
440 lines
17 KiB

import time
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageOps
from module.base.utils import *
from module.config.config import AzurLaneConfig
from module.exception import MapDetectionError
from module.logger import logger
from module.map_detection.perspective import Perspective
from module.map_detection.utils import *
from module.map_detection.utils_assets import *
class Homography:
Homography transformation
hm = Homography(AzurLaneConfig('template'))
hm = Homography(AzurLaneConfig('template'))
storage = ((8, 3), [(80.773, 281.635), (1164.829, 281.635), (-20.123, 609.332), (1259.794, 609.332)])
tile_center: 0.968 (good match)
0.062s _ edge_lines: 3 hori, 3 vert
Edges: /_ homo_loca: ( 26, 58)
image: np.ndarray
config: AzurLaneConfig
# Four edges in bool, or has attribute __bool__
left_edge: int
right_edge: int
lower_edge: int
upper_edge: int
homo_storage: tuple
homo_data: np.ndarray
homo_invt: np.ndarray
homo_size: tuple
homo_loca: np.ndarray
homo_loaded: bool
map_inner: np.ndarray
_map_edge_count: tuple
def __init__(self, config):
config (AzurLaneConfig):
self.config = config
self.homo_loaded = False
def ui_mask_homo_stroke(self):
if self.config.Scheduler_Command.startswith('Opsi'):
mask = ASSETS.ui_mask_os
mask = ASSETS.ui_mask
image = cv2.warpPerspective(mask, self.homo_data, self.homo_size)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
image = cv2.erode(image, kernel).astype('uint8')
# Remove edges, perspective transform may produce aliasing
pad = 2
image[:pad, :] = 0
image[-pad:, :] = 0
image[:, :pad] = 0
image[:, -pad:] = 0
return image
def load(self, image):
image (np.ndarray): Shape (720, 1280, 3)
if not self.homo_loaded:
self.load_homography(storage=self.config.HOMO_STORAGE, image=image)
def load_homography(self, storage=None, perspective=None, image=None, file=None):
storage (tuple): ((x, y), [upper-left, upper-right, bottom-left, bottom-right])
perspective (Perspective):
image (np.ndarray):
file (str): File path of image
if storage is not None:
elif perspective is not None:
hori = perspective.horizontal[0].add(perspective.horizontal[-1])
vert = perspective.vertical[0].add(perspective.vertical[-1])
src_pts = hori.cross(vert).points
x = len(perspective.vertical) - 1
y = len(perspective.horizontal) - 1
self.find_homography(size=(x, y), src_pts=src_pts)
elif image is not None:
perspective_ = Perspective(self.config)
elif file is not None:
image_ = load_image(file)
perspective_ = Perspective(self.config)
raise MapDetectionError('No data feed to load_homography, please input at least one.')
def find_homography(self, size, src_pts, overflow=True):
size (tuple): (x, y)
src_pts (list[tuple]): [upper-left, upper-right, bottom-left, bottom-right]
overflow (bool): True if get full transformed image, false if get valid area only.
self.homo_storage = (size, [(x, y) for x, y in np.round(src_pts, 3)])
logger.attr('homo_storage', self.homo_storage)
# Generate perspective data
src_pts = np.array(src_pts) - self.config.DETECTING_AREA[:2]
dst_pts = src_pts[0] + area2corner((0, 0, *np.multiply(size, self.config.HOMO_TILE)))
homo = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_pts.astype(np.float32), dst_pts.astype(np.float32))
# Re-generate to align image to upper-left
area = area2corner(self.config.DETECTING_AREA) - self.config.DETECTING_AREA[:2]
transformed = perspective_transform(area, data=homo)
if overflow:
transformed -= np.min(transformed, axis=0)
size = np.ceil(np.max(transformed, axis=0)).astype(int)
x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = transformed.flatten()
inner = np.array((max(x0, x2), max(y0, y1), min(x1, x3), min(y2, y3)))
transformed -= inner[:2]
size = np.ceil(inner[2:] - inner[:2]).astype(int)
homo = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(area.astype(np.float32), transformed.astype(np.float32))
self.homo_data = homo
self.homo_invt = cv2.invert(homo)[1]
self.homo_size = tuple(size.tolist())
self.homo_loaded = True
def detect(self, image):
image (np.ndarray): Screenshot.
bool: If success.
