mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 03:16:58 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,469 +1,472 @@
if (!defined('IN_DZZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
require_once libfile('function/code');
class table_resources_event extends dzz_table
public function __construct()
$this->_table = 'resources_event';
$this->_pk = 'id';
public function addevent_by_pfid($pfid, $event, $do, $eventdata, $gid = '', $rid = '', $do_obj = '', $type = 0)
if (!$pfid) return false;
$eventArr = array(
'rid' => $rid,
'event_body' => $event,
'uid' => getglobal('uid'),
'username' => getglobal('username'),
'dateline' => time(),
'body_data' => serialize($eventdata),
'gid' => $gid,
'pfid' => $pfid,
'do' => $do,
'do_obj' => $do_obj,
'type' => $type
if ($insert = parent::insert($eventArr, 1)) {
return $insert;
} else {
return false;
public function delete_by_gid($gid)
DB::delete($this->table, array('gid' => $gid));
public function delete_by_pfid_and_notrid($fid)
return DB::delete($this->_table, array('rid' => '', 'pfid' => $fid));
public function delete_by_rid($rid)
if (!is_array($rid)) $rid = (array)$rid;
if (DB::delete($this->_table, 'rid in(' . dimplode($rid) . ')')) {
return array('success' => lang('exploder_do_succeed'));
return array('error' => lang('exploder_do_failed'));
public function update_position_by_rid($rid, $pfid, $gid)
if (!is_array($rid)) $rid = (array)$rid;
DB::update($this->_table, array('pfid' => $pfid, 'gid' => $gid), "rid IN(" . dimplode($rid) . ")");
return true;
public function fetch_event_by_gid($gid)
$gid = intval($gid);
$time = date('Y-m-d');
$starttime = strtotime($time);
$endtime = $starttime + 3600 * 24;
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where gid = %d and dateline > %d and dateline < %d order by dateline desc", array($this->_table, $gid, $starttime, $endtime)) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$events[] = $v;
return $events;
public function emoji_decode($str)
$text = json_encode($str); //暴露出unicode
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\\\\\/i', function ($str) {
return '\\';
}, $text); //将两条斜杠变成一条,其他不动
return json_decode($text);
public function fetch_comment_by_fid($fid, $count = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
$fid = intval($fid);
$params = array($this->_table, $fid, 1);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t where pfid = %d and rid = '' and `type`= %d", $params);
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where pfid = %d and rid = '' and `type`= %d order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
if (count($events)) {
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_comment_by_rid($rid, $count = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
$rid = trim($rid);
$params = array($this->_table, $rid, 1);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t where rid = %s and `type`= %d", $params);
$uid = array();
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where rid = %s and `type`= %d order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
if (count($events)) {
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_by_rid($rids, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $count = false, $type = false)
if (!is_array($rids)) $rids = (array)$rids;
$fids = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where rid in(%n)", array('resources', $rids)) as $v) {
if ($v['type'] == 'folder') {
$fids[] = $v['oid'];
$wheresql = " where rid in(%n) ";
$params = array($this->_table, $rids);
if (count($fids) > 0) {
$wheresql .= " or (pfid in(%n))";
$params[] = $fids;
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= ' and `type` = ' . $type;
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t $wheresql", $params);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$events = array();
$uids = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t $wheresql order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_by_pfid_rid($fid, $counts = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $rid = '', $type = false)
$fids = C::t('resources_path')->get_child_fids($fid);
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = " . $type . ")";
} else {
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = 0)";
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = 0)";
$params = array($this->_table, $fids);
if ($rid) {
