2024-02-24 22:20:14 +01:00

675 lines
16 KiB

#include "quadbase.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
typedef HANDLE thread_id_t;
#include <direct.h>
#define IS_DIR_SEP(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\')
#define stat _stat
#define mkdir(P,X) _mkdir(P)
#define S_IFDIR _S_IFDIR
#ifndef _S_ISTYPE
#define _S_ISTYPE(mode, mask) (((mode) & _S_IFMT) == (mask))
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(mode) _S_ISTYPE((mode), _S_IFDIR)
#include <pthread.h>
typedef pthread_t thread_id_t;
#define IS_DIR_SEP(C) ((C) == '/')
// Multi-Structure Checks
int getQuadHutCst(uint64_t low20)
const uint64_t *cst;
for (cst = low20QuadIdeal; *cst; cst++)
if (*cst == low20)
return CST_IDEAL;
for (cst = low20QuadClassic; *cst; cst++)
if (*cst == low20)
for (cst = low20QuadHutNormal; *cst; cst++)
if (*cst == low20)
return CST_NORMAL;
for (cst = low20QuadHutBarely; *cst; cst++)
if (*cst == low20)
return CST_BARELY;
return CST_NONE;
// TODO: accurate seed testers for two or three structures in range
static int blocksInRange(Pos *p, int n, int x, int z, int ax, int az, double rsq)
int i, cnt;
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
double dx = p[i].x - x;
double dz = p[i].z - z;
int px, pz;
for (px = 0; px < ax; px++)
for (pz = 0; pz < az; pz++)
double ddx = px + dx;
double ddz = pz + dz;
cnt += (ddx*ddx + ddz*ddz <= rsq);
return cnt;
Pos *p;
int n;
int *buf;
int x0, z0, w, h, ax, az;
double rsq;
int best;
int sumn;
int64_t sumx, sumz;
static void checkAfkDist(afk_meta_t *d, int x, int z)
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= d->w || z >= d->h)
if (d->buf[z*d->w+x])
int q = blocksInRange(d->p, d->n, x+d->x0, z+d->z0, d->ax, d->az, d->rsq);
d->buf[z*d->w+x] = q;
if (q >= d->best)
if (q > d->best)
d->best = q;
d->sumn = 1;
d->sumx = d->x0+x;
d->sumz = d->z0+z;
d->sumn += 1;
d->sumx += d->x0+x;
d->sumz += d->z0+z;
checkAfkDist(d, x, z-1);
checkAfkDist(d, x, z+1);
checkAfkDist(d, x-1, z);
checkAfkDist(d, x+1, z);
checkAfkDist(d, x-1, z-1);
checkAfkDist(d, x-1, z+1);
checkAfkDist(d, x+1, z-1);
checkAfkDist(d, x+1, z+1);
Pos getOptimalAfk(Pos p[4], int ax, int ay, int az, int *spcnt)
int64_t minX = INT_MAX, minZ = INT_MAX, maxX = INT_MIN, maxZ = INT_MIN;
int64_t w, h, i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (p[i].x < minX) minX = p[i].x;
if (p[i].z < minZ) minZ = p[i].z;
if (p[i].x > maxX) maxX = p[i].x;
if (p[i].z > maxZ) maxZ = p[i].z;
minX += ax/2;
minZ += az/2;
maxX += ax/2;
maxZ += az/2;
double rsq = 128.0*128.0 - ay*ay/4.0;
w = maxX - minX;
h = maxZ - minZ;
Pos afk = {p[0].x + ax / 2, p[0].z + az / 2};
int cnt = ax*az;
afk_meta_t d;
d.p = p;
d.n = 4;
d.buf = (int*) calloc(w*h, sizeof(int));
d.x0 = minX;
d.z0 = minZ;
d.w = w;
d.h = h; = ax; = az;
d.rsq = rsq;
int v[6];
Pos dsp[6] = {
{(p[0].x + p[2].x) / 2, (p[0].z + p[2].z) / 2},
{(p[1].x + p[3].x) / 2, (p[1].z + p[3].z) / 2},
{(p[0].x + p[1].x) / 2, (p[0].z + p[1].z) / 2},
{(p[2].x + p[3].x) / 2, (p[2].z + p[3].z) / 2},
{(p[0].x + p[3].x) / 2, (p[0].z + p[3].z) / 2},
{(p[1].x + p[2].x) / 2, (p[1].z + p[2].z) / 2},
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
v[i] = blocksInRange(p, 4, dsp[i].x, dsp[i].z, ax, az, rsq);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
// pick out the highest
int j, jmax = 0, vmax = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
if (v[j] > vmax)
jmax = j;
vmax = v[j];
if (vmax <= ax*az) // highest is less or equal to a single structure
break; = vmax;
d.sumn = 0;
d.sumx = 0;
d.sumz = 0;
