Cubitect 89df24c3be Update spawn algorithm for 1.21.2 + cmake + more
* added basic support for cmake (#127)
* renamed Winter Drop version from MC_1_21_3 to MC_1_21_WD
* updated world spawn location for 1.21.2 (cubiomes-viewer #340)
* tweaked mc version to text conversion (#128)
* removed properties field in structure config and added dimension field instead
* moved biome tree selection back to biomenoise.c as it's slightly faster and avoids globals
2024-11-09 21:08:05 +01:00

456 lines
11 KiB

#include "biomes.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
int biomeExists(int mc, int id)
if (mc >= MC_1_18)
if (id >= soul_sand_valley && id <= basalt_deltas)
return 1;
if (id >= small_end_islands && id <= end_barrens)
return 1;
if (id == pale_garden)
return mc >= MC_1_21_WD;
if (id == cherry_grove)
return mc >= MC_1_20;
if (id == deep_dark || id == mangrove_swamp)
return mc >= MC_1_19_2;
switch (id)
case ocean:
case plains:
case desert:
case mountains: // windswept_hills
case forest:
case taiga:
case swamp:
case river:
case nether_wastes:
case the_end:
case frozen_ocean:
case frozen_river:
case snowy_tundra: // snowy_plains
case mushroom_fields:
case beach:
case jungle:
case jungle_edge: // sparse_jungle
case deep_ocean:
case stone_shore: // stony_shore
case snowy_beach:
case birch_forest:
case dark_forest:
case snowy_taiga:
case giant_tree_taiga: // old_growth_pine_taiga
case wooded_mountains: // windswept_forest
case savanna:
case savanna_plateau:
case badlands:
case wooded_badlands_plateau: // wooded_badlands
case warm_ocean:
case lukewarm_ocean:
case cold_ocean:
case deep_warm_ocean:
case deep_lukewarm_ocean:
case deep_cold_ocean:
case deep_frozen_ocean:
case sunflower_plains:
case gravelly_mountains: // windswept_gravelly_hills
case flower_forest:
case ice_spikes:
case tall_birch_forest: // old_growth_birch_forest
case giant_spruce_taiga: // old_growth_spruce_taiga
case shattered_savanna: // windswept_savanna
case eroded_badlands:
case bamboo_jungle:
case dripstone_caves:
case lush_caves:
case meadow:
case grove:
case snowy_slopes:
case stony_peaks:
case jagged_peaks:
case frozen_peaks:
return 1;
return 0;
if (mc <= MC_B1_7)
case plains:
case desert:
case forest:
case taiga:
case swamp:
case snowy_tundra:
case savanna:
case seasonal_forest:
case rainforest:
case shrubland:
// we treat areas below the sea level as oceans
case ocean:
case frozen_ocean:
return 1;
return 0;
if (mc <= MC_B1_8)
switch (id)
case frozen_ocean:
case frozen_river:
case snowy_tundra:
case mushroom_fields:
case mushroom_field_shore:
case the_end:
return 0;
if (mc <= MC_1_0)
switch (id)
case snowy_mountains:
case beach:
case desert_hills:
case wooded_hills:
case taiga_hills:
case mountain_edge:
return 0;
if (id >= ocean && id <= mountain_edge) return 1;
if (id >= jungle && id <= jungle_hills) return mc >= MC_1_2;
if (id >= jungle_edge && id <= badlands_plateau) return mc >= MC_1_7;
if (id >= small_end_islands && id <= end_barrens) return mc >= MC_1_9;
if (id >= warm_ocean && id <= deep_frozen_ocean) return mc >= MC_1_13;
switch (id)
case the_void:
return mc >= MC_1_9;
case sunflower_plains:
case desert_lakes:
case gravelly_mountains:
case flower_forest:
case taiga_mountains:
case swamp_hills:
case ice_spikes:
case modified_jungle:
case modified_jungle_edge:
case tall_birch_forest:
case tall_birch_hills:
case dark_forest_hills:
case snowy_taiga_mountains:
case giant_spruce_taiga:
case giant_spruce_taiga_hills:
case modified_gravelly_mountains:
case shattered_savanna:
case shattered_savanna_plateau:
case eroded_badlands:
case modified_wooded_badlands_plateau:
case modified_badlands_plateau:
return mc >= MC_1_7;
case bamboo_jungle:
case bamboo_jungle_hills:
return mc >= MC_1_14;
case soul_sand_valley:
case crimson_forest:
case warped_forest:
case basalt_deltas:
return mc >= MC_1_16_1;
case dripstone_caves:
case lush_caves:
return mc >= MC_1_17;
return 0;
int isOverworld(int mc, int id)
if (!biomeExists(mc, id))
return 0;
if (id >= small_end_islands && id <= end_barrens) return 0;
if (id >= soul_sand_valley && id <= basalt_deltas) return 0;
switch (id)
case nether_wastes:
case the_end:
return 0;
case frozen_ocean:
return mc <= MC_1_6 || mc >= MC_1_13;
case mountain_edge:
return mc <= MC_1_6;
case deep_warm_ocean:
case the_void:
return 0;
case tall_birch_forest:
return mc <= MC_1_8 || mc >= MC_1_11;
case dripstone_caves:
case lush_caves:
return mc >= MC_1_18;
return 1;
int getDimension(int id)
if (id >= small_end_islands && id <= end_barrens) return DIM_END;
if (id >= soul_sand_valley && id <= basalt_deltas) return DIM_NETHER;
if (id == the_end) return DIM_END;
if (id == nether_wastes) return DIM_NETHER;
int getMutated(int mc, int id)
switch (id)
