This is a pack of original mouse cursors (pointers) for Windows, with minimalistic design. Some design originated from *Genshin Impact* and *Bocchi the Rock*. It has multiple mouse cursor schemes built in, for convenient installation and management.
(Illustration credits: Pixiv ID [102249014]( by [@みず](; [104313496]( by [@ナナセミオリ](; [109780772]( by [@十六夜小黑](
Enter the "STMC" folder, right-click one of the INF files that you would like to use, and click "Install". Then click Pointers >> OK >> Yes in the "Mouse Properties" window which will pop up later.
Go to the [releases]( page, download the PowerPoint project files and edit them as you like. 及其内容物遵循 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 协议,允许任意传播,但转载必须注明出处。若仅在电脑录屏中展示此套鼠标指针,则无需注明鼠标指针作者。仅供个人免费使用,不得商用(任何盈利行为)。其他内容(例如工程文件)保留版权。<br> and its contents are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. You may freely distribute them, but a reference is required when reposting. Reference is not required if you are simply showing the mouse cursors in a screen recording. For free personal use only. No commercial use. Other contents such as the project files are copyrighted.