mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 10:17:02 +08:00
190 lines
5.7 KiB
190 lines
5.7 KiB
import com.github.benmanes.gradle.versions.updates.DependencyUpdatesTask
import org.jreleaser.model.Active
import org.jreleaser.model.Distribution.DistributionType.SINGLE_JAR
import org.jreleaser.model.api.common.Apply
import kotlin.io.path.Path
import kotlin.io.path.exists
plugins {
run {
val kotlinVersion = "1.9.21"
kotlin("jvm") version kotlinVersion
kotlin("plugin.spring") version kotlinVersion
kotlin("kapt") version kotlinVersion
id("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") version "12.1.2"
id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") version "0.51.0"
id("org.jreleaser") version "1.10.0"
fun isNonStable(version: String): Boolean {
val stableKeyword = listOf("RELEASE", "FINAL", "GA").any { version.uppercase().contains(it) }
val unstableKeyword = listOf("ALPHA", "RC").any { version.uppercase().contains(it) }
val regex = "^[0-9,.v-]+(-r)?$".toRegex()
val isStable = stableKeyword || regex.matches(version)
return unstableKeyword || !isStable
group = "org.gotson"
allprojects {
repositories {
apply(plugin = "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint")
apply(plugin = "com.github.ben-manes.versions")
tasks.named<DependencyUpdatesTask>("dependencyUpdates").configure {
// disallow release candidates as upgradable versions from stable versions
rejectVersionIf {
isNonStable(candidate.version) && !isNonStable(currentVersion)
gradleReleaseChannel = "current"
checkConstraints = true
configure<org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.KtlintExtension> {
version = "1.5.0"
tasks.wrapper {
gradleVersion = "8.11.1"
distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL
jreleaser {
project {
description = "Media server for comics/mangas/BDs with API and OPDS support"
copyright = "Gauthier Roebroeck"
authors.add("Gauthier Roebroeck")
license = "MIT"
links {
homepage = "https://komga.org"
release {
github {
discussionCategoryName = "Announcements"
skipTag = true
tagName = "{{projectVersion}}"
changelog {
formatted = Active.ALWAYS
preset = "conventional-commits"
skipMergeCommits = true
links = true
content = (if (Path("./release_notes/release_notes.md").exists()) "{{#f_file_read}}{{basedir}}/release_notes/release_notes.md{{/f_file_read}}" else "") +
## Changelog
format = "- {{#commitIsConventional}}{{#conventionalCommitIsBreakingChange}}🚨 {{/conventionalCommitIsBreakingChange}}{{#conventionalCommitScope}}**{{conventionalCommitScope}}**: {{/conventionalCommitScope}}{{conventionalCommitDescription}}{{#conventionalCommitBreakingChangeContent}}: *{{conventionalCommitBreakingChangeContent}}*{{/conventionalCommitBreakingChangeContent}} ({{commitShortHash}}){{/commitIsConventional}}{{^commitIsConventional}}{{commitTitle}} ({{commitShortHash}}){{/commitIsConventional}}{{#commitHasIssues}}, closes{{#commitIssues}} {{issue}}{{/commitIssues}}{{/commitHasIssues}}"
hide {
uncategorized = true
contributors = listOf("Weblate", "GitHub", "semantic-release-bot", "[bot]", "github-actions")
category {
title = "🏎 Perf"
key = "perf"
order = 25
category {
title = "🌐 Translation"
key = "i18n"
order = 70
category {
title = "⚙️ Dependencies"
key = "dependencies"
order = 80
labeler {
label = "perf"
title = "regex:^(?:perf(?:\\(.*\\))?!?):\\s.*"
order = 120
labeler {
label = "i18n"
title = "regex:^(?:i18n(?:\\(.*\\))?!?):\\s.*"
order = 130
labeler {
label = "dependencies"
title = "regex:^(?:deps(?:\\(.*\\))?!?):\\s.*"
order = 140
extraProperties.put("categorizeScopes", true)
append {
enabled = true
title = "# [{{projectVersion}}]({{repoUrl}}/compare/{{previousTagName}}...{{tagName}}) ({{#f_now}}YYYY-MM-dd{{/f_now}})"
target = rootDir.resolve("CHANGELOG.md")
content =
issues {
enabled = true
comment = "🎉 This issue has been resolved in `{{tagName}}` ([Release Notes]({{releaseNotesUrl}}))"
applyMilestone = Apply.ALWAYS
label {
name = "released"
description = "Issue has been released"
color = "#ededed"
distributions {
create("komga") {
active = Active.RELEASE
distributionType = SINGLE_JAR
artifact {
path = rootDir.resolve("komga/build/libs/komga-{{projectVersion}}.jar")
packagers {
docker {
active = Active.RELEASE
continueOnError = true
templateDirectory = rootDir.resolve("komga/docker")
repository.active = Active.NEVER
buildArgs = listOf("--cache-from", "gotson/komga:latest")
imageNames =
registries {
create("docker.io") { externalLogin = true }
create("ghcr.io") { externalLogin = true }
buildx {
enabled = true
createBuilder = false
platforms =