up luci-app-wrtbwmon

This commit is contained in:
SirPdboy 2022-09-24 20:07:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 30201e2f0e
commit 996b47a6ae
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 962 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (C) 2019 Openwrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
LUCI_TITLE:=A Luci module that uses wrtbwmon to track bandwidth usage
include $(TOPDIR)/feeds/luci/luci.mk
# call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module("luci.controller.wrtbwmon", package.seeall)
function index()
if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/wrtbwmon") then
entry({"admin","status","online"},alias("admin","status","online","onlinuser"),_("Online User"), 10)
entry({"admin","status","online","onlinuser"},template("onlinuser"),_("User online")).leaf=true
entry({"admin", "nlbw", "usage"},alias("admin", "nlbw", "usage", "details"),_("Usage"), 1)
entry({"admin", "nlbw", "usage", "details"},template("wrtbwmon"),_("Details"), 10)
entry({"admin", "nlbw", "usage", "config"},arcombine(cbi("wrtbwmon/config")),_("Configuration"), 20)
entry({"admin", "nlbw", "usage", "custom"},form("wrtbwmon/custom"),_("User file"), 30)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
local lastvalue
local cursor = luci.model.uci.cursor()
local m, s, o
m = Map("wrtbwmon", translate("Traffic Configuration"))
s = m:section(NamedSection, "general", "wrtbwmon", translate("General settings"))
o = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled"))
o.rmempty= true
o = s:option(Value, "path", translate("Database Path"),
translate("This box is used to select the Database path, "
.. "which is /tmp/usage.db by default."))
o.rmempty= false
function m.on_parse(self)
lastvalue = cursor:get("wrtbwmon", "general", "path")
function o.write(self,section,value)
local fpath = nixio.fs.dirname(value) .. "/"
if not nixio.fs.access(fpath) then
if not nixio.fs.mkdirr(fpath) then
return Value.write(self, section, lastvalue)
io.popen("/etc/init.d/wrtbwmon stop")
io.popen("mv -f " .. fileRename(lastvalue, "*") .. " ".. fpath)
io.popen("/etc/init.d/wrtbwmon start")
return true
function fileRename(fileName, tag)
local idx = fileName:match(".+()%.%w+$")
if(idx) then
return fileName:sub(1, idx-1) .. tag .. fileName:sub(idx, -1)
return fileName .. tag
return m

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
local USER_FILE_PATH = "/etc/wrtbwmon.user"
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
local f = SimpleForm("wrtbwmon",
translate("Usage - Custom User File"),
translate("This file is used to match users with MAC addresses. "
.. "Each line must have the following format: <b><font color=\"red\">\"00:aa:bb:cc:ee:ff,username\"</font></b>."))
local o = f:field(Value, "_custom")
o.template = "cbi/tvalue"
o.rows = 20
function o.cfgvalue(self, section)
return fs.readfile(USER_FILE_PATH)
function o.write(self, section, value)
value = value:gsub("\r\n?", "\n")
fs.writefile(USER_FILE_PATH, value)
f.submit = translate("Submit")
return f

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <jow@openwrt.org>
Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
local util = require "luci.util"
local function online_data()
local rv = { }
local fd = util.execi('/usr/bin/awk \'BEGIN{while ((getline < "/tmp/dhcp.leases") > 0){a[$2]=$4;}while ((getline < "/proc/net/arp") > 0){if (!a[$4]){a[$4]="\?";}if (match($3,"0x[26]")){"ping -q -c 1 "$1" &";if (b[$4]){b[$4]=b[$4]"/"$1;}else{b[$4]=$1;}c[$4]=$6;}}while (("ip -6 neighbor show | grep -v fe80" | getline) > 0){if (b[$5]) {"ping -q -c 1 "$1" &";b[$5]=b[$5]"/"$1;}}for (mac in b){print(a[mac],b[mac],mac,c[mac]);}}\' ')
while true do
local ln = fd()
if ln == nil then break end
local name,ip,mac,dev = ln:match("^(%S+) (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)")
if mac and ip and name and dev then
rv[#rv+1] = {
hostname = name,
device = dev,
macaddr = mac,
ipaddr = ip
return rv
if luci.http.formvalue("status") == "1" then
local rv = {
onlines = online_data()
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js?v=git-19.271.33176-b099749"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var npoll = 1;
XHR.poll(5, '<%=REQUEST_URI%>', { status: 1 },
function(x, info)
var ls = document.getElementById('online_status_table');
if (ls)
/* clear all rows */
while( ls.rows.length > 1 )
for( var i = 0; i < info.onlines.length; i++ )
var tr = ls.rows[0].parentNode.insertRow(-1);
tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-' + ((i % 2) + 1);
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = info.onlines[i].hostname ? info.onlines[i].hostname : '?';
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = info.onlines[i].ipaddr.split("/").join("<br>");
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = info.onlines[i].macaddr;
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = info.onlines[i].device;
if( ls.rows.length == 1 )
var tr = ls.rows[0].parentNode.insertRow(-1);
tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row';
var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
td.colSpan = 4;
td.innerHTML = '<em><br /><%:There is no one online now.%></em>';
<fieldset class="cbi-section">
<legend><%:User online%></legend>
<table class="cbi-section-table" id="online_status_table">
<tr class="cbi-section-table-titles">
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Hostname%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:IPv4-Address%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:MAC-Address%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Interface%></th>
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row">
<td colspan="4"><em><br /><%:Collecting data...%></em></td>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
local util = require "luci.util"
local stat = require "luci.tools.status"
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
local dba = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("wrtbwmon", "general", "path")
-- Function to generate table from string.