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
} else {
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
$params[] = $rid;
} else {
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
} else {
$wheresql .= " or (pfid = %d and `type` = 1 and rid = '')";
$params[] = $fid;
if ($counts) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t $wheresql", $params);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$events = array();
$uids = array();
include_once libfile('function/use');
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t $wheresql order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$at_users = array();
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events)
$uids = array_unique($uids);
$avatars = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select u.avatarstatus,u.uid,s.svalue from %t u left join %t s on u.uid=s.uid and s.skey=%s where u.uid in(%n)", array('user', 'user_setting', 'headerColor', $uids)) as $v) {
if ($v['avatarstatus'] == 1) {
$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] = 1;
} else {
$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] = 0;
$avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'] = $v['svalue'];
$fevents = array();
foreach ($events as $v) {
$v['avatarstatus'] = $avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'];
if (!$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] && isset($avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'])) {
$v['headerColor'] = $avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'];
$fevents[] = $v;
return $fevents;
public function fetch_by_ridlast($rid)
$event = array();
$result = DB::fetch_first("select * from %t where rid = %s and `type` = %d", array($this->_table, $rid, 0));
$body_data = unserialize($result['body_data']);
$body_data['msg'] = dzzcode($body_data['msg']);
$event = array(
'details' => lang($result['event_body'], $body_data),
'fdate' => dgmdate($result['dateline'], 'u'),
return $event;
public function fetch_all_event($start = 0, $limit = 0, $condition = array(), $ordersql = '', $count = false)
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$wheresql = ' 1 ';
$uid = getglobal('uid');
$params = array($this->_table, 'folder');
$explorer_setting = get_resources_some_setting();//获取系统设置
$powerarr = perm_binPerm::getPowerArr();
$usercondition = array();
if (!isset($condition['uidval'])) {
if ($explorer_setting['useronperm']) {//判断当前用户存储是否开启,如果开启则查询当前用户网盘数据
$usercondition ['nogid'] = " e.gid=0 and e.uid=%d ";
$params[] = $uid;
} else {
$uids = $condition['uidval'][0];
if (in_array($uid, $uids)) {
if ($explorer_setting['useronperm']) {//判断当前用户存储是否开启,如果开启则查询当前用户网盘数据
$usercondition ['nogid'] = " e.gid=0 and e.uid=%d ";
$params[] = $uid;
if (count($uids) > 0) {//群组用户限制
$usercondition ['hasgid'] = " (e.uid in(%n)) ";
if (isset($usercondition['nogid'])) $wheresql .= 'and (' . $usercondition ['nogid'] . ')';
$orgcondition = array();
$orgids = C::t('organization')->fetch_all_orgid();//获取所有有管理权限的部门,并排除已关闭的群组或机构
if ($orgids['orgids_admin']) {
$orgcondition[] = " e.gid IN (%n) ";
$params[] = $orgids['orgids_admin'];
if ($orgids['orgids_member']) {
$orgcondition[] = " (e.gid IN(%n) and ((f.perm_inherit & %d) OR (e.uid=%d and f.perm_inherit & %d))) ";
$params[] = $orgids['orgids_member'];
$params[] = $powerarr['read2'];
$params[] = $uid;
$params[] = $powerarr['read1'];
if ($orgcondition) {//如果有群组条件
$or = isset($usercondition ['nogid']) ? 'or' : 'and';//判断是否有网盘数据
if ($usercondition ['hasgid']) {//如果有网盘数据,则与群组条件组合为或的关系
$wheresql .= " $or ((" . implode(' OR ', $orgcondition) . ") and " . $usercondition ['hasgid'] . ") ";
$params[] = $uids;
} else {
$wheresql .= " $or (" . implode(' OR ', $orgcondition) . ") ";
$wheresql = '(' . $wheresql . ')';
} else {
if (!isset($usercondition ['nogid'])) {
$wheresql .= ' and 0 ';
if ($condition && is_string($condition)) {//字符串条件语句
$wheresql .= $condition;
} elseif (is_array($condition)) {
foreach ($condition as $k => $v) {
if (!is_array($v)) {
$connect = 'and';
$wheresql .= $connect . ' e.' . $k . " = '" . $v . "' ";
} else {
$relative = isset($v[1]) ? $v[1] : '=';
$connect = isset($v[2]) ? $v[2] : 'and';
if ($relative == 'in') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " e." . $k . " " . $relative . " (" . $v[0] . ") ";
} elseif ($relative == 'nowhere') {
