LmeSzinc 3a489339a4 Fix: Some detection changes for W14
- Expose MAP_SWIPE_PREDICT_WITH_CURRENT_FLEET and MAP_SWIPE_PREDICT_WITH_SEA_GRIDS, due to errors in sea grids predictions
- Expose MAP_WALK_OPTIMIZE, disabled in W14, because of large map size
- Not allow enemy_scale overwrites, but allow 3 overwrites 2. 3 triangle enemies may be detected as 2 if being covered
- Reduce TEMPLATE_ENEMY_L similarity, the same reason as above
2021-10-22 17:40:47 +08:00
campaign_hard Refactor: Hard module 2021-09-23 02:35:05 +08:00
campaign_main Fix: Some detection changes for W14 2021-10-22 17:40:47 +08:00
campaign_sos Fix: SOS to use fleet1_all_fleet2_standby 2021-09-26 17:40:41 +08:00
campaign_war_archives Add: war archives support for app 2021-10-10 23:38:10 -04:00
event_20200227_cn Initial commit 2020-03-29 01:41:34 +08:00
event_20200312_cn Initial commit 2020-03-29 01:41:34 +08:00
event_20200326_cn Fix: 修复了一堆bug 2020-04-07 11:20:38 +08:00
event_20200423_cn New assets 2020-05-28 18:37:17 -03:00
event_20200507_cn Fix: 修复夜幕下的归途SP2的BOSS刷新点错误 2020-05-07 21:49:39 +08:00
event_20200521_cn Fix: 优化穹顶下的圣咏曲D3 2020-05-25 01:54:54 +08:00
event_20200521_en Fix: [EN] event map 2020-06-01 02:46:05 +08:00
event_20200603_cn Fix: fix siren names 2020-10-02 15:01:45 -03:00
event_20200603_en Fix: [EN] Fix SP2 of the 'Prelude under the Moon' not catching the Mystery 2020-06-03 19:32:54 -03:00
event_20200611_en Reverting default config in event map 2020-06-20 06:51:26 -03:00
event_20200716_en Fix: Fix Siren CV template 2020-07-29 19:06:54 -03:00
event_20200723_cn Fix: added homography as backend in D1 map 2020-08-16 16:44:43 -03:00
event_20200806_cn Opt: Update configs in event_20200806_cn 2020-12-11 20:52:23 +08:00
event_20200820_cn Fix: Spawn data in C1 C2 2020-08-25 23:41:16 +08:00
event_20200903_en Fix: [CN] SP0 in Stars of the Shimmering Fjord rerun 2020-11-20 17:10:33 +08:00
event_20200917_cn Fix: Raise exception in case name does not belong anywhere 2021-01-11 13:52:43 -05:00
event_20201002_en Fix: fix latest event auto select 2020-10-05 01:52:22 -03:00
event_20201012_cn Opt: MAP_SWIPE_MULTIPLY in event_20201012_cn 2020-10-12 18:53:35 +08:00
event_20201029_cn Fix: Raise exception in case name does not belong anywhere 2021-01-11 13:52:43 -05:00
event_20201126_cn Fix: Raise exception in case name does not belong anywhere 2021-01-11 13:52:43 -05:00
event_20201229_cn Opt: Inverted Orthant D1 D3 low cost farming 2021-01-01 22:38:49 +08:00
event_20210121_cn Fix: Empyreal Tragicomedy SP 2021-01-26 14:45:40 +08:00
event_20210225_cn Opt: Enemy preference in Khorovod of Dawns Rime SP 2021-02-27 01:06:42 +08:00
event_20210225_tw Add:[TW] Event entrance of Northern Overture 2021-02-27 12:28:38 +08:00
event_20210325_cn Opt: Perspective parameters in Ashen Simulacrum 2021-03-28 02:15:36 +08:00
event_20210415_tw Add: [TW] Encircling Graf Spee Rerun 2021-04-15 22:08:52 +08:00
event_20210422_cn Opt: Enemy preference in Daedalian Hymn 2021-04-24 15:52:28 +08:00
event_20210429_tw Add: [TW] Ink Stained Steel Sakura Rerun 2021-04-28 23:26:37 +08:00
event_20210527_cn Add: Mirror Involution chapter B, D and SP 2021-05-28 17:46:24 +08:00
event_20210527_tw Add: [TW] Microlayer Medley 2021-05-26 23:58:53 +08:00
event_20210610_tw Add: [TW] The Way Home in the Night 2021-06-12 10:32:24 +08:00
event_20210624_cn Opt: Low cost farming in Swirling Cherry Blossoms chapter A 2021-07-03 22:03:29 +08:00
event_20210624_tw Fix: [TW] Map detection backend in Daedalian Hymn event 2021-06-26 21:26:48 +08:00
event_20210722_cn Opt: Low cost farming in Azur Anthem 2021-07-25 21:24:01 +08:00
event_20210819_cn Opt: Perspective parameters in Microlayer Medley 2021-08-20 18:34:05 +08:00
event_20210916_cn Fix: event_20210916 d3 avoid path blocking 2021-09-25 20:40:27 +08:00
war_archives_20180607_cn Fix: [EN] Support for Ink-Stained Steel Sakura, update module reference to local 2021-04-08 23:24:07 -04:00
war_archives_20180726_cn Upd: War Archives Iris of Dark and Light update, stable for general use 2021-03-17 21:33:51 -04:00
war_archives_20181020_en Add: All EN supported war archives campaigns 2020-11-13 00:18:41 -05:00
war_archives_20181026_en Fix: Remove 'EX' maps not available in war archives, update offset for USE_DATA_KEY 2020-11-16 13:54:23 -05:00
war_archives_20190221_en Fix: Winter's Crown incorrect siren template names, map_extractor may need dictionary updates 2020-11-14 00:50:56 -05:00
war_archives_20190321_en Fix: Visitors Dyed in Red re-generated maps, 3 variations exist, pick highest id number 2020-11-17 14:47:47 -05:00
war_archives_20190620_en change war_archives_20190620map 2021-08-30 09:03:31 +08:00
war_archives_20191010_en Add: All EN supported war archives campaigns 2020-11-13 00:18:41 -05:00
war_archives_20191031_en Fix: Remove 'EX' maps not available in war archives, update offset for USE_DATA_KEY 2020-11-16 13:54:23 -05:00 Add:[TW] Cross Wave 2021-10-14 22:00:26 +08:00

