mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 04:17:42 +08:00
* 修复添加腾讯云存储时无法获取bucket列表问题 * 修改提示UI
1598 lines
58 KiB
1598 lines
58 KiB
* @copyright QiaoQiaoShiDai Internet Technology(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
* @license https://www.oaooa.com/licenses/
* @link https://www.oaooa.com
* @author zyx(zyx@oaooa.com)
if (!defined('IN_DZZ')) {
exit('Access Denied');
include_once DZZ_ROOT . './core/api/Qcos/vendor/autoload.php';
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
class io_Qcos extends io_api
const T = 'connect_storage';
const BZ = 'QCOS';
private $icosdatas = array();
private $bucket = '';
private $_root = '';
private $_rootname = '';
private $perm = 0;
private $alc = '';
// qcos配置信息
private $qcos_config = [];
public function __construct($path)
$arr = DB::fetch_first("SELECT root,name FROM %t WHERE bz=%s", array('connect', self::BZ));
$this->_root = $arr['root'];
$this->_rootname = $arr['name'];
$this->perm = perm_binPerm::getMyPower();
* 初始化qcos 返回 qcos对象实例
public function init($bz, $isguest = 0)
global $_G;
$bzarr = explode(':', $bz);
$id = trim($bzarr[1]);
if (!$root = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table(self::T) . " where id='{$id}'")) {
return array('error' => 'need authorize to ' . $bzarr[0]);
if (!$isguest && $root['uid'] > 0 && $root['uid'] != $_G['uid']) return array('error' => 'need authorize to qcos');
$access_id = authcode($root['access_id'], 'DECODE', $root['bz']);
if (empty($access_id)) $access_id = $root['access_id'];
$access_key = authcode($root['access_key'], 'DECODE', $root['bz']);
$this->bucket = $root['bucket'];
$hostnamearr = explode(':', $root['hostname']);
$schema = isset($hostnamearr[0]) ? $hostnamearr[0] : 'http';
$region = isset($hostnamearr[1]) ? $hostnamearr[1] : 'ap-beijing';
try {
$this->qcos_config = [
'credentials' => array(
'secretId' => $access_id,
'secretKey' => $access_key
'region' => $hostnamearr[1],
'schema' => $hostnamearr[0],
$qcos = new Qcloud\Cos\Client($this->qcos_config);
return $qcos;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
// 打印错误信息
/* function get_error_info(Qcloud\Cos\Client $ObjectClient)
return 'error_info: ' . $ObjectClient->getErrorInfo() . PHP_EOL
.'error_code: ' . $ObjectClient->getErrorCode() . PHP_EOL
. 'error_message: ' . $ObjectClient->getErrorMessage();
return '';
* 移动附件
* @param $path
* @param $attach
* @return array|bool|void
public function MoveToSpace($path, $attach)
global $_G;
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$bucket = $arr['bucket'];
$object = $arr['object'];
$obz = io_remote::getBzByRemoteid($attach['remote']);
$save_path = array();
if ($obz == 'dzz') {
try {
$content = fopen(getglobal('setting/attachdir') . $attach['attachment'], 'rb');
$save_path = $qcos->putObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'Body' => $content));
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
$save_path['error'] = $e->getMessage();
} else {
try {
$opath = $obz . '/' . $attach['attachment'];
$content = IO::getFileContent($opath);
$save_path = $qcos->putObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'Body' => $content));
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
$save_path['error'] = $e->getMessage();
if ($save_path['error']) {
return array('error' => $save_path['error']);
} else {
return true;
return false;
* 根据文件路径创建文件夹
* @param $path
* @param string $pfid
* @param bool $noperm
public function createFolderByPath($path, $pfid = '', $noperm = false)
$data = array();
if (self::makeDir($path)) {
$data = self::getMeta($path);
return $data;
public function makeDir($path)
$arr = $this->parsePath($path);
$patharr = explode('/', trim($arr['object'], '/'));
$folderarr = array();
$p = $arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'];
foreach ($patharr as $value) {
$p .= '/' . $value;
$re = $this->_makeDir($p);
if (isset($re['error'])) {
return $re;
return true;
protected function _makeDir($path)
global $_G;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
try {
$ret = $qcos->putObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['object'] . '/', 'Body' => ''));
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
return true;
public function getBucketALC($path)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path, 1);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
$this->alc = $qcos->getObjectAcl(array($arr['bucket'], $arr['object']));
return $this->alc;
public function getBucketList($access_id, $access_key, $region)