} elseif ($relative == 'stringsql') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " " . $v[0] . " ";
} elseif ($relative == 'like') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " e." . $k . " like %s ";
$params[] = '%' . $v[0] . '%';
} else {
$wheresql .= $connect . ' e.' . $k . ' ' . $relative . ' ' . $v[0] . ' ';
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t e left join %t f on e.pfid = f.fid where $wheresql $ordersql", $params);
$uids = array();
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select e.* from %t e left join %t f on e.pfid = f.fid where $wheresql $ordersql $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function delete_comment_by_id($id)
$id = intval($id);
$uid = getglobal('uid');
if (!$comment = parent::fetch($id)) {
return array('error' => lang('comment_not_exists'));
$pfid = $comment['pfid'];
if ($folder = C::t('folder')->fetch($pfid)) {
if(($uid != $comment['uid']) && !perm_check::checkperm_Container($folder['fid'], 'delete2') && !($uid == $folder['uid'] && perm_check::checkperm_Container($folder['fid'], 'delete1'))) {
return array('error' => lang('no_privilege'));
if (parent::delete($id)) {
return array('success' => true);
} else {
return array('error' => lang('delete_error'));
* #group&do=file&gid=1&fid=13
* #group&gid=1
* #home&fid=1
* #home&do=file&fid=11
* */
public function get_showtpl_hash_by_gpfid($pfid, $gid = 0)
$hash = '';
if ($gid > 0) {
$gfid = DB::result_first("select fid from %t where orgid = %d", array('organization', $gid));
if ($pfid == $gfid) {
$hash = '#group&gid=' . $gid;
} else {
$hash = '#group&do=file&gid=' . $gid . '&fid=' . $pfid;
} else {
$hfid = DB::result_first("select pfid from %t where fid = %d", array('folder', $pfid));
if ($hfid == 0) {
$hash = '#home&fid=' . $pfid;
} else {
$hash = '#home&do=file&fid=' . $pfid;
return $hash;
public function update_event_by_pfid($pfid, $opfid)
DB::update($this->_table, array('pfid' => $opfid), array('pfid' => $opfid));
if (!defined('IN_DZZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
require_once libfile('function/code');
class table_resources_event extends dzz_table
public function __construct()
$this->_table = 'resources_event';
$this->_pk = 'id';
public function addevent_by_pfid($pfid, $event, $do, $eventdata, $gid = '', $rid = '', $do_obj = '', $type = 0)
if (!$pfid) return false;
$eventArr = array(
'rid' => $rid,
'event_body' => $event,
'uid' => getglobal('uid'),
'username' => getglobal('username'),
'dateline' => time(),
'body_data' => serialize($eventdata),
'gid' => $gid,
'pfid' => $pfid,
'do' => $do,
'do_obj' => $do_obj,
'type' => $type
if ($insert = parent::insert($eventArr, 1)) {
return $insert;
} else {
return false;
public function delete_by_gid($gid)
DB::delete($this->table, array('gid' => $gid));
public function delete_by_pfid_and_notrid($fid)
return DB::delete($this->_table, array('rid' => '', 'pfid' => $fid));
public function delete_by_rid($rid)
if (!is_array($rid)) $rid = (array)$rid;
if (DB::delete($this->_table, 'rid in(' . dimplode($rid) . ')')) {
return array('success' => lang('exploder_do_succeed'));
return array('error' => lang('exploder_do_failed'));
public function update_position_by_rid($rid, $pfid, $gid)
if (!is_array($rid)) $rid = (array)$rid;
DB::update($this->_table, array('pfid' => $pfid, 'gid' => $gid), "rid IN(" . dimplode($rid) . ")");
return true;
public function fetch_event_by_gid($gid)
$gid = intval($gid);
$time = date('Y-m-d');
$starttime = strtotime($time);
$endtime = $starttime + 3600 * 24;
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where gid = %d and dateline > %d and dateline < %d order by dateline desc", array($this->_table, $gid, $starttime, $endtime)) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$events[] = $v;
return $events;
public function emoji_decode($str)
$text = json_encode($str); //暴露出unicode
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\\\\\/i', function ($str) {
return '\\';
}, $text); //将两条斜杠变成一条,其他不动
return json_decode($text);
public function fetch_comment_by_fid($fid, $count = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
$fid = intval($fid);
$params = array($this->_table, $fid, 1);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t where pfid = %d and rid = '' and `type`= %d", $params);
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where pfid = %d and rid = '' and `type`= %d order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