checkAfkDist(&d, dsp[jmax].x - d.x0, dsp[jmax].z - d.z0);
if ( > cnt)
cnt =;
afk.x = (int) round(d.sumx / (double)d.sumn);
afk.z = (int) round(d.sumz / (double)d.sumn);
if (cnt >= 3*ax*az)
v[jmax] = 0;
if (spcnt)
*spcnt = cnt;
return afk;
#define MAX_PATHLEN 4096
uint64_t seeds[100];
size_t len;
linked_seeds_t *next;
// seed range
uint64_t start, end;
const uint64_t *lowBits;
int lowBitN;
char skipStart;
// testing function
int (*check)(uint64_t, void*);
void *data;
// abort check
volatile char *stop;
// output
char path[MAX_PATHLEN];
FILE *fp;
linked_seeds_t ls;
static int mkdirp(char *path)
int err = 0, len = strlen(path);
char *p = path;
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (p[1] == ':') p += 2;
while (IS_DIR_SEP(*p)) p++;
while (!err && p < path+len)
char *q = p;
while (*q && !IS_DIR_SEP(*q))
if (p != path) p[-1] = '/';
*q = 0;
struct stat st;
if (stat(path, &st) == -1)
err = mkdir(path, 0755);
else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
err = 1;
p = q+1;
return err;
static void *searchAll48Thread(void *data)
static DWORD WINAPI searchAll48Thread(LPVOID data)
// lower bits with various ranges
threadinfo_t *info = (threadinfo_t*)data;
uint64_t seed = info->start;
uint64_t end = info->end;
linked_seeds_t *lp = &info->ls;
lp->len = 0;
lp->next = NULL;
if (info->lowBits)
uint64_t hstep = 1ULL << info->lowBitN;
uint64_t hmask = ~(hstep - 1);
uint64_t mid;
int idx, cnt;
for (cnt = 0; info->lowBits[cnt]; cnt++);
mid = info->start & hmask;
for (idx = 0; (seed = mid | info->lowBits[idx]) < info->start; idx++);
while (seed <= end)
if unlikely(info->check(seed, info->data))
if (seed == info->start && info->skipStart) {} // skip
else if (info->fp)
fprintf(info->fp, "%" PRId64"\n", (int64_t)seed);
lp->seeds[lp->len] = seed;
if (lp->len >= sizeof(lp->seeds)/sizeof(uint64_t))
linked_seeds_t *n =
(linked_seeds_t*) malloc(sizeof(linked_seeds_t));
if (n == NULL)
lp->next = n;
lp = n;
lp->len = 0;
lp->next = NULL;
if (idx >= cnt)
idx = 0;
mid += hstep;
if (info->stop && *info->stop)
seed = mid | info->lowBits[idx];
while (seed <= end)
if unlikely(info->check(seed, info->data))
if (seed == info->start && info->skipStart) {} // skip
else if (info->fp)
fprintf(info->fp, "%" PRId64"\n", (int64_t)seed);
lp->seeds[lp->len] = seed;
if (lp->len >= sizeof(lp->seeds)/sizeof(uint64_t))
linked_seeds_t *n =
(linked_seeds_t*) malloc(sizeof(linked_seeds_t));
if (n == NULL)
lp->next = n;
lp = n;
lp->len = 0;
lp->next = NULL;
if ((seed & 0xfff) == 0 && info->stop && *info->stop)
return 0;
int searchAll48(
uint64_t ** seedbuf,
uint64_t * buflen,
const char * path,
int threads,
const uint64_t * lowBits,
int lowBitN,
int (*check)(uint64_t s48, void *data),
void * data,
volatile char * stop
threadinfo_t *info = (threadinfo_t*) malloc(threads* sizeof(*info));
thread_id_t *tids = (thread_id_t*) malloc(threads* sizeof(*tids));
int i, t;
int err = 0;
if (path)
size_t pathlen = strlen(path);
char dpath[MAX_PATHLEN];
// split path into directory and file and create missing directories
if (pathlen + 8 >= sizeof(dpath))
goto L_err;
strcpy(dpath, path);
for (i = pathlen-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (IS_DIR_SEP(dpath[i]))
dpath[i] = 0;
if (mkdirp(dpath))
goto L_err;
else if (seedbuf == NULL || buflen == NULL)
// no file and no buffer return: no output possible
goto L_err;
// prepare the thread info and load progress if present
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
info[t].start = (t * (MASK48+1) / threads);
info[t].end = ((t+1) * (MASK48+1) / threads - 1);