case plains: return sunflower_plains;
case desert: return desert_lakes;
case mountains: return gravelly_mountains;
case forest: return flower_forest;
case taiga: return taiga_mountains;
case swamp: return swamp_hills;
case snowy_tundra: return ice_spikes;
case jungle: return modified_jungle;
case jungle_edge: return modified_jungle_edge;
// emulate MC-98995
case birch_forest:
return (mc >= MC_1_9 && mc <= MC_1_10) ? tall_birch_hills : tall_birch_forest;
case birch_forest_hills:
return (mc >= MC_1_9 && mc <= MC_1_10) ? none : tall_birch_hills;
case dark_forest: return dark_forest_hills;
case snowy_taiga: return snowy_taiga_mountains;
case giant_tree_taiga: return giant_spruce_taiga;
case giant_tree_taiga_hills: return giant_spruce_taiga_hills;
case wooded_mountains: return modified_gravelly_mountains;
case savanna: return shattered_savanna;
case savanna_plateau: return shattered_savanna_plateau;
case badlands: return eroded_badlands;
case wooded_badlands_plateau: return modified_wooded_badlands_plateau;
case badlands_plateau: return modified_badlands_plateau;
return none;
int getCategory(int mc, int id)
switch (id)
case beach:
case snowy_beach:
return beach;
case desert:
case desert_hills:
case desert_lakes:
return desert;
case mountains:
case mountain_edge:
case wooded_mountains:
case gravelly_mountains:
case modified_gravelly_mountains:
return mountains;
case forest:
case wooded_hills:
case birch_forest:
case birch_forest_hills:
case dark_forest:
case flower_forest:
case tall_birch_forest:
case tall_birch_hills:
case dark_forest_hills:
return forest;
case snowy_tundra:
case snowy_mountains:
case ice_spikes:
return snowy_tundra;
case jungle:
case jungle_hills:
case jungle_edge:
case modified_jungle:
case modified_jungle_edge:
case bamboo_jungle:
case bamboo_jungle_hills:
return jungle;
case badlands:
case eroded_badlands:
case modified_wooded_badlands_plateau:
case modified_badlands_plateau:
return mesa;
case wooded_badlands_plateau:
case badlands_plateau:
return mc <= MC_1_15 ? mesa : badlands_plateau;
case mushroom_fields:
case mushroom_field_shore:
return mushroom_fields;
case stone_shore:
return stone_shore;
case ocean:
case frozen_ocean:
case deep_ocean:
case warm_ocean:
case lukewarm_ocean:
case cold_ocean:
case deep_warm_ocean:
case deep_lukewarm_ocean:
case deep_cold_ocean:
case deep_frozen_ocean:
return ocean;
case plains:
case sunflower_plains:
return plains;
case river:
case frozen_river:
return river;
case savanna:
case savanna_plateau:
case shattered_savanna:
case shattered_savanna_plateau:
return savanna;
case swamp:
case swamp_hills:
return swamp;
case taiga:
case taiga_hills:
case snowy_taiga:
case snowy_taiga_hills:
case giant_tree_taiga:
case giant_tree_taiga_hills:
case taiga_mountains:
case snowy_taiga_mountains:
case giant_spruce_taiga:
case giant_spruce_taiga_hills:
return taiga;
case nether_wastes:
case soul_sand_valley:
case crimson_forest:
case warped_forest:
case basalt_deltas:
return nether_wastes;
return none;
int areSimilar(int mc, int id1, int id2)
if (id1 == id2) return 1;
if (mc <= MC_1_15)
if (id1 == wooded_badlands_plateau || id1 == badlands_plateau)
return id2 == wooded_badlands_plateau || id2 == badlands_plateau;
return getCategory(mc, id1) == getCategory(mc, id2);
int isMesa(int id)
switch (id)
case badlands:
case eroded_badlands:
case modified_wooded_badlands_plateau:
case modified_badlands_plateau:
case wooded_badlands_plateau:
case badlands_plateau:
return 1;
return 0;
int isShallowOcean(int id)
const uint64_t shallow_bits =
(1ULL << ocean) |
(1ULL << frozen_ocean) |
(1ULL << warm_ocean) |
(1ULL << lukewarm_ocean) |
(1ULL << cold_ocean);
return (uint32_t) id < 64 && ((1ULL << id) & shallow_bits);
int isDeepOcean(int id)
const uint64_t deep_bits =
(1ULL << deep_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_warm_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_lukewarm_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_cold_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_frozen_ocean);
return (uint32_t) id < 64 && ((1ULL << id) & deep_bits);
int isOceanic(int id)
const uint64_t ocean_bits =
(1ULL << ocean) |
(1ULL << frozen_ocean) |
(1ULL << warm_ocean) |
(1ULL << lukewarm_ocean) |
(1ULL << cold_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_warm_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_lukewarm_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_cold_ocean) |
(1ULL << deep_frozen_ocean);
return (uint32_t) id < 64 && ((1ULL << id) & ocean_bits);
int isSnowy(int id)
switch (id)
case frozen_ocean:
case frozen_river:
case snowy_tundra:
case snowy_mountains:
case snowy_beach:
case snowy_taiga:
case snowy_taiga_hills:
case ice_spikes:
case snowy_taiga_mountains:
return 1;
return 0;