start_time = time.time()
self.image = image
# Image initialization
image = rgb2gray(crop(image, self.config.DETECTING_AREA, copy=False))
# Perspective transform
image_trans = cv2.warpPerspective(image, self.homo_data, self.homo_size)
# Edge detection
image_edge = cv2.Canny(image_trans, *self.config.HOMO_CANNY_THRESHOLD)
cv2.bitwise_and(image_edge, self.ui_mask_homo_stroke, dst=image_edge)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5))
cv2.morphologyEx(image_edge, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, dst=image_edge)
# Image.fromarray(image_edge, mode='L').show()
# Find free tile
if self.search_tile_center(image_edge, threshold_good=self.config.HOMO_CENTER_GOOD_THRESHOLD,
elif self.search_tile_corner(image_edge, threshold=self.config.HOMO_CORNER_THRESHOLD):
elif self.search_tile_rectangle(image_edge, threshold=self.config.HOMO_RECTANGLE_THRESHOLD):
raise MapDetectionError('Failed to find a free tile')
self.homo_loca %= self.config.HOMO_TILE
# Detect map edges
self.lower_edge, self.upper_edge, self.left_edge, self.right_edge = False, False, False, False
self._map_edge_count = (0, 0)
if self.config.HOMO_EDGE_DETECT:
# image_edge = cv2.bitwise_and(cv2.dilate(image_edge, kernel),
# cv2.inRange(image_trans, *self.config.HOMO_EDGE_COLOR_RANGE))
# image_edge = cv2.bitwise_and(image_edge, self.ui_mask_homo_stroke)
cv2.dilate(image_edge, kernel, dst=image_edge)
cv2.inRange(image_trans, *self.config.HOMO_EDGE_COLOR_RANGE, dst=image_trans)
cv2.bitwise_and(image_edge, image_trans, dst=image_edge)
cv2.bitwise_and(image_edge, self.ui_mask_homo_stroke, dst=image_edge)
self.detect_edges(image_edge, hough_th=self.config.HOMO_EDGE_HOUGHLINES_THRESHOLD)
# Log
time_cost = round(time.time() - start_time, 3)'%ss %s edge_lines: %s hori, %s vert' % (
float2str(time_cost), '_' if self.lower_edge else ' ',
self._map_edge_count[1], self._map_edge_count[0])
)'Edges: %s%s%s homo_loca: %s' % (
'/' if self.left_edge else ' ', '_' if self.upper_edge else ' ', '\\' if self.right_edge else ' ',
point2str(*self.homo_loca, length=3))
def search_tile_center(self, image, threshold_good=0.9, threshold=0.8, encourage=1.0):
Search for the center of empty tile.
Note: This is the main method.
`len(res[res > 0.8])` is 3x faster than `np.sum(res > 0.8)`
image (np.ndarray): Monochrome image.
threshold_good (float);
threshold (float):
encourage (int, float):
bool: If success.
result = cv2.matchTemplate(image, ASSETS.tile_center_image, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
_, similarity, _, loca = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
if similarity > threshold_good:
self.homo_loca = np.array(loca) - self.config.HOMO_CENTER_OFFSET
self.map_inner = np.array(loca)
message = 'good match'
elif similarity > threshold:
location = np.argwhere(result > threshold)[:, ::-1]
self.homo_loca = fit_points(
location, mod=self.config.HOMO_TILE, encourage=encourage) - self.config.HOMO_CENTER_OFFSET
self.map_inner = get_map_inner(location)
message = f'{len(location)} matches'
message = 'bad match'
# print(self.homo_loca % self.config.HOMO_TILE)
logger.attr_align('tile_center', f'{float2str(similarity)} ({message})')
return message != 'bad match'
def search_tile_corner(self, image, threshold=0.8, encourage=1.0):
Search for the corner of empty tile.
This is a fallback method, almost no need.
Note: This method has a difference in 0.5 ~ 1.0 pixel.
image (np.ndarray): Monochrome image.
threshold (float):
encourage (int, float):
bool: If success.
similarity = 0
location = np.array([])
for index in range(4):
template = ASSETS.tile_corner_image_list[index]
result = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
similarity = max(similarity, np.max(result))
loca = np.argwhere(result > threshold)[:, ::-1] - self.config.HOMO_CORNER_OFFSET_LIST[index]
location = np.append(location, loca, axis=0) if len(location) else loca
if similarity > threshold:
self.homo_loca = fit_points(
location, mod=self.config.HOMO_TILE, encourage=encourage) - self.config.HOMO_CENTER_OFFSET
self.map_inner = get_map_inner(location)
message = f'{len(location)} matches'
message = 'bad match'
# print(self.homo_loca % self.config.HOMO_TILE)
logger.attr_align('tile_corner', f'{float2str(similarity)} ({message})')
return message != 'bad match'
def search_tile_rectangle(self, image, threshold=10, encourage=5.1, close_kernel=(5, 10, 15, 20, 25)):
Search for the corner of empty tile.
This is a fallback method for fallback method, almost almost no need.
Note: This method may have a difference in about 2 pixels.
image (np.ndarray): Monochrome image.
threshold (int): Number of rectangles.
encourage (int, float):
close_kernel (tuple[int]): Kernel size use in morphology close
bool: If success.
location = np.array([])
for kernel in close_kernel:
# Re-creating closed image
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (kernel, kernel))
image_closed = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
# Find rectangles
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image_closed, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
rectangle = np.array([cv2.boundingRect(cv2.convexHull(cont).astype(np.float32)) for cont in contours])
# Filter out correct rectangles
rectangle = rectangle[(rectangle[:, 2] > 100) & (rectangle[:, 3] > 100)]
shape = rectangle[:, 2:]
diff = np.abs(shape - np.round(shape / self.config.HOMO_TILE) * self.config.HOMO_TILE)
rectangle = rectangle[np.all(diff < encourage, axis=1)]
location = np.append(location, rectangle[:, :2], axis=0) if len(location) else rectangle[:, :2]
except IndexError:
location = []
if len(location) > threshold:
self.homo_loca = fit_points(location, mod=self.config.HOMO_TILE, encourage=encourage)
self.map_inner = get_map_inner(location)
message = 'good match'
message = 'bad match'
# print(self.homo_loca % self.config.HOMO_TILE)
logger.attr_align('tile_rectangle', f'{len(location)} rectangles ({message})')
return message != 'bad match'
def detect_edges(self, image, hough_th=120, theta_th=0.005, edge_th=9):
Detect map edges
image (np.ndarray): Monochrome image.