info[t].lowBits = lowBits;
info[t].lowBitN = lowBitN;
info[t].skipStart = 0;
info[t].check = check;
info[t].data = data;
info[t].stop = stop;
if (path)
// progress file of this thread
snprintf(info[t].path, sizeof(info[t].path), "%s.part%d", path, t);
FILE *fp = fopen(info[t].path, "a+");
if (fp == NULL)
goto L_err;
int c, nnl = 0;
char buf[32];
// find the last newline
for (i = 1; i < 32; i++)
if (fseek(fp, -i, SEEK_END)) break;
c = fgetc(fp);
if (c <= 0 || (nnl && c == '\n')) break;
nnl |= (c != '\n');
if (i < 32 && !fseek(fp, 1-i, SEEK_END) && fread(buf, i-1, 1, fp) > 0)
// read the last entry, and replace the start seed accordingly
int64_t lentry;
if (sscanf(buf, "%" PRId64, &lentry) == 1)
info[t].start = lentry;
info[t].skipStart = 1;
printf("Continuing thread %d at seed %" PRId64 "\n",
t, lentry);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
info[t].fp = fp;
info[t].path[0] = 0;
info[t].fp = NULL;
// run the threads
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
pthread_create(&tids[t], NULL, searchAll48Thread, (void*)&info[t]);
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
pthread_join(tids[t], NULL);
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
tids[t] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, searchAll48Thread,
(LPVOID)&info[t], 0, NULL);
WaitForMultipleObjects(threads, tids, TRUE, INFINITE);
if (stop && *stop)
goto L_err;
if (path)
// merge partial files
FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w");
if (fp == NULL)
goto L_err;
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
char buffer[4097];
size_t n;
while ((n = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 4096, info[t].fp)))
if (!fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), n, fp))
goto L_err;
if (seedbuf && buflen)
*seedbuf = loadSavedSeeds(path, buflen);
// merge linked seed buffers
*buflen = 0;
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
linked_seeds_t *lp = &info[t].ls;
*buflen += lp->len;
lp = lp->next;
while (lp);
*seedbuf = (uint64_t*) malloc((*buflen) * sizeof(uint64_t));
if (*seedbuf == NULL)
i = 0;
for (t = 0; t < threads; t++)
linked_seeds_t *lp = &info[t].ls;
memcpy(*seedbuf + i, lp->seeds, lp->len * sizeof(uint64_t));
i += lp->len;
linked_seeds_t *tmp = lp;
lp = lp->next;
if (tmp != &info[t].ls)
while (lp);
if (0)
err = 1;
return err;
static inline
int scanForQuadBits(const StructureConfig sconf, int radius, uint64_t s48,
uint64_t lbit, int lbitn, uint64_t invB, int64_t x, int64_t z,
int64_t w, int64_t h, Pos *qplist, int n)
const uint64_t m = (1ULL << lbitn);
const uint64_t A = 341873128712ULL;
// for lbitn=20: invB = 132477LL;
if (n < 1)
return 0;
lbit &= m-1;
int64_t i, j;
int cnt = 0;
for (i = x; i <= x+w; i++)
uint64_t sx = s48 + A * i;
j = (z & ~(m-1)) | ((lbit - sx) * invB & (m-1));
if (j < z)
j += m;
for (; j <= z+h; j += m)
uint64_t sp = moveStructure(s48, -i, -j);
if ((sp & (m-1)) != lbit)
if (isQuadBase(sconf, sp, radius))
qplist[cnt].x = i;
qplist[cnt].z = j;
if (cnt >= n)
return cnt;
return cnt;
int scanForQuads(
const StructureConfig sconf, int radius, uint64_t s48,
const uint64_t *lowBits, int lowBitN, uint64_t salt,
int x, int z, int w, int h, Pos *qplist, int n)
int i, cnt = 0;
uint64_t invB;
if (lowBitN == 20)
invB = 132477ULL;
else if (lowBitN == 48)
invB = 211541297333629ULL;
invB = mulInv(132897987541ULL, (1ULL << lowBitN));
for (i = 0; lowBits[i]; i++)
cnt += scanForQuadBits(sconf, radius, s48, lowBits[i]-salt, lowBitN, invB,
x, z, w, h, qplist+cnt, n-cnt);
if (cnt >= n)
return cnt;