local function strToTable(str)
local tb = {}
local cmd = nil
setmetatable(tb, {__index = table.insert})
str:gsub("[^%s,]+", tb)
tb.__index = nil
return tb
-- Function to update the mac-hostname table.
local function getmactable(family)
local mactable = {}
local leases = (family == 4 and {stat.dhcp_leases()} or {stat.dhcp6_leases()})[1]
if fs.access("/etc/wrtbwmon.user") then
for line in io.lines("/etc/wrtbwmon.user") do
local macpair = strToTable(line)
mactable[macpair[1]:lower()] = macpair[2]
for _, line in pairs(leases) do
if line.macaddr and not mactable[line.macaddr:lower()] then
mactable[line.macaddr:lower()] = line.hostname
return mactable
-- Rename the db file for ipv6.
local function fileRename(fn, tag)
local idx = fn:match(".+()%.%w+$")
if(idx) then
return fn:sub(1, idx-1) .. tag .. fn:sub(idx, -1)
return fn .. tag
local function procressData(db, family)
local dbc = (family == 6 and {fileRename(db, ".6")} or {db})[1]
local cmd_setup = "/etc/init.d/wrtbwmon restart"
local cmd_update = "wrtbwmon -" .. family .. " -f " .. db .. " >>/dev/null 2>&1"
local data, total, mactable, firstline = {}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, getmactable(family), true
local isshow = luci.http.formvalue("isShow")
-- Setup the background update process.
if not fs.access("/var/run/wrtbwmon.pid") then
-- Process the database.
for line in io.lines(dbc) do
if firstline then
firstline = false
local tbl = strToTable(line)
if isshow == "1" or tbl[8] ~= "0" then
tbl[1] = tbl[1]:lower()
if mactable[tbl[1]] then
tbl[3] = mactable[tbl[1]]
tbl[3] = tbl[1]
for i = 1,#total do
total[i] = total[i] + (tbl[i+3] .. ".0")
data[#data+1] = {tbl[3], tbl[1], unpack(tbl, 4)}
table.insert(data[#data], tbl[2])
-- Transfer the database to js.
