# ![app icon](./.github/readme-images/app-icon.png) Komga Komga is a free an open source comics/mangas server. ## Features Komga just started, and for now it can: - scan and index a folder containing comic book archives in `cbz` and `cbr` format. Rescan periodically. - serve the individual pages of those books via an API - serve the complete file via an API ## Status & vision The first version is a simple server with only an API and no UI. It's aimed to work with [Tachiyomi](https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi) through an extension. Future versions may bring: - support for PDF files - support for multiple libraries (multiple folders) - a web UI to administrate the server - matching with online metadata sources (like ComicVine) to enrich information like description or genre The long term vision is to offer something similar to Plex, but for comics! ## What does it do? Komga will scan your library's root folder for directories containing supported files (at the moment `cbz`, `zip`, `cbr` and `rar`): - each folder containing comic books will be made as a `Serie` - each comic book file inside a `Serie` will be made as a `Book` It works with subfolders too, so if you have a structure like this: ``` -Parent +--SubFolder | +file1.cbz | +file2.cbz +direct1.cbz ``` Komga will generate: - a `Serie` called _Parent_, containing a `Book` called _direct1_ - a `Serie` called _SubFolder_, containing two `Book`s called _file1_ and _file2_ On rescans, Komga will update Series and Books, add new ones, and remove the ones for which files don't exist anymore. Then it will _parse_ each book, which consist of indexing pages (images in the archive), and generating a thumbnail. Komga offers a REST API, which you can browse using Swagger. It's available at `/swagger-ui.html`. The API offers __file download__ and __page streaming__. In order to access the API, you will need to authenticate using Basic Authentication, with one of the 2 built-in users (`admin` or `user`). ## Installation The easiest way to install Komga is to use Docker. You can have a look at the sample [`docker-compose.yml`](./doc/docker-compose.yml). Alternatively you can run it from the fat `jar` file. You can find them in the [releases](https://github.com/gotson/komga/releases) section. You can also build it yourself by using `gradlew bootJar` to generate it. ## Configuration Komga relies heavily on [Spring Boot's configuration](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-external-config.html), leveraging `profiles` and configuration `properties`. The easiest way to configure is either via environment variables (a good fit for `docker-compose`) or by using an `application.yml` file located in the same folder as the `jar` file. You can check the sample [`application.yml`](./doc/application.yml). Each configuration key can have a different format depending if it's from the environment variable, or from the `application.yml` file. In the following section I will provide both format in the form `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE` / `application-property`. ### Mandatory configuration In order to make Komga run, you need to specify some mandatory configuration keys (unless you use Docker, in which case defaults are setup): - `SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE` / `spring.profiles.active`: `prod` - this will enable the database management and upgrades for new versions. - `SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL` / `spring.datasource.url`: the path of the database file. For Docker I use `jdbc:h2:/config/database.h2;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1`, where `/config/database.h2` is the actual file inside the docker container. You can customize this part if running without docker. - `KOMGA_ROOT_FOLDER` / `komga.root-folder`: the root folder of your library, this is what Komga will scan. - `KOMGA_ROOT_FOLDER_SCAN_CRON` / `komga.root-folder-scan-cron`: a [Spring cron expression](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/scheduling/support/CronSequenceGenerator.html) for root folder periodic rescans. `0 0 * * * ?` will rescan every hour. `0 */15 * * * ?` will rescan every 15 minutes. ### Optional configuration You can also use some optional configuration keys: - `KOMGA_USER_PASSWORD` / `komga.user-password`: the password for the user `user`. Defaults to `user`. - `KOMGA_ADMIN_PASSWORD` / `komga.admin-password`: the password for the user `admin`. Defaults to `admin`. - `KOMGA_THREADS_PARSE` / `komga.threads.parse`: the number of worker threads used for book parsing. Defaults to `2`. You can experiment to get better performance. ## Credits The Komga icon is based on an icon made by [Freepik](https://www.freepik.com/home) from www.flaticon.com