" --relay port
(proxy_tag and proxy_tag ~= "nil" and relay_port) and tostring(relay_port) or "" --relay port
node = {}
@ -107,6 +94,16 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
node.port = new_port
node.stream_security = "none"
if node.flow == "xtls-rprx-vision" then
if proxy_tag and proxy_tag ~= "nil" then
node.proxySettings = {
tag = proxy_tag,
transportLayer = true
if node.type == "Xray" then
@ -142,9 +139,13 @@ function gen_outbound(flag, node, tag, proxy_table)
node.wireguard_reserved = #bytes > 0 and bytes or nil
if tag == nil then
tag = node_id .. "_" .. node_remarks
result = {
_flag_tag = node_id,
_flag_proxy = proxy,
_id = node_id,
_flag = flag,
_flag_proxy_tag = proxy_tag,
tag = tag,
proxySettings = node.proxySettings or nil,
@ -450,7 +451,6 @@ function gen_config_server(node)
domainStrategy = "IPOnDemand",
rules = {
type = "field",
ip = {"", "", ""},
outboundTag = (node.accept_lan == nil or node.accept_lan == "0") and "blocked" or "direct"
@ -641,6 +641,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
local observatory = nil
local inbounds = {}
local outbounds = {}
local COMMON = {}
local xray_settings = uci:get_all(appname, "@global_xray[0]") or {}
@ -817,7 +818,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
local inbound_tag = gen_loopback(loopback_tag, loopback_dst)
table.insert(rules, { type = "field", inboundTag = { inbound_tag }, balancerTag = balancer_tag })
table.insert(rules, { inboundTag = { inbound_tag }, balancerTag = balancer_tag })
return balancer_tag
@ -897,7 +898,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
if use_proxy and proxy_balancer_tag and proxy_nodes[_node_id] then use_proxy = false end
local copied_outbound
for index, value in ipairs(outbounds) do
if value["_flag_tag"] == _node_id and value["_flag_proxy_tag"] == (use_proxy and proxy_tag or "nil") then
if value["_id"] == _node_id and value["_flag_proxy_tag"] == (use_proxy and proxy_tag or nil) then
copied_outbound = api.clone(value)
@ -923,23 +924,23 @@ function gen_config(var)
_node.address = ""
_node.port = new_port
table.insert(rules, 1, {
type = "field",
inboundTag = {"proxy_" .. rule_name},
outboundTag = not proxy_balancer_tag and proxy_tag or nil,
balancerTag = proxy_balancer_tag
local proxy_table = {
proxy = use_proxy and 1 or 0,
tag = use_proxy and proxy_tag or nil
if xray_settings.fragment == "1" and not proxy_table.tag then
proxy_table.fragment = true
if not proxy_table.tag then
if xray_settings.fragment == "1" then
proxy_table.fragment = true
if xray_settings.noise == "1" then
proxy_table.noise = true
if xray_settings.noise == "1" and not proxy_table.tag then
proxy_table.noise = true
local outbound = gen_outbound(flag, _node, rule_name, proxy_table)
local outbound = gen_outbound(flag, _node, rule_name .. ":" .. _node.remarks, proxy_table)
local outbound_tag
if outbound then
set_outbound_detour(_node, outbound, outbounds, rule_name)
@ -997,6 +998,8 @@ function gen_config(var)
local default_node_id = node.default_node or "_direct"
local default_outbound_tag, default_balancer_tag = gen_shunt_node("default", default_node_id)
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = default_outbound_tag
COMMON.default_balancer_tag = default_balancer_tag
--shunt rule
uci:foreach(appname, "shunt_rules", function(e)
local outbound_tag, balancer_tag = gen_shunt_node(e[".name"])
@ -1055,8 +1058,7 @@ function gen_config(var)
local rule = {
_flag = e.remarks,
type = "field",
ruleTag = e.remarks,
inboundTag = inbound_tag,
outboundTag = outbound_tag,
balancerTag = balancer_tag,
@ -1068,13 +1070,13 @@ function gen_config(var)
if domains then
local _rule = api.clone(rule)
_rule["_flag"] = _rule["_flag"] .. "_domains"
_rule.ruleTag = _rule.ruleTag .. " Domains"
_rule.domains = domains
table.insert(rules, _rule)
if ip then
local _rule = api.clone(rule)
_rule["_flag"] = _rule["_flag"] .. "_ip"
_rule.ruleTag = _rule.ruleTag .. " IP"
_rule.ip = ip
table.insert(rules, _rule)
@ -1087,7 +1089,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
if default_outbound_tag or default_balancer_tag then
table.insert(rules, {
type = "field",
outboundTag = default_outbound_tag,
balancerTag = default_balancer_tag,
network = "tcp,udp"
@ -1105,18 +1106,19 @@ function gen_config(var)
if node.balancing_node then
local balancer_tag = gen_balancer(node)
if balancer_tag then
table.insert(rules, { type = "field", network = "tcp,udp", balancerTag = balancer_tag })
table.insert(rules, { network = "tcp,udp", balancerTag = balancer_tag })
routing = {
balancers = balancers,
rules = rules
COMMON.default_balancer_tag = balancer_tag
elseif node.protocol == "_iface" then
if node.iface then
local outbound = {
protocol = "freedom",
tag = "outbound",
tag = node.remarks or node_id,
streamSettings = {
sockopt = {
mark = 255,
@ -1125,12 +1127,13 @@ function gen_config(var)
table.insert(outbounds, outbound)
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = outbound.tag
sys.call("touch /tmp/etc/passwall/iface/" .. node.iface)
local outbound = gen_outbound(flag, node, nil, { fragment = xray_settings.fragment == "1" or nil, noise = xray_settings.fragment == "1" or nil })
if outbound then
set_outbound_detour(node, outbound, outbounds)
COMMON.default_outbound_tag = set_outbound_detour(node, outbound, outbounds)
table.insert(outbounds, outbound)
routing = {
@ -1231,12 +1234,8 @@ function gen_config(var)
if node_id and tcp_redir_port then
dns_outbound_tag = node_id
local node = uci:get_all(appname, node_id)
if node.protocol == "_shunt" then
dns_outbound_tag = "default"
if COMMON.default_outbound_tag then
dns_outbound_tag = COMMON.default_outbound_tag
@ -1268,7 +1267,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
table.insert(routing.rules, 1, {
type = "field",
inboundTag = {
@ -1276,7 +1274,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
table.insert(rules, {
type = "field",
inboundTag = {
@ -1288,7 +1285,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
if _remote_dns_host then
table.insert(rules, {
type = "field",
inboundTag = {
@ -1301,7 +1297,6 @@ function gen_config(var)
if remote_dns_doh_ip then
table.insert(rules, {
type = "field",
inboundTag = {
@ -1409,6 +1404,13 @@ function gen_config(var)
protocol = "blackhole",
tag = "blackhole"
for index, value in ipairs(config.outbounds) do
for k, v in pairs(config.outbounds[index]) do
if k:find("_") == 1 then
config.outbounds[index][k] = nil
return jsonc.stringify(config, 1)
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
@ -8,24 +8,18 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Scutclient Project
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk
Reference in New Issue
Block a user