#!/bin/bash # Project: Game Server Managers - LinuxGSM # Author: Daniel Gibbs # License: MIT License, Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Gibbs # Purpose: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | Server Management Script # Contributors: https://github.com/GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM/graphs/contributors # Documentation: https://github.com/GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM/wiki # Website: https://gameservermanagers.com # Debugging if [ -f ".dev-debug" ]; then exec 5>dev-debug.log BASH_XTRACEFD="5" set -x fi version="170305" rootdir="$(dirname $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))" selfname="$(basename $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))" servicename="${selfname}" shortname="core" servername="core" gamename="core" lockselfname=".${servicename}.lock" lgsmdir="${rootdir}/lgsm" logdir="${rootdir}/log" steamcmddir="${rootdir}/steamcmd" serverfiles="${rootdir}/serverfiles" functionsdir="${lgsmdir}/functions" libdir="${lgsmdir}/lib" tmpdir="${lgsmdir}/tmp" configdir="${lgsmdir}/config-lgsm" configdirserver="${configdir}/${servername}" configdirdefault="${lgsmdir}/config-default" ## GitHub Branch Select # Allows for the use of different function files # from a different repo and/or branch. githubuser="GameServerManagers" githubrepo="LinuxGSM" githubbranch="feature/config" # Core Function that is required first core_functions.sh(){ functionfile="${FUNCNAME}" fn_bootstrap_fetch_file_github "lgsm/functions" "core_functions.sh" "${functionsdir}" "chmodx" "run" "noforcedl" "nomd5" } # Bootstrap # Fetches the core functions required before passed off to core_dl.sh # Fetches core functions fn_bootstrap_fetch_file(){ remote_fileurl="${1}" local_filedir="${2}" local_filename="${3}" chmodx="${4:-0}" run="${5:-0}" forcedl="${6:-0}" md5="${7:-0}" # If the file is missing, then download if [ ! -f "${local_filedir}/${local_filename}" ]; then if [ ! -d "${local_filedir}" ]; then mkdir -p "${local_filedir}" fi # Defines curl path curl_paths_array=($(command -v curl 2>/dev/null) $(which curl >/dev/null 2>&1) /usr/bin/curl /bin/curl /usr/sbin/curl /sbin/curl) for curlpath in "${curl_paths_array}" do if [ -x "${curlpath}" ]; then break fi done # If curl exists download file if [ "$(basename ${curlpath})" == "curl" ]; then # trap to remove part downloaded files echo -ne " fetching ${local_filename}...\c" curlcmd=$(${curlpath} -s --fail -L -o "${local_filedir}/${local_filename}" "${remote_fileurl}" 2>&1) local exitcode=$? if [ ${exitcode} -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31mFAIL\e[0m\n" echo -e "${remote_fileurl}" | tee -a "${scriptlog}" echo "${curlcmd}" | tee -a "${scriptlog}" exit 1 else echo -e "\e[0;32mOK\e[0m" fi else echo "[ FAIL ] Curl is not installed" exit 1 fi # make file chmodx if chmodx is set if [ "${chmodx}" == "chmodx" ]; then chmod +x "${local_filedir}/${local_filename}" fi fi if [ -f "${local_filedir}/${local_filename}" ]; then # run file if run is set if [ "${run}" == "run" ]; then source "${local_filedir}/${local_filename}" fi fi } fn_bootstrap_fetch_file_github(){ github_file_url_dir="${1}" github_file_url_name="${2}" githuburl="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${githubuser}/${githubrepo}/${githubbranch}/${github_file_url_dir}/${github_file_url_name}" remote_remote_fileurl="${githuburl}" local_local_filedir="${3}" local_local_filename="${github_file_url_name}" chmodx="${4:-0}" run="${5:-0}" forcedldl="${6:-0}" md5="${7:-0}" # Passes vars to the file download function fn_bootstrap_fetch_file "${remote_remote_fileurl}" "${local_local_filedir}" "${local_local_filename}" "${chmodx}" "${run}" "${forcedldl}" "${md5}" } # Installer menu fn_print_center() { columns="$(tput cols)" line="$@" printf "%*s\n" $(( (${#line} + columns) / 2)) "${line}" } fn_print_horizontal(){ char="${1:-=}" printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' "${char}" } # Bash Menu fn_install_menu_bash() { local resultvar=$1 title=$2 caption=$3 options=$4 fn_print_horizontal fn_print_center $title fn_print_center $caption fn_print_horizontal menu_options=() while read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do var=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "," '{print $2 " - " $3}') menu_options+=( "${var}" ) done < $options menu_options+=( "Cancel" ) select option in "${menu_options[@]}"; do if [ -n "${option}" ] && [ "${option}" != "Cancel" ]; then eval "$resultvar=\"${option/%\ */}\"" fi break done } # Whiptail/Dialog Menu fn_install_menu_whiptail() { local menucmd=$1 local resultvar=$2 title=$3 caption=$4 options=$5 height=${6:-40} width=${7:-80} menuheight=${8:-30} IFS="," menu_options=() while read -r line; do key=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "," '{print $3}') val=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "," '{print $2}') menu_options+=( ${val//\"} "${key//\"}" ) done < $options OPTION=$(${menucmd} --title "${title}" --menu "${caption}" ${height} ${width} ${menuheight} "${menu_options[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? == 0 ]; then eval "$resultvar=\"${OPTION}\"" else eval "$resultvar=" fi } # Menu selector fn_install_menu() { local resultvar=$1 local selection="" title=$2 caption=$3 options=$4 # Get menu command for menucmd in