$re = array();
$config = [
'credentials' => array(
'secretId' => $access_id,
'secretKey' => $access_key
'region' => $region,
'schema' => 'http',
$qcos = new \Qcloud\Cos\Client($config);
try {
if ($list = $qcos->listBuckets()) {
if (isset($list['Buckets']) && !empty($list['Buckets'][0]['Bucket'])) {
foreach ($list['Buckets'][0]['Bucket'] as $value) {
$re[] = $value['Name'];
} else {
return array('error' => 'Bucket为空!');
} else {
return array();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
return $re;
public function authorize($refer = '')
global $_G, $_GET, $clouds;
if (empty($_G['uid'])) {
dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode(BASESCRIPT . '?mod=connect&op=oauth&bz=qcos'));
// showmessage('to_login', '', array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1));
//return 0;
if (submitcheck('alisubmit')) {
$access_id = $_GET['access_id'];
$access_key = $_GET['access_key'];
$region = $_GET['region'];
$bucket = $_GET['bucket'];
$schema = $_GET['schema'] ? $_GET['schema'] : 'http';
if (!$access_id || !$access_key) {
showmessage(lang('input_QCOS_acc_sec') . 'Access Key ID and Access Key Secret', dreferer());
if (!$bucket) showmessage('select_bucket_node_address', dreferer());
$qcos_config = [
'credentials' => array(
'secretId' => $access_key,
'secretKey' => $access_key),
'region' => $region,
'schema' => 'http',
$cosClient = new Qcloud\Cos\Client($qcos_config);
$type = 'QCOS';
$uid = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? 0 : $_G['uid'];
$setarr = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'access_id' => $access_id,
'access_key' => authcode($access_key, 'ENCODE', $type),
'bz' => $type,
'bucket' => $bucket,
'dateline' => TIMESTAMP,
'hostname' => $schema . ':' . $region
if ($id = DB::result_first("select id from " . DB::table(self::T) . " where uid='{$uid}' and access_id='{$access_id}' and bucket='{$bucket}'")) {
DB::update(self::T, $setarr, "id ='{$id}'");
} else {
$id = DB::insert(self::T, $setarr, 1);
if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
$setarr = array(
'name' => $clouds[$type]['name'] . ':' . ($bucket ? $bucket : cutstr($access_id, 4, '')),
'bz' => $type,
'isdefault' => 0,
'dname' => self::T,
'did' => $id,
'dateline' => TIMESTAMP,
if (!DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from %t where did=%d and dname=%s ", array(
) {
showmessage('do_success', BASESCRIPT . '?mod=cloud&op=space');
} else {
showmessage('do_success', $refer ? $refer : BASESCRIPT . '?mod=connect');
} else {
include template('oauth_qcos');
public function getBzByPath($path)
$bzarr = explode(':', $path);
return $bzarr[0] . ':' . $bzarr[1] . ':';
public function getFileUri($path)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path, 1);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
return $qcos->getObjectUrl($arr['bucket'], $arr['object'], '+120 minutes');
public function deleteThumb($path)
global $_G;
$imgcachePath = './imgcache/';
$cachepath = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(':', '/', $path));
foreach ($_G['setting']['thumbsize'] as $value) {
$target = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $value['width'] . '_' . $value['height'] . '_1.jpeg';
$target1 = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $value['width'] . '_' . $value['height'] . '_2.jpeg';
@unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . $target);
@unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . $target1);
public function createThumb($path, $size, $width = 0, $height = 0, $thumbtype = 1)
global $_G;
if (intval($width) < 1) $width = $_G['setting']['thumbsize'][$size]['width'];
if (intval($height) < 1) $height = $_G['setting']['thumbsize'][$size]['height'];
$imgcachePath = 'imgcache/';
$cachepath = str_replace(urlencode('/'), '/', urlencode(str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(':', '/', $path))));
$target = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $width . '_' . $height . '_' . $thumbtype . '.jpeg';
if (@getimagesize($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target)) {
return 2;//已经存在缩略图
$fileurls = array();
Hook::listen('thumbnail', $fileurls, $path);
if (!$fileurls) {
$fileurls = array('fileurl' => self::getFileUri($path), 'filedir' => self::getStream($path));
if (!$imginfo = @getimagesize($fileurls['filedir'])) {
return -1; //非图片不能生成
if (($imginfo[0] < $width && $imginfo[1] < $height)) {
return 3;//小于要求尺寸,不需要生成
include_once libfile('class/image');