luci.http.write_json({data, total})
if luci.http.formvalue("proto") == "ipv4" then
procressData(dba, 4)
elseif luci.http.formvalue("proto") == "ipv6" then
procressData(dba, 6)
if luci.http.formvalue("reset") == "1" then
os.execute("ip -4 neigh flush dev br-lan && ip -6 neigh flush dev br-lan")
os.execute("rm -f " .. fileRename(dba, "*") .. " && wrtbwmon -46 -f " .. dba .. " >>/dev/null 2>&1")
luci.http.status(200, "OK")
<style type="text/css">
.showMore.hide {
display: none;
.tr.table-totals {
background: #eee !important;
.cbi-progressbar {
position: relative;
height: 18px;
margin: 3px 0;
border: thin solid #999;
background: #fff;
.cbi-progressbar > div {
width: 0;
height: 100%;
transition: width .1s ease-in;
.cbi-progressbar::after {
line-height: normal;
position: absolute;
bottom 0;
left 0;
right 0;
top 0;
overflow: hidden;
content: attr(title);
text-align: center;
white-space: pre;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
<div class="cbi-map">
<h2><%:Usage - Details%></h2>
<div class="cbi-section">
<div class="table">
<div class="tr">
<div class="td left" style="width:10%"><label><%:protocol:%></label></div>
<div class="td left" style="width:30%">
<select id="Select46" style="width:auto">
<option value="ipv4" selected="selected">ipv4</option>
<option value="ipv6">ipv6</option>
<div class="td left" style="width:10%"><label for="isShow"><%:Show Zeros:%></label></div>
<div class="td left" style="width:30%">
<input class="cbi-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" id="isShow"/>
<div class="td right">
<input type="button" id="resetDatabase" class="cbi-button" value="<%:Reset Database%>"/>
<div class="tr">
<div class="td left" style="width:10%"><label><%:bandwidth:%></label></div>
<div class="td left" style="width:30%">
<input type="text" id="setBD" value="1000M" /><label id="checkBD"></label>
<div class="td left" style="width:10%">
<label for="showMore"><%:Show More:%></label>
<div class="td left" style="width:30%">
<input class="cbi-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" id="showMore"/>
<div class="td"></div>
<div class="cbi-section">
<div class="table">
<div class="tr">
<div class="td left" style="width:70%">
<small><div id="updated" style="display:inline"></div><div id="updating" style="display:inline"></div></small>
<div class="td right" style="width:30%">
<label for="intervalSelect"><%:Auto update every%></label>
<select id="intervalSelect">
<option value="-1"><%:Disabled%></option>
<option value="1"><%:1 second%></option>
<option value="2" selected="selected"><%:2 seconds%></option>
<option value="5"><%:5 seconds%></option>
<option value="10"><%:10 seconds%></option>
<option value="20"><%:20 seconds%></option>
<option value="30"><%:30 seconds%></option>
<option value="60"><%:60 seconds%></option>
<option value="120"><%:2 minutes%></option>
<div class="table">
<div class="tr"><div class="td left" width="10%"><%:upflow:%></div><div class="td left" style="width:90%"><div id="upflow" class="cbi-progressbar" title="-"><div></div></div></div></div>
<div class="tr"><div class="td left" width="10%"><%:downflow:%></div><div class="td left" style="width:90%"><div id="downflow" class="cbi-progressbar" title="-"><div></div></div></div></div>
<div class="table" id="traffic">
<div class="tr table-titles">
<div class="th" id="thClient" style="width:17%"><%:Clients%></div>
<div class="th showMore hide" id="thMAC" style="width:10%"><%:MAC%></div>
<div class="th" id="thDownload" style="width:8%"><%:Download%></div>
<div class="th" id="thUpload" style="width:8%"><%:Upload%></div>
<div class="th" id="thTotalDown" style="width:9%"><%:Total Down%></div>
<div class="th" id="thTotalUp" style="width:9%"><%:Total Up%></div>
<div class="th" id="thTotal" style="width:9%"><%:Total%></div>
<div class="th showMore hide" id="thFirstSeen" style="width:15%"><%:First Seen%></div>
<div class="th showMore hide" id="thLastSeen" style="width:15%"><%:Last Seen%></div>
<div class="tr placeholder">
<div class="td"><em><%:Collecting data...%></em></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
(function () {
var sortedId = "thTotal", sortedBy = "desc";
var cachedData = null;
function parseSize(size){
var num = parseFloat((size).match(/^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*/g));
var base = (size).match(/[KMGTPEZ]/i).toString();
var unit = ["" , "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"];
var ex = unit.indexOf(base);
return Math.round((num ? num : 1) * (ex != "-1" ? 1024 ** ex : 1));
function padstr(str) {
return str < 10 ? '0' + str : str;
function dateToString(date) {
var d = new Date((/\W/g).test(date) ? date : date * 1000);
var Y = d.getFullYear(), M = d.getMonth() + 1, D = d.getDate();
var hh = d.getHours(), mm = d.getMinutes(), ss = d.getSeconds();
return Y + '/' + padstr(M) + '/' + padstr(D) + ' ' + padstr(hh) + ':' + padstr(mm) + ':' + padstr(ss);
function isArray(obj) {
return obj instanceof Array;
function handleError() {
// TODO handle errors
// var message = 'Something went wrong...';
function displayTable(eltid) {
var tb = $('traffic'), bdw = parseSize($('setBD').value);
var col = setSortColumn(eltid);
cachedData[0].sort(function(x, y) {
var byCol = x[col] == y[col] ? 1 : col;
var n1 = x[byCol], n2 = y[byCol];
var flag = sortedBy =="desc" ? 1 : -1;
return sortingFunction(n1, n2, byCol) * flag;
// display data
// console.time('update_table');
updateTable(tb, cachedData, '<em><%:Loading...%></em>');
// console.timeEnd('update_table');
progressbar('downflow', cachedData[1][0], bdw, true);
progressbar('upflow', cachedData[1][1], bdw, true);
function updateTable(tb, values, placeholder) {
var dom = document.createDocumentFragment(), nodeLen = tb.childElementCount - 2;
var tbData = values[0], shadowNode, newNode, childTD, tabTitle = tb.firstElementChild;
var showMore = $('showMore').checked;
// Create the shadow node, which will be used in the following.