whiptail dialog bash; do if [ -x $(which ${menucmd}) ]; then menucmd=$(which ${menucmd}) break fi done case "$(basename ${menucmd})" in whiptail|dialog) fn_install_menu_whiptail "${menucmd}" selection "${title}" "${caption}" "${options}" 40 80 30;; *) fn_install_menu_bash selection "${title}" "${caption}" "${options}";; esac eval "$resultvar=\"${selection}\"" } # Gets server info from serverlist.csv and puts in to array fn_server_info(){ IFS="," server_info_array=($(grep -a "${userinput}" "${serverlist}")) shortname="${server_info_array[0]}" # csgo servername="${server_info_array[1]}" # csgoserver gamename="${server_info_array[2]}" # Counter Strike: Global Offensive } fn_install_getopt(){ userinput="empty" echo "Usage: $0 [option]" echo -e "" echo "Installer - Linux Game Server Managers - Version ${version}" echo "https://gameservermanagers.com" echo -e "" echo -e "Commands" echo -e "install |Select server to install." echo -e "servername |e.g $0 csgoserver. Enter the required servername will install it." echo -e "list |List all servers available for install." exit } fn_install_file(){ local_filename="${servername}" if [ -e "${local_filename}" ]; then i=2 while [ -e "${local_filename}-${i}" ] ; do let i++ done local_filename="${local_filename}-${i}" fi cp -R "${selfname}" "${local_filename}" sed -i -e "s/shortname=\"core\"/shortname=\"${shortname}\"/g" "${local_filename}" sed -i -e "s/servername=\"core\"/servername=\"${servername}\"/g" "${local_filename}" sed -i -e "s/gamename=\"core\"/gamename=\"${gamename}\"/g" "${local_filename}" echo "Installed ${gamename} server as ${local_filename}" echo "./${local_filename} install" exit } # Prevent from running this script as root. if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then if [ ! -f "${functionsdir}/core_functions.sh" ]||[ ! -f "${functionsdir}/check_root.sh" ]||[ ! -f "${functionsdir}/core_messages.sh" ]; then echo "[ FAIL ] Do NOT run this script as root!" exit 1 else core_functions.sh check_root.sh fi fi # LinuxGSM installer mode if [ "${shortname}" == "core" ]; then userinput=$1 datadir="${lgsmdir}/data" serverlist="${datadir}/serverlist.csv" serverlist_tmp="${tmpdir}/data/serverlist.csv" # Download the serverlist. This is the complete list of all supported servers. # Download to tmp dir fn_bootstrap_fetch_file_github "lgsm/data" "serverlist.csv" "${tmpdir}/data" "serverlist.csv" "nochmodx" "norun" "noforcedl" "nomd5" # if missing in lgsm dir copy it accross if [ ! -f "${serverlist}" ]; then mkdir -p "${datadir}" cp -R "${serverlist_tmp}" "${serverlist}" # check if the files are different. else file_diff=$(diff -q "${serverlist_tmp}" "${serverlist}") if [ "${file_diff}" != "" ]; then cp -Rf "${serverlist_tmp}" "${serverlist}" fi fi if [ ! -f "${serverlist}" ];then echo "[ FAIL ] serverlist.csv could not be loaded." exit 1 fi if [ "${userinput}" == "list" ]; then { awk -F "," '{print $2 "\t" $3}' "${serverlist}" } | column -s $'\t' -t | more exit elif [ "${userinput}" == "install" ]; then fn_install_menu result "LinuxGSM" "Select game to install" "lgsm/data/serverlist.csv" userinput="${result}" fn_server_info if [ "${result}" == "${servername}" ]; then fn_install_file elif [ "${result}" == "" ]; then echo "Install canceled" else echo "[ FAIL ] menu result does not match servername" fi elif [ -n "${userinput}" ]; then fn_server_info if [ "${userinput}" == "${servername}" ]; then fn_install_file fi else fn_install_getopt fi # LinuxGSM Server Mode else core_functions.sh # Load LinuxGSM configs # These are required to get all the default variables for the specific server. # Load the default config. If missing download it. If changed reload it. if [ ! -f "${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}/_default.cfg" ];then mkdir -p "${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}" fn_fetch_config "lgsm/config-default/config-lgsm/${servername}" "_default.cfg" "${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}" "_default.cfg" "nochmodx" "norun" "noforcedl" "nomd5" fi if [ ! -f "${configdirserver}/_default.cfg" ];then mkdir -p "${configdirserver}" cp -R "${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}/_default.cfg" "${configdirserver}/_default.cfg" else function_file_diff=$(diff -q ${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}/_default.cfg ${configdirserver}/_default.cfg) if [ "${function_file_diff}" != "" ]; then echo "_default.cfg has been altered. Reloading config." cp -R "${configdirdefault}/config-lgsm/${servername}/_default.cfg" "${configdirserver}/_default.cfg" fi fi source "${configdirserver}/_default.cfg" # Load the common.cfg config. If missing download it if [ ! -f "${configdirserver}/common.cfg" ];then fn_fetch_config "lgsm/config-default/config-lgsm" "common-template.cfg" "${configdirserver}" "common.cfg" "${chmodx}" "nochmodx" "norun" "noforcedl" "nomd5" source "${configdirserver}/common.cfg" else source "${configdirserver}/common.cfg" fi # Load the instance.cfg config. If missing download it if [ ! -f "${configdirserver}/${servicename}.cfg" ];then fn_fetch_config "lgsm/config-default/config-lgsm" "instance-template.cfg" "${configdirserver}" "${servicename}.cfg" "nochmodx" "norun" "noforcedl" "nomd5" source "${configdirserver}/${servicename}.cfg" else source "${configdirserver}/${servicename}.cfg" fi getopt=$1 core_getopt.sh fi