
329 lines
11 KiB

from module.base.utils import *
from module.map_detection.grid import Grid, GridInfo, GridPredictor
from module.map_detection.utils_assets import ASSETS
from module.os.assets import *
from module.os.radar import RadarGrid
from module.template.assets import *
class OSGridInfo(GridInfo):
is_os = True
is_enemy = False # Red gun
is_resource = False # green box to get items
is_exclamation = False # Yellow exclamation mark '!'
is_meowfficer = False # Blue meowfficer
is_question = False # White question mark '?'
is_ally = False # Ally cargo ship in daily mission, yellow '!' on radar
is_akashi = False # White question mark '?'
is_scanning_device = False
is_logging_tower = False
is_exploration_reward = False
is_fleet_mechanism = False
is_fleet = False
is_radar_scanned = False
def is_interactive_only(self):
# Fleet can't goto this grid, but can only interact next to it
return self.is_ally or self.is_akashi
def encode(self):
dic = {
'AL': 'is_ally',
'AK': 'is_akashi',
'SD': 'is_scanning_device',
'LT': 'is_logging_tower',
'ER': 'is_exploration_reward',
'FM': 'is_fleet_mechanism',
for key, value in dic.items():
if self.__getattribute__(value):
return key
if self.is_siren:
name = self.enemy_genre[6:8].upper() if self.enemy_genre else 'SU'
return name if name else 'SU'
if self.is_enemy:
return '%s%s' % (
self.enemy_scale if self.enemy_scale else 0,
self.enemy_genre[0].upper() if self.enemy_genre else 'E')
dic = {
'RE': 'is_resource',
'EX': 'is_exclamation',
'ME': 'is_meowfficer',
'QU': 'is_question',
'FL': 'is_fleet',
'==': 'is_radar_scanned'
for key, value in dic.items():
if self.__getattribute__(value):
return key
return '--'
def merge(self, info, mode='normal'):
info (OSGridInfo, RadarGrid):
mode (str): Scan mode, must be 'normal' in OS
bool: If success.
if isinstance(info, RadarGrid):
self.is_radar_scanned = True
if info.is_ally:
self.is_ally = True
return True
if info.is_akashi:
self.is_akashi = True
return True
if info.is_scanning_device:
self.is_scanning_device = True
return True
if info.is_logging_tower:
self.is_logging_tower = True
return True
if info.is_exploration_reward:
self.is_exploration_reward = True
return True
if info.is_fleet_mechanism:
self.is_fleet_mechanism = True
return True
if info.is_question:
self.is_question = True
return True
if info.is_meowfficer:
self.is_meowfficer = True
return True
if info.is_exclamation:
self.is_exclamation = True
return True
if info.is_resource:
self.is_resource = True
return True
if info.is_enemy:
self.is_enemy = True
if info.enemy_scale:
self.enemy_scale = info.enemy_scale
if info.enemy_genre and not (info.enemy_genre == 'Enemy' and self.enemy_genre):
self.enemy_genre = info.enemy_genre
return True
# if info.is_fleet:
# self.is_fleet = True
# return True
return True
def wipe_out(self):
Call this method when a fleet step on grid.
self.is_enemy = False
self.is_resource = False
self.is_exclamation = False
self.is_meowfficer = False
self.is_question = False
self.is_scanning_device = False
self.is_logging_tower = False
self.is_exploration_reward = False
self.is_fleet_mechanism = False
def reset(self):
Call this method after entering a map.
self.is_radar_scanned = False
self.is_ally = False
self.is_akashi = False
class OSGridPredictor(GridPredictor):
def predict(self):
self.enemy_genre = self.predict_enemy_genre()
# self.enemy_scale = self.predict_enemy_scale()
# self.is_resource = self.predict_resource()
# self.is_meowfficer = self.predict_meowfficer() # This will increase the overall time cost about 100ms
# self.is_ally = self.predict_ally()
self.is_akashi = self.enemy_genre == 'Akashi'
self.is_scanning_device = self.enemy_genre == 'ScanningDevice'
self.is_logging_tower = self.enemy_genre == 'LoggingTower'
self.is_exploration_reward = self.enemy_genre == 'ExplorationReward'
self.is_current_fleet = self.predict_current_fleet()
self.is_fleet = self.is_current_fleet
self.is_fleet_mechanism = self.predict_fleet_mechanism()
if self.enemy_genre:
self.is_enemy = True
if self.enemy_scale:
self.is_enemy = True
# if not self.is_enemy:
# self.is_enemy = self.predict_static_red_border()
if self.is_enemy and not self.enemy_genre:
self.enemy_genre = 'Enemy'
if self.config.MAP_HAS_SIREN:
if self.enemy_genre is not None and self.enemy_genre.startswith('Siren'):
self.is_siren = True
self.enemy_scale = 0
def predict_fleet(self):
# OS don't have ammo icon
return super().predict_current_fleet()
def predict_sea(self):
color = cv2.mean(self.image_trans)
if not min(color[1], color[2]) > color[0] + 20:
return False
area = area_pad((48, 48, 48 + 46, 48 + 46), pad=5)
res = cv2.matchTemplate(ASSETS.tile_center_image, crop(self.image_homo, area=area, copy=False), cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
_, sim, _, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(res)
if sim > 0.8:
return True
# tile = 135
# corner = 25
# corner = [(5, 5, corner, corner), (tile - corner, 5, tile, corner), (5, tile - corner, corner, tile),
# (tile - corner, tile - corner, tile, tile)]
# for area, template in zip(corner[::-1], ASSETS.tile_corner_image_list[::-1]):
# res = cv2.matchTemplate(template, crop(self.image_homo, area=area), cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
# _, sim, _, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(res)
# if sim > 0.8:
# return True
return False
_os_template_enemy = {
'Akashi': TEMPLATE_SIREN_Akashi,
'ScanningDevice': TEMPLATE_ScanningDevice,
'LoggingTower': TEMPLATE_LoggingTower,
'ExplorationReward': TEMPLATE_ExplorationReward,
_os_template_enemy_upper = {
'ScanningDevice': TEMPLATE_ScanningDeviceUpper,
'LoggingTower': TEMPLATE_LoggingTowerUpper,
def predict_enemy_genre(self):
image = rgb2gray(self.relative_crop((-0.5, -1, 0.5, 0), shape=(60, 60)))
for name, template in self._os_template_enemy.items():
if template.match(image):
return name
image = rgb2gray(self.relative_crop((-0.5, -2, 0.5, -1), shape=(60, 60)))
for name, template in self._os_template_enemy_upper.items():
if template.match(image):
return name
return None
def predict_enemy_scale(self):
Detect the icon on the upper-left which shows enemy scale: Large, Middle, Small.