Event List

To add a new event, add a new row in here, and run python -m dev_tools.event_extract. Some date in directory not equal to Aired date, because they use the map files in old events. Use Ctrl+F to search what you want.

Aired Date The date that the event aired for the first time.

Directory The directory where contains map files of an event are stored.

Event Name Official name in English. If an event haven't aired in EN, use the name in CN.

CN, EN, JP, TW Event names in GUI. If an event is not aired on some servers, use -.

Aired Date Directory Event Name CN EN JP TW
20170607 war archives 20181020 en Strive, Wish, and Strategize 努力、希望和计划 Strive, Wish, and Strategize 努力、希望と計画 努力、希望和計劃
20170802 war archives 20191031 en Divergent Chessboard 异色格 Divergent Chessboard 鏡写されし異色 異色格
20170928 war archives 20190321 en Visitors Dyed in Red 红染的参访者 Visitors Dyed in Red 紅染の来訪者 紅染的參訪者
20171026 war archives 20190620 en Glorious Battle 光荣的一战 Glorious Battle 栄光なる最終戦 光榮的一戰
20171228 war archives 20181026 en Fallen Wings 坠落之翼 Fallen Wings 闇に堕ちた青き翼 墜落之翼
20180119 war archives 20191010 en Encircling Graf Spee 围剿斯佩伯爵 Encircling Graf Spee アドミラル・グラーフ・シュペー追撃戦 圍剿斯佩伯爵
20180226 war archives 20190221 en Winter's Crown 凛冬王冠 Winter's Crown 凛冽なりし冬の王冠 凜冬王冠
20180607 war archives 20180607 cn Ink Stained Steel Sakura 墨染的钢铁之花 Ink Stained Steel Sakura 墨染まりし鋼の桜 墨染的鋼鐵之花
20180726 war archives 20180726 cn Iris of Light and Dark 光与影的鸢尾之华 Iris of Light and Dark 光と影のアイリス 光與影的鳶尾之華
20200227 event 20200227 cn Northern Overture 北境序曲 Northern Overture 凍絶の北海 -
20200312 event 20200312 cn The Solomon Ranger 复刻斯图尔特的硝烟 The Solomon Ranger Rerun 南洋に靡く硝煙(復刻) -
20200326 event 20200326 cn Microlayer Medley 微层混合 Microlayer Medley 闇靄払う銀翼 -
20200423 event 20200423 cn Crimson Echoes 复刻苍红的回响 Crimson Echoes Rerun 縹映る深緋の残響(復刻) -
20200507 event 20200507 cn The Way Home in the Night 夜幕下的归途 The Way Home in the Night 帰路は海色の陰りへと -
20200521 event 20200521 cn Skybound Oratorio 穹顶下的圣咏曲 - 神穹を衝く聖歌 -
20200521 event 20200521 en Iris of Light and Dark - Iris of Light and Dark Rerun - -
20200603 event 20200603 cn Stars of the Shimmering Fjord 峡湾间的反击 - 峡湾間の反撃 -
20200603 event 20200603 en Prelude under the Moon - Prelude under the Moon Rerun - -
20200611 event 20200611 en Skybound Oratorio - Skybound Oratorio - -
20200624 raid 20200624 Air Raid Drills with Essex 复刻特别演习埃塞克斯级 Air Raid Drills with Essex Rerun 特別演習超空強襲波(復刻) 特別演習埃塞克斯級
20200716 event 20200716 en Ink Stained Steel Sakura - Ink Stained Steel Sakura Rerun - -
20200723 event 20200723 cn Aurora Noctis 永夜幻光 Aurora Noctis 極夜照らす幻光 -
20200806 event 20200806 cn The Enigma and the Shark 复刻最重要的宝物 - 鉄血鮫とエニグマ(復刻) -