$target_attach = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target;
$targetpath = dirname($target_attach);
$image = new image();
if ($thumb = $image->Thumb($fileurls['filedir'], $target, $width, $height, $thumbtype)) {
//if($thumb = $image->Thumb($imgurl,$target,$width, $height,1) ){
return 1;//生成缩略图成功
} else {
return 0;//生成缩略图失败
public function getThumb($path, $width, $height, $original, $returnurl = false, $thumbtype = 1)
global $_G;
$imgcachePath = 'imgcache/';
$cachepath = str_replace(urlencode('/'), '/', urlencode(str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(':', '/', $path))));
$target = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $width . '_' . $height . '_' . $thumbtype . '.jpeg';
if (!$original && @getimagesize($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target)) {
if ($returnurl) return $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . '/' . $target;
IO::output_thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target);
$fileurls = array();
Hook::listen('thumbnail', $fileurls, $path);
if (!$fileurls) {
$fileurls = array('fileurl' => self::getFileUri($path), 'filedir' => self::getStream($path));
if (!$imginfo = @getimagesize($fileurls['filedir'])) {
$imgurl = geticonfromext($data['ext'], $data['type']);
if ($returnurl) return $imgurl;
if ($original || ($imginfo[0] < $width && $imginfo[1] < $height)) {
if ($returnurl) return $fileurls['fileurl'];
$imgurl = $fileurls['filedir'];
$target_attach = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target;
$targetpath = dirname($target_attach);
require_once libfile('class/image');
$image = new image();
if ($thumb = $image->Thumb($imgurl, $target, $width, $height, $thumbtype)) {
if ($returnurl) return $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . '/' . $target;
IO::output_thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './' . $target);
} else {
if ($returnurl) return $imgurl;
//$path: 路径
function getStream($path)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path, 1);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
return $qcos->getObjectUrl($arr['bucket'], $arr['object'],'+120 minutes');
public function parsePath($path)
$arr = explode(':', $path);
$bz = $arr[0] . ':' . $arr[1] . ':';
$arr1 = explode('/', $arr[2]);
$bucket = $arr1[0];
//}else $bucket='';
//if(!$bucket) return array('error'=>'bucket不能为空');
$object = implode('/', $arr1);
return array('bucket' => $bucket, 'object' => $object, 'bz' => $bz);
//@param number $path 文件的路径
//@param string $data 文件的新内容
public function setFileContent($path, $data)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
try {
$ret = $qcos->Upload($arr['bucket'], $arr['object'], $data);
$meta = array(
'Key' => $arr['object'],
'Size' => strlen($data),
'LastModified' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
return $icoarr;
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
* 上传文件
* @param string $fileContent 文件内容字符串
* @param string $path 上传文件的目标保存路径
* @param string $fileName 文件名
* @param string $ondup overwrite:目前只支持覆盖。
* @return string
function upload_by_content($fileContent, $path, $filename, $ondup = 'overwrite')
global $_G;
$path .= $filename;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
try {
$ret = $qcos->Upload($arr['bucket'], $arr['object'] . '/' . $filename, $fileContent);
$meta = array(
'Key' => $arr['object'] . '/' . $filename,
'Size' => strlen($fileContent),
'LastModified' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
return $icoarr;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
* 获取当前用户空间配额信息
* @return string
public function getQuota($bz)
return 0;
* 获取指定文件夹下的文件列表
* @param string $path 文件路径
* @param string $by 排序字段,缺省根据文件类型排序,time(修改时间),name(文件名),size(大小,注意目录无大小)
* @param string $order asc或desc,缺省采用降序排序
* @param string $limit 返回条目控制,参数格式为:n1-n2。返回结果集的[n1, n2)之间的条目,缺省返回所有条目。n1从0开始。
* @param string $force 读取缓存,大于0:忽略缓存,直接调用api数据,常用于强制刷新时。
* @return icosdatas
function listFiles($path, $by = 'time', $marker = '/', $limit = 100, $force = 0)
global $_G, $_GET, $documentexts, $imageexts;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$icosdata = array();
$folders = $icos = array();
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
$data = $qcos->listObjectslistObjects(array(
'Marker' => $arr['object'],
'MaxKeys' => $limit,
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
foreach($data['Contents'] as $v){
if($v['size'] == 0 && substr($v['Key'], -1) == '/'){
$folders[] = $v;
$icos[] = $v;
