using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller; using WixSharp; using WixSharp.CommonTasks; using WixSharp.Controls; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using File = WixSharp.File; namespace Setup { public class Program { static void Main() { // This project type has been superseded with the EmbeddedUI based "WixSharp Managed Setup - Custom Dialog" // project type. Which provides by far better final result and user experience. // However due to the Burn limitations (see this discussion: // currently "Custom CLR Dialog" is the only working option for having bootstrapper silent UI displaying // individual MSI packages UI implemented in managed code. var uninstallerShortcut = new ExeFileShortcut("Uninstall LANraragi", "[System64Folder]msiexec.exe", "/x [ProductCode]"); var registerAction = new ManagedAction(RegisterWslDistro, Return.check, When.After, Step.InstallFinalize, Condition.NOT_BeingRemoved); registerAction.ProgressText = "Installing the LANraragi WSL Distro... (This will show a cmd window)"; var unregisterAction = new ManagedAction(UnRegisterWslDistro, Return.check, When.Before, Step.RemoveFiles, Condition.BeingUninstalled); unregisterAction.ProgressText = "Removing the previous LANraragi WSL Distro (This will show a cmd window)"; var project = new Project("LANraragi", new Dir(@"%AppData%\LANraragi", new Files(@"..\Karen\bin\Release\net472\win7-x64\*.*"), new File(@"..\DistroInstaller\bin\Release\net472\win7-x64\DistroInstaller.exe"), //DesktopBridge.Helpers.dll already in the global Files match above new File(@"..\External\package.tar"), uninstallerShortcut ), new Dir(@"%ProgramMenu%\LANraragi for Windows", new ExeFileShortcut("LANraragi", "[INSTALLDIR]Karen.exe", "")), new RegValue(RegistryHive.LocalMachineOrUsers, @"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Karen", "[INSTALLDIR]Karen.exe"), registerAction, unregisterAction ); project.GUID = new Guid("6fe30b47-2577-43ad-1337-1861ba25889b"); project.Platform = Platform.x64; project.MajorUpgrade = new MajorUpgrade { Schedule = UpgradeSchedule.afterInstallValidate, // Remove previous version entirely before reinstalling, so that the WSL distro isn't uninstalled on upgrade. DowngradeErrorMessage = "A later version of [ProductName] is already installed. Setup will now exit." }; // Version number is based on the LRR_VERSION_NUM env variable var version = "0.0.1"; if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LRR_VERSION_NUM") != null) version = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LRR_VERSION_NUM"); try { project.Version = Version.Parse(version); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't get version from the environment variable " + version); project.Version = Version.Parse("0.0.1"); } // Check for x64 Windows 10 project.LaunchConditions.Add(new LaunchCondition("VersionNT64", "LANraragi for Windows can only be installed on a 64-bit Windows.")); project.LaunchConditions.Add(new LaunchCondition("VersionNT>=\"603\"", "LANraragi for Windows can only be installed on Windows 10 and up.")); //Schedule custom dialog between WelcomeDlg and InstallDirDlg standard MSI dialogs. project.InjectClrDialog(nameof(ShowDialogIfWslDisabled), NativeDialogs.WelcomeDlg, NativeDialogs.InstallDirDlg); //remove LicenceDlg project.RemoveDialogsBetween(NativeDialogs.InstallDirDlg, NativeDialogs.VerifyReadyDlg); // Customize project.BackgroundImage = @"Images\dlgbmp.bmp"; project.BannerImage = @"Images\bannrbmp.bmp"; project.ControlPanelInfo.UrlInfoAbout = ""; project.ControlPanelInfo.UrlUpdateInfo = ""; project.ControlPanelInfo.ProductIcon = @"Images\favicon.ico"; project.ControlPanelInfo.Contact = "Difegue"; project.ControlPanelInfo.Manufacturer = "Difegue"; project.OutDir = "bin"; project.BuildMsi(); } [CustomAction] public static ActionResult RegisterWslDistro(Session session) { #if DEBUG Debugger.Launch(); #endif if (session.IsUninstalling()) { return UnRegisterWslDistro(session); } var packageLocation = session.Property("INSTALLDIR") + @"package.tar"; var distroInstaller = session.Property("INSTALLDIR") + @"DistroInstaller.exe"; return session.HandleErrors(() => { // Use distroinstaller to either install or uninstall the WSL distro. session.Log("Installing WSL Distro from package.tar"); session.Log($"DistroInstaller location: {distroInstaller}"); session.Log($"package.tar location: {packageLocation}"); var wslProc = Process.Start(distroInstaller, $"-upgrade \"{packageLocation}\""); wslProc.WaitForExit(); session.Log("Exit code of DistroInstaller is " + wslProc.ExitCode); }); } [CustomAction] public static ActionResult UnRegisterWslDistro(Session session) { // We don't use distroInstaller here since INSTALLDIR isn't set when uninstalling. return session.HandleErrors(() => { session.Log("Removing previous WSL Distro"); var wslProc = Process.Start("wslconfig.exe", "/unregister lanraragi"); wslProc.WaitForExit(); }); } [CustomAction] public static ActionResult ShowDialogIfWslDisabled(Session session) { return WixCLRDialog.ShowAsMsiDialog(new WslCheckDialog(session)); } } }