20200820 event 20200820 cn Scherzo of Iron and Blood 复刻铁血音符誓言 Scherzo of Iron and Blood Rerun 黒鉄の楽章 誓いの海(復刻) -
20200903 event 20200903 en Stars of the Shimmering Fjord - Stars of the Shimmering Fjord - -
20200917 event 20200917 cn Dreamwaker's Butterfly 蝶海梦花 Dreamwaker's Butterfly 刹那觀る胡蝶の夢 -
20201002 event 20201002 en Counterattack Within the Fjord - Counterattack Within the Fjord - -
20201012 event 20201012 cn Sundered Blue 划破海空之翼 - 奔る彩帆の青 -
20201029 event 20201029 cn Universe in Unison 激唱的UNIVERSE Universe in Unison 激唱のユニバース -
20201105 event 20200312 cn The Solomon Ranger - - - 斯圖爾特的硝煙
20201112 event 20200903 en Stars of the Shimmering Fjord 复刻峡湾间的星辰 - 輝ける峡湾の星(復刻) -
20201112 event 20201012 cn Sundered Blue - Sundered Blue - -
20201126 event 20201126 cn Vacation Lane 假日航线 Vacation Lane バケーションレーン -
20201210 event 20200806 cn The Enigma and the Shark - The Enigma and the Shark Rerun - -
20201229 event 20201229 cn Inverted Orthant 负象限作战 Inverted Orthant 虚畳なりし限象 -
20210121 event 20210121 cn Empyreal Tragicomedy 复刻神圣的悲喜剧 Empyreal Tragicomedy Rerun 悲歎せし焔海の詩(復刻) -
20210225 event 20210225 cn Khorovod of Dawn's Rime 破晓冰华 Khorovod of Dawn's Rime 暁射す氷華の嵐 -
20210225 event 20210225 tw Northern Overture - - - 北境序曲
20210325 event 20210325 cn Ashen Simulacrum 复刻箱庭疗法 Ashen Simulacrum Rerun 開かれし紺碧の砂箱(復刻) -
20210415 event 20210415 tw Encircling Graf Spee - - - 復刻圍剿施佩伯爵
20210422 event 20210422 cn Daedalian Hymn 复兴的赞美诗 Daedalian Hymn 讃える復興の迷路 -
20210429 event 20210429 tw Ink Stained Steel Sakura - - - 復刻墨染的鋼鐵之花
20210527 event 20210527 tw Microlayer Medley - - - 微層混合
20210527 event 20210527 cn Mirror Involution 镜位螺旋 Mirror Involution 照らす螺旋の鏡海 -
20210610 event 20210610 tw The Way Home in the Night - - - 夜幕下的歸途
20210624 event 20210624 tw Skybound Oratorio - - - 穹頂下的聖詠曲
20210624 event 20210624 cn Swirling Cherry Blossoms 复刻浮樱影华 Swirling Cherry Blossoms Rerun 翳りし満ちる影の華(復刻) -
20210708 raid 20210708 Cross Wave 复刻穿越彼方的水线 Cross Wave rerun 交錯する新たな波 (復刻) -
20210708 event 20200903 en Stars of the Shimmering Fjord - - - 峽灣間的星辰
20210722 event 20210722 cn Azur Anthem 响彻碧海的偶像歌 Azur Anthem 海に響くアイドルの歌 -
20210729 event 20200723 cn Aurora Noctis - - - 永夜幻光
20210812 event 20200806 cn The Enigma and the Shark - - - 最重要的寶物
20210819 event 20210819 cn Microlayer Medley 复刻微层混合 Microlayer Medley Rerun 闇靄払う銀翼(復刻) -
20210826 event 20210722 cn Azur Anthem - - - 響徹碧海的偶像歌
20210916 event 20210916 cn Upon the Shimmering Blue 碧海光粼 Upon the Shimmering Blue 駆けよ 碧海の吹き風 -
20210923 event 20200917 cn Dreamwaker's Butterfly - - - 蝶海夢花
20211008 event 20201012 cn Sundered Blue - - - 劃破海空之翼
20211014 raid 20210708 Cross Wave - - - 穿越彼方的水線