if (tbData.length > nodeLen) {
if (tb.childElementCount > 2) {
shadowNode = tabTitle.nextElementSibling.cloneNode(true);
} else {
shadowNode = document.createElement('div');
childTD = document.createElement('div');
for (var j = 0; j < tabTitle.children.length; j++) {
childTD.className = 'td' + (!showMore && '178'.indexOf(j) != -1 ? ' hide showMore' : '');
childTD.setAttribute('data-title', tabTitle.children[j].innerHTML);
for (var i = 0; i < tbData.length; i++) {
if (i < nodeLen) {
newNode = tabTitle.nextElementSibling;
} else {
newNode = shadowNode.cloneNode(true);
newNode.className = 'tr cbi-rowstyle-%d'.format(i % 2 ? 2 : 1);
childTD = newNode.firstElementChild;
childTD.title = tbData[i][1].toUpperCase() ;
childTD.lastChild.nodeValue = tbData[i].slice(-1);
if (childTD.lastChild.nodeValue == 'NA')tbData[i][0]='LAN-WAN';
for (var j = 0; j < tabTitle.childElementCount; j++, childTD = childTD.nextElementSibling){
childTD.firstChild.nodeValue = ('23456'.indexOf(j) != -1 ?
'%1024.2mB' + ('23'.indexOf(j) != -1 ? '/s' : '') :
'%s').format('78'.indexOf(j) != -1 ? dateToString(tbData[i][j]) : tbData[i][j]);
// Remove the table data which has been deleted from the database.
while (tb.childElementCount > 2) {
//Append the totals or placeholder row.
newNode = dom.lastElementChild;
if (newNode.classList.contains('table-totals')) {
if (tbData.length == 0) {
while (newNode.firstElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling) {
newNode.className = 'tr placeholder';
newNode.firstChild.innerHTML = placeholder;
} else {
if (tbData.length > 0) {
dom.replaceChild(shadowNode.cloneNode(true), newNode);
newNode = dom.lastElementChild;
newNode.className = 'tr table-totals';
while (newNode.firstElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling) {
newNode.firstElementChild.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
newNode.firstElementChild.nextSibling.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
if (newNode.classList.contains('table-totals')) {
newNode.firstElementChild.firstChild.nodeValue = !showMore ? '<%:TOTAL%>: ' + tbData.length : '<%:TOTAL%>:';
newNode.firstElementChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue = !showMore ? '' : tbData.length + ' <%:Clients%>';
for (var j = 0; j < values[1].length; j++) {
newNode.children[j + 2].firstChild.nodeValue = '%1024.2mB'.format(values[1][j]) + (j < 2 ? '/s' : '');
function sortingFunction(x, y, byCol) {
var toHex = false;
var a = x.split(/[^\w\d]/g), b = y.split(/[^\w\d]/g);
if ( byCol == "9" ) {
var ipCk1 = cbi_validators.ipaddr.apply(x) ? 1 : 0;
var ipCk2 = cbi_validators.ipaddr.apply(y) ? 1 : 0;
if (ipCk1 * ipCk2 == 0) {
return ipCk2 - ipCk1;
} else {
a = cbi_validators.ip6addr.apply(x) ? (toHex = true, IPv6(x)) : a;
b = cbi_validators.ip6addr.apply(y) ? (toHex = true, IPv6(y)) : b;
var len = (a.length <= b.length ? a.length : b.length);
var num1, num2;
for (var i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) {
if (byCol == "1" || (byCol == "9" && toHex)) {
num1 = parseInt(a[i], 16);
num2 = parseInt(b[i], 16);
} else if (a[i].match(/[a-z]/ig) || b[i].match(/[a-z]/ig)){
num1 = a[i].toLowerCase();
num2 = b[i].toLowerCase();
} else {
num1 = parseInt(a[i]);
num2 = parseInt(b[i]);
if (num1 != num2) return num2 - num1;
return "1";
function progressbar(query, v, m, byte) {
var pg = $(query),
vn = parseInt(v) || 0,
mn = parseInt(m) || 100,
fv = byte ? String.format('%1024.2mB', v) : v,
pc = ((100 / mn) * vn).toFixed(2),
