Netgear theme for LuCI (LEDE/OpenWRT) ======================================== Netgear is an alternative HTML5 theme for LuCI that has evolved from luci-theme-bootstrap & luci-theme-material, in an attempt to bring a more concise, clean and visually pleasing UX to LEDE/OpenWRT. Issues & Updates ---------------- Found a bug? Please create an issue on GitHub: Further tests and PR's are welcome and appreciated. Installation ------------ In time, Netgear may be included upstream by the LEDE/OpenWRT crowd, to have it always available, for now, please select an installation method most suited for your case to get it: ### Adding Netgear to your running LEDE/OpenWRT as ipk package #### via LuCI * Go to System -> Software * Paste the following URL into the **Download and install package** field: - ipk url? * Press Enter or click "OK" #### via shell $ cd /tmp $ wget ipk url? $ opkg install ipk filename? ### Adding Netgear to your own LEDE/OpenWRT Build Edit your feeds.conf.default and add the following to it: # luci-theme-netgear src-git netgear git:// Update your build environment and install the package: $ scripts/feeds update netgear $ scripts/feeds install luci-theme-netgear $ make menuconfig Go to LuCI -> Themes, select luci-theme-netgear, exit, save and build as usual. Enable the Theme ---------------- * Go to System -> System -> Language and Style * Choose Netgear in the Design selectbox License ------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.