hough_th (int): cv2.HoughLines threshold.
theta_th (float): Lines theta threshold, in degree.
edge_th (int): Edge threshold, in pixel.
lines = cv2.HoughLines(image, 1, np.pi / 180, hough_th)
if lines is None:
self.lower_edge, self.upper_edge = separate_edges([], inner=self.map_inner[1])
self.left_edge, self.right_edge = separate_edges([], inner=self.map_inner[0])
self._map_edge_count = (0, 0)
return None
lines = lines[:, 0, :]
rho, theta = lines[:, 0], lines[:, 1]
area = self.config.DETECTING_AREA
area = area2corner([0, 0, *np.subtract(area[2:], area[:2])])
area = np.mean(area.reshape((2, 2, 2)), axis=0)
area = perspective_transform(area, self.homo_data)
mid_left, _, mid_right, _ = area.flatten()
hori = lines[(np.deg2rad(90 - theta_th) < theta) & (theta < np.deg2rad(90 + theta_th))]
hori = Lines(hori, is_horizontal=True).group()
vert = lines[(theta < np.deg2rad(theta_th)) | (np.deg2rad(180 - theta_th) < theta)]
vert = [[-rho, theta - np.pi] if rho < 0 else [rho, theta] for rho, theta in vert]
vert = [[rho, theta] for rho, theta in vert if mid_left < rho < mid_right]
vert = Lines(vert, is_horizontal=False).group()
self._map_edge_count = (len(vert), len(hori))
if hori:
hori = hori.rho
diff = (hori - self.homo_loca[1]) % self.config.HOMO_TILE[1]
hori = hori[(diff < edge_th) | (diff > self.config.HOMO_TILE[1] - edge_th)]
if vert:
vert = vert.rho
diff = (vert - self.homo_loca[0]) % self.config.HOMO_TILE[0]
vert = vert[(diff < edge_th) | (diff > self.config.HOMO_TILE[0] - edge_th)]
self.lower_edge, self.upper_edge = separate_edges(hori, inner=self.map_inner[1])
self.left_edge, self.right_edge = separate_edges(vert, inner=self.map_inner[0])
def generate(self, edge_th=9):
Yields (tuple): ((x, y), [upper-left, upper-right, bottom-left, bottom-right])
area = [
self.left_edge - edge_th if self.left_edge else 0,
self.lower_edge - edge_th if self.lower_edge else 0,
self.right_edge + edge_th if self.right_edge else self.homo_size[0],
self.upper_edge + edge_th if self.upper_edge else self.homo_size[1]
x = np.arange(-25, 25) * self.config.HOMO_TILE[0] + self.homo_loca[0]
x = x[(x > area[0]) & (x < area[2])]
y = np.arange(-25, 25) * self.config.HOMO_TILE[1] + self.homo_loca[1]
y = y[(y > area[1]) & (y < area[3])]
shape = (len(x), len(y))
points = np.array(np.meshgrid(x, y)).reshape((2, -1)).T
points = perspective_transform(points, data=self.homo_invt) + self.config.DETECTING_AREA[:2]
for data in points_to_area_generator(points.reshape(*shape[::-1], 2), shape=shape):
yield data
def to_perspective(self):
(Lines, Lines): Horizontal lines, vertical lines.
grids = {}
for loca, points in self.generate():
grids[loca] = points
shape = np.max(list(grids.keys()), axis=0)
hori = Points([640, grids[(0, 0)][1, 1]]).link(None, is_horizontal=True)
for y in range(shape[1] + 1):
hori = hori.add(Points([640, grids[(0, y)][3, 1]]).link(None, is_horizontal=True))
vert = Points(grids[(0, 0)][1]).link(grids[(0, shape[1])][3])
for x in range(shape[0] + 1):
vert = vert.add(Points(grids[(x, 0)][1]).link(grids[(x, shape[1])][3]))
return hori, vert
def draw(self, lines=None, bg=None, expend=0):
if lines is None:
hori, vert = self.to_perspective()
lines = hori.add(vert)
if bg is None:
image = self.image.copy()
image = bg.copy()
image = Image.fromarray(image)
if expend:
image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=expend, fill=0)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for rho, theta in zip(lines.rho, lines.theta):
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a * rho
y0 = b * rho
x1 = int(x0 + 10000 * (-b)) + expend
y1 = int(y0 + 10000 * a) + expend
x2 = int(x0 - 10000 * (-b)) + expend
y2 = int(y0 - 10000 * a) + expend
draw.line([x1, y1, x2, y2], 'white')