if (count($events)) {
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_comment_by_rid($rid, $count = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
$rid = trim($rid);
$params = array($this->_table, $rid, 1);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t where rid = %s and `type`= %d", $params);
$uid = array();
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where rid = %s and `type`= %d order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
if (count($events)) {
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_by_rid($rids, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $count = false, $type = false)
if (!is_array($rids)) $rids = (array)$rids;
$fids = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t where rid in(%n)", array('resources', $rids)) as $v) {
if ($v['type'] == 'folder') {
$fids[] = $v['oid'];
$wheresql = " where rid in(%n) ";
$params = array($this->_table, $rids);
if (count($fids) > 0) {
$wheresql .= " or (pfid in(%n))";
$params[] = $fids;
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= ' and `type` = ' . $type;
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t $wheresql", $params);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$events = array();
$uids = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t $wheresql order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = self::emoji_decode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function fetch_by_pfid_rid($fid, $counts = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $rid = '', $type = false)
$fids = C::t('resources_path')->get_child_fids($fid);
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = " . $type . ")";
} else {
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = 0)";
$wheresql = " where (pfid in(%n) and `type` = 0)";
$params = array($this->_table, $fids);
if ($rid) {
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
} else {
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
$params[] = $rid;
} else {
if ($type) {
$type = $type - 1;
$wheresql .= " or ((rid = %s and `type` = 1) or `type` = 0)";
} else {
$wheresql .= " or (pfid = %d and `type` = 1 and rid = '')";
$params[] = $fid;
if ($counts) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t $wheresql", $params);
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$events = array();
$uids = array();
include_once libfile('function/use');
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select * from %t $wheresql order by dateline desc $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = preg_replace_callback("/@\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/i", "atreplacement", $v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$at_users = array();
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events)
$uids = array_unique($uids);
$avatars = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select u.avatarstatus,u.uid,s.svalue from %t u left join %t s on u.uid=s.uid and s.skey=%s where u.uid in(%n)", array('user', 'user_setting', 'headerColor', $uids)) as $v) {
if ($v['avatarstatus'] == 1) {
$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] = 1;
} else {
$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] = 0;
$avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'] = $v['svalue'];
$fevents = array();
foreach ($events as $v) {
$v['avatarstatus'] = $avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'];
if (!$avatars[$v['uid']]['avatarstatus'] && isset($avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'])) {
$v['headerColor'] = $avatars[$v['uid']]['headerColor'];
$fevents[] = $v;
return $fevents;
public function fetch_by_ridlast($rid)
$event = array();
$result = DB::fetch_first("select * from %t where rid = %s and `type` = %d", array($this->_table, $rid, 0));
$body_data = unserialize($result['body_data']);
$body_data['msg'] = dzzcode($body_data['msg']);
$event = array(
'details' => lang($result['event_body'], $body_data),
'fdate' => dgmdate($result['dateline'], 'u'),
return $event;
public function fetch_all_event($start = 0, $limit = 0, $condition = array(), $ordersql = '', $count = false)
$limitsql = $limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : '';
$wheresql = ' 1 ';
$uid = getglobal('uid');
$params = array($this->_table, 'folder');
$explorer_setting = get_resources_some_setting();//获取系统设置