wt = Math.floor(pc > 100 ? 100 : pc),
bgc = (pc >= 95 ? "red" : (pc >= 80 ? "magenta" : (pc >= 60 ? "yellow" : "lime")));
if (pg) {
pg.firstElementChild.style.width = wt + '%';
pg.firstElementChild.style.background = bgc;
pg.setAttribute('title', '%s/s (%d%%)'.format(fv, pc));
function $(tid) {
return document.getElementById(tid);
function registerTableEventHandlers() {
$('xhr_poll_status').onclick = function() {
var e = $('intervalSelect');
XHR.running() ? (XHR.halt(), e.value = -1) : (XHR.run(), e.value = XHR._q[0].interval);
$('traffic').querySelectorAll('.th').forEach( function(e) {
if (e) {
e.addEventListener('click', function () {
$('intervalSelect').addEventListener('change', function () {
if (this.value > 0) {
XHR._q[0].interval = this.value;
if (!XHR.running()) XHR.run();
} else {
$('resetDatabase').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (confirm('<%:This will delete the database file. Are you sure?%>')) {
(new XHR()).post('<%=REQUEST_URI%>', {reset: 1}, function(xhr) {
$('setBD').addEventListener('input', function () {
var strTest = (/^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[\s]*[KMGTP]?B?(\/s)?$/g).test(this.value);
$("checkBD").innerHTML = strTest ? '\u2714' : '\u2716';
$('setBD').addEventListener('focusout', function () {
if ($("checkBD").innerHTML == '\u2716') {
alert('Error! Bandwidth reset!!!');
this.value = '1M';
$("checkBD").innerHTML = "";
$('Select46').addEventListener('change', function () {
XHR._q[0].data["proto"] = this.value;
$('isShow').addEventListener('click', function () {
XHR._q[0].data["isShow"] = this.checked ? 1 : 0;
$('showMore').addEventListener('click', function () {
var tot = document.querySelector('.tr.table-totals').firstElementChild;
var showMore = this.checked;
tot.firstChild.nodeValue = '<%:TOTAL%>:' + (showMore ? '' : ' ' + $('traffic').childElementCount - 2);
tot.nextElementSibling.firstChild.nodeValue = showMore ? $('traffic').childElementCount - 2 + ' <%:Clients%>' : '';
document.querySelectorAll('.showMore').forEach(function(e) {
if(e) {
showMore ? e.classList.remove('hide') :e.classList.add('hide');
if (!showMore && ["thMAC", "thFirstSeen", "thLastSeen"].indexOf(sortedId)!= -1) displayTable("thTotal");
function updateData() {
var interval = $('intervalSelect').value;
var status = {
proto: $('Select46').value,
isShow: 0
XHR.poll(interval, '<%=REQUEST_URI%>', status,
function(x, info) {
// console.time('start');
if (!info) {
} else {
cachedData = info;
// Display the sorted values.
$('updated').innerHTML = '<%:Last updated %>' + dateToString(Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)) +'<%:.%> ';
// console.timeEnd('start');
function updatePerSec() {
var post;
XHR.poll(1, "", "", function(x, data) {
var itv = XHR._q[0].interval;
var sec = XHR._t % itv ? itv - XHR._t % itv : 0;
setUpdateMessage('<%:Updating again in%> <b>' + sec + '</b> <%:seconds.%>');
if(sec == 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
setUpdateMessage('<%:Updating again in%> <b>' + XHR._q[0].interval + '</b> <%:seconds.%>');
}, 50);
}, post);
(XHR._q.slice(-1)[0]).xhr[post ? 'post' : 'get'] = function(url, data, callback, timeout) {
callback("", "");
function setUpdateMessage(msg) {
$('updating').innerHTML = msg;
function setSortColumn(eltid) {
var label = ["", "thMAC", "thDownload", "thUpload", "thTotalDown", "thTotalUp", "thTotal", "thFirstSeen", "thLastSeen", "thClient"];
// Remove the old sorted sign.