int: 1: Small, 2: Middle, 3: Large, 0: Unknown.
point = (-0.385, 0.815)
size = (0.53, 0.53)
image = self.relative_crop((point[0] - size[0], point[1] - size[1], point[0], point[1]), shape=(50, 50))
red = color_similarity_2d(image, (255, 130, 132))
yellow = color_similarity_2d(image, (255, 235, 156))
if TEMPLATE_ENEMY_L.match(red):
scale = 3
elif TEMPLATE_ENEMY_M.match(yellow):
scale = 2
# Disable the detection of 1 triangle enemies
# In OS, light tower on map will detect to be 1 triangle enemy
# elif TEMPLATE_ENEMY_S.match(yellow):
# scale = 1
scale = 0
return scale
def predict_resource(self):
image = rgb2gray(self.relative_crop((-0.5, -1, 0.5, 0), shape=(60, 60)))
return TEMPLATE_OS_Resource.match(image, similarity=0.85)
def predict_meowfficer(self):
image = rgb2gray(self.image_trans)
return TEMPLATE_OS_Meowfficer.match(image, similarity=0.85)
def predict_ally(self):
# Ally cargo ship in daily mission
image = rgb2gray(self.relative_crop((-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5), shape=(60, 60)))
return TEMPLATE_OS_AllyCargo.match(image, similarity=0.85)
def predict_akashi(self):
image = rgb2gray(self.relative_crop((-0.5, -1, 0.5, 0), shape=(60, 60)))
return TEMPLATE_SIREN_Akashi.match(image, similarity=0.85)
def predict_caught_by_siren(self):
# Detect the red slash background of `In action`.
return self.relative_rgb_count(
area=(-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5), color=(255, 109, 91), shape=(50, 50), threshold=221) > 120
def predict_fleet_mechanism(self):
# Get the upper border
area = self.grid2screen(np.array([(0, 0), (1, 0.2)]))
area = np.rint(area.flatten()).astype(int).tolist()
# It should in cyan
h = (185, 195)
s = (15, 90)
v = (60, 100)
image = cv2.cvtColor(crop(self.image, area, copy=False), cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
lower = (h[0] / 2, s[0] * 2.55, v[0] * 2.55)
upper = (h[1] / 2 + 1, s[1] * 2.55 + 1, v[1] * 2.55 + 1)
image = cv2.inRange(image, lower, upper)
# Flatten to a horizontal line
line = np.max(image, axis=0)
# Line should be continuous
# If not, a fleet may stand on it
if np.mean(line) < 180:
return False
# Should also have random white rectangles
area = self.grid2screen(np.array([(0.2, 0.2), (0.8, 0.8)]))
area = np.rint(area.flatten()).astype(int).tolist()
image = color_similarity_2d(crop(self.image, area, copy=False), color=(255, 255, 255))
count = image[image > 221].shape[0]
if count < 30:
return False
# Shouldn't contain any thing green or yellow
# Green is island and yellow is belt
# image = cv2.cvtColor(crop(self.image, area), cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
# h = (0, 180)
# s = (30, 90)
# v = (30, 100)
# lower = (h[0] / 2, s[0] * 2.55, v[0] * 2.55)
# upper = (h[1] / 2 + 1, s[1] * 2.55 + 1, v[1] * 2.55 + 1)
# image_in_range = cv2.inRange(image, lower, upper)
# if image_in_range[image_in_range > 0].shape[0] > 30:
# return False
# Should match the letter `2`
image = rgb2gray(self.image_trans)
sim, button = TEMPLATE_FleetMechanism.match_result(image)
point = (53, 37)
distance = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(button.area[:2], point))
if distance > 5 or sim < 0.3:
return False
return True
class OSGrid(OSGridInfo, OSGridPredictor, Grid):