$powerarr = perm_binPerm::getPowerArr();
$usercondition = array();
if (!isset($condition['uidval'])) {
if ($explorer_setting['useronperm']) {//判断当前用户存储是否开启,如果开启则查询当前用户网盘数据
$usercondition ['nogid'] = " e.gid=0 and e.uid=%d ";
$params[] = $uid;
} else {
$uids = $condition['uidval'][0];
if (in_array($uid, $uids)) {
if ($explorer_setting['useronperm']) {//判断当前用户存储是否开启,如果开启则查询当前用户网盘数据
$usercondition ['nogid'] = " e.gid=0 and e.uid=%d ";
$params[] = $uid;
if (count($uids) > 0) {//群组用户限制
$usercondition ['hasgid'] = " (e.uid in(%n)) ";
if (isset($usercondition['nogid'])) $wheresql .= 'and (' . $usercondition ['nogid'] . ')';
$orgcondition = array();
$orgids = C::t('organization')->fetch_all_orgid();//获取所有有管理权限的部门,并排除已关闭的群组或机构
if ($orgids['orgids_admin']) {
$orgcondition[] = " e.gid IN (%n) ";
$params[] = $orgids['orgids_admin'];
if ($orgids['orgids_member']) {
$orgcondition[] = " (e.gid IN(%n) and ((f.perm_inherit & %d) OR (e.uid=%d and f.perm_inherit & %d))) ";
$params[] = $orgids['orgids_member'];
$params[] = $powerarr['read2'];
$params[] = $uid;
$params[] = $powerarr['read1'];
if ($orgcondition) {//如果有群组条件
$or = isset($usercondition ['nogid']) ? 'or' : 'and';//判断是否有网盘数据
if ($usercondition ['hasgid']) {//如果有网盘数据,则与群组条件组合为或的关系
$wheresql .= " $or ((" . implode(' OR ', $orgcondition) . ") and " . $usercondition ['hasgid'] . ") ";
$params[] = $uids;
} else {
$wheresql .= " $or (" . implode(' OR ', $orgcondition) . ") ";
$wheresql = '(' . $wheresql . ')';
} else {
if (!isset($usercondition ['nogid'])) {
$wheresql .= ' and 0 ';
if ($condition && is_string($condition)) {//字符串条件语句
$wheresql .= $condition;
} elseif (is_array($condition)) {
foreach ($condition as $k => $v) {
if (!is_array($v)) {
$connect = 'and';
$wheresql .= $connect . ' e.' . $k . " = %s ";
$params[] = $v;
} else {
$relative = isset($v[1]) ? $v[1] : '=';
$connect = isset($v[2]) ? $v[2] : 'and';
if ($relative == 'in') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " e." . $k . " in (%n) ";
} elseif ($relative == 'nowhere') {
} elseif ($relative == 'stringsql') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " " . $v[0] . " ";
} elseif ($relative == 'like') {
$wheresql .= $connect . " e." . $k . " like %s ";
$params[] = '%' . $v[0] . '%';
} else {
$wheresql .= $connect . ' e.' . $k . ' = %s ';
$params[]=$v[0] ;
if ($count) {
return DB::result_first("select count(*) from %t e left join %t f on e.pfid = f.fid where $wheresql $ordersql", $params);
$uids = array();
$events = array();
foreach (DB::fetch_all("select e.* from %t e left join %t f on e.pfid = f.fid where $wheresql $ordersql $limitsql", $params) as $v) {
$v['body_data'] = unserialize($v['body_data']);
$v['body_data']['msg'] = dzzcode($v['body_data']['msg']);
$v['do_lang'] = lang($v['do']);
$v['details'] = lang($v['event_body'], $v['body_data']);
$v['fdate'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u');
$uids[] = $v['uid'];
$events[] = $v;
$events = self::result_events_has_avatarstatusinfo($uids, $events);
return $events;
public function delete_comment_by_id($id)
$id = intval($id);
$uid = getglobal('uid');
if (!$comment = parent::fetch($id)) {
return array('error' => lang('comment_not_exists'));
$pfid = $comment['pfid'];
if ($folder = C::t('folder')->fetch($pfid)) {
if(($uid != $comment['uid']) && !perm_check::checkperm_Container($folder['fid'], 'delete2') && !($uid == $folder['uid'] && perm_check::checkperm_Container($folder['fid'], 'delete1'))) {
return array('error' => lang('no_privilege'));
if (parent::delete($id)) {
return array('success' => true);
} else {
return array('error' => lang('delete_error'));
* #group&do=file&gid=1&fid=13
* #group&gid=1
* #home&fid=1
* #home&do=file&fid=11
* */
public function get_showtpl_hash_by_gpfid($pfid, $gid = 0)
$hash = '';
if ($gid > 0) {
$gfid = DB::result_first("select fid from %t where orgid = %d", array('organization', $gid));
if ($pfid == $gfid) {
$hash = '#group&gid=' . $gid;
} else {
$hash = '#group&do=file&gid=' . $gid . '&fid=' . $pfid;
} else {
$hfid = DB::result_first("select pfid from %t where fid = %d", array('folder', $pfid));
if ($hfid == 0) {
$hash = '#home&fid=' . $pfid;
} else {
$hash = '#home&do=file&fid=' . $pfid;
return $hash;
public function update_event_by_pfid($pfid, $opfid)
DB::update($this->_table, array('pfid' => $opfid), array('pfid' => $opfid));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user