var e = $(sortedId);
if (e) {
e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(/\u25B2|\u25BC/, "");
// Toggle the sort direction.
if (eltid) {
if ( eltid == sortedId ) {
sortedBy = (sortedBy == "desc") ? "asc" : "desc";
} else {
sortedBy = "desc";
sortedId = eltid;
e = $(sortedId);
if (e) {
e.innerHTML += (sortedBy == "asc" ? "\u25B2" : "\u25BC");
return label.indexOf(sortedId)
if (<%=luci.http.write_json(io.popen("opkg status wrtbwmon") == "")%>) {
alert("<%:wrtbwmon is not installed!%>");
} else {
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "统计"
msgid "Traffic Configuration"
msgstr "流量设置"
msgid "Details"
msgstr "流量信息"
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "设置"
msgid "User file"
msgstr "用户文件"
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "通用设置"
msgid "This box is used to select the Database path, which is /tmp/usage.db by default."
msgstr "该选项用于选择数据存储路径,默认路径为/tmp/usage.db。"
msgid "This box is used to set the total bandwidth (Byte/s), which is 1000000Byte/s by default."
msgstr "该选项用于选设置总的带宽Byte/s默认带宽值1000000Byte/s。"
msgid "Usage - Custom User File"
msgstr "用户文件配置"
msgid "This file is used to match users with MAC addresses. Each line must have the following format: <b><font color=\"red\">\"00:aa:bb:cc:ee:ff,username\"</font></b>."
msgstr "该文件用来进行MAC和主机进行匹配。每行必须满足<b><font color=\"red\">\"00:aa:bb:cc:ee:ff,用户名\"</font></b>的格式"
msgid "Usage - Details"
msgstr "流量详情"
msgid "downflow:"
msgstr "下行:"
msgid "upflow:"
msgstr "上行:"
msgid "protocol:"
msgstr "协议:"
msgid "Reset Database"
msgstr "重置"
msgid "Auto update every"
msgstr "自动刷新"
msgid "Database Path"
msgstr "数据存储位置"
msgid "Show Zeros:"
msgstr "显示0流量:"
msgid "Show More:"
msgstr "显示更多:"
msgid "bandwidth:"
msgstr "带宽:"
msgid "Calculate per host totals"
msgstr "单主机总流量统计"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "禁用"
msgid "1 second"
msgstr "1秒"
msgid "2 seconds"
msgstr "2秒"
msgid "5 seconds"
msgstr "5秒"
msgid "10 seconds"
msgstr "10秒"
msgid "20 seconds"
msgstr "20秒"
msgid "30 seconds"
msgstr "30秒"
msgid "40 seconds"
msgstr "40秒"
msgid "50 seconds"
msgstr "50秒"
msgid "60 seconds"
msgstr "60秒"
msgid "2 minutes"
msgstr "2分"
msgid "3 minutes"
msgstr "3分"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "数据载入中"
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "客户端"
msgid "MAC Address"
msgstr "MAC地址"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "下载"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "上传"
msgid "Total Down"
msgstr "总下载"
msgid "Total Up"
msgstr "总上传"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "总计"
msgid "First Seen"
msgstr "初次记录"
msgid "Last Seen"
msgstr "最后记录"
msgid "TOTAL"
msgstr "总共"
msgid "Last updated"
msgstr "最后更新于"
msgid "This will delete the database file. Are you sure?"
msgstr "该操作将删除数据统计文件,确定执行该操作?"
msgid "Updating again in"
msgstr "下次更新将于"
msgid "seconds."
msgstr "秒以后。"
msgid "wrtbwmon is not installed!"
msgstr "wrtbwmon插件尚未安装"
msgid "Real time speed"
msgstr "实时速度"
msgid "Online User"
msgstr "在线用户"
msgid "Speed monitor"
msgstr "实时监控"
msgid "User online"
msgstr "在线用户列表"
msgid "There is no one online now."
msgstr "当前无任何设备在线。"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
delete ucitrack.@wrtbwmon[-1]
add ucitrack wrtbwmon
set ucitrack.@wrtbwmon[-1].init=wrtbwmon
commit ucitrack
rm -f /tmp/luci-indexcache
exit 0