/* if ($icodata['Contents']) $icos = $icodata['Contents'];
if ($data['CommonPrefixes']) $folders = $data['CommonPrefixes'];*/
$value = array();
foreach ($icos as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
} else {
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($icos, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
$value = array();
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value['isdir'] = true;
$value['Key'] = $value['Prefix'];
$value['LastModified'] = '';
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = self::getMeta($icoarr['path']);
} else {
$folders['isdir'] = true;
$folders['Key'] = $folders['Prefix'];
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($folders, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = self::getMeta($icoarr['path']);
$value = array();
$value['isdir'] = true;
$value['Key'] = $data['Prefix'] ? $data['Prefix'] : '';
$value['nextMarker'] = $data['NextMarker'];
$value['IsTruncated'] = $data['IsTruncated'];
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
if ($icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]) {
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]['nextMarker'] = $icoarr['nextMarker'];
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]['IsTruncated'] = $icoarr['IsTruncated'];
} else {
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
return $icosdata;
* 获取指定文件夹下的文件列表
* @param string $path 文件路径
* @param string $by 排序字段,缺省根据文件类型排序,time(修改时间),name(文件名),size(大小,注意目录无大小)
* @param string $order asc或desc,缺省采用降序排序
* @param string $limit 返回条目控制,参数格式为:n1-n2。返回结果集的[n1, n2)之间的条目,缺省返回所有条目。n1从0开始。
* @param string $force 读取缓存,大于0:忽略缓存,直接调用api数据,常用于强制刷新时。
* @return icosdatas
function listFilesAll(&$qcos, $path, $limit = '1000', $marker = '', $icosdata = array())
//static $icosdata=array();
$folders = $icos = array();
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$data = $qcos->listObjects(array(
'Marker' => $arr['object'],
'MaxKeys' => $limit,
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
foreach($data['Contents'] as $v){
if($v['size'] == 0 && substr($v['Key'], -1) == '/'){
$folders[] = $v;
$icos[] = $v;
$value = array();
foreach ($icos as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
} else {
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($icos, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
$value = array();
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value['isdir'] = true;
$value['Key'] = $value['Prefix'];
$value['LastModified'] = '';
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = self::getMeta($icoarr['path']);
} else {
$folders['isdir'] = true;
$folders['Key'] = $folders['Prefix'];
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($folders, $arr);
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = self::getMeta($icoarr['path']);
$value = array();
$value['isdir'] = true;
$value['Key'] = $data['Prefix'] ? $data['Prefix'] : '';
$value['nextMarker'] = $data['NextMarker'];
$value['IsTruncated'] = $data['IsTruncated'];
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($value, $arr);
if ($icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]) {
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]['nextMarker'] = $icoarr['nextMarker'];
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']]['IsTruncated'] = $icoarr['IsTruncated'];
} else {
$icosdata[$icoarr['icoid']] = $icoarr;
if ($data['IsTruncated'] == 'true') {
$icosdata = self::listFilesAll($qcos, $path, 1000, $data['nextMarker'], $icosdata);
return $icosdata;
*$force>0 强制刷新,不读取缓存数据;
function getMeta($path, $force = 0)
global $_G, $_GET, $documentexts, $imageexts;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$icosdata = array();
$qcos = self::init($path, 1);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
if (empty($arr['object']) || empty($arr['bucket'])) {
$meta = array(
'Key' => '',
'Size' => 0,
'LastModified' => '',
'isdir' => true
} else {
try {
$meta = $qcos->headObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['object']));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$icosdata = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
return $icosdata;
function _formatMeta($meta, $arr)
global $_G, $documentexts, $imageexts;
$icosdata = array();
if (substr($meta['Key'], -1) == '/') $meta['isdir'] = true;
if ($meta['isdir']) {
if (!$meta['Key']) {
if ($this->bucket) {
$name = $this->bucket;
$pfid = 0;
$pf = '';
$flag = self::BZ;
} elseif ($arr['bucket']) {
$name = $arr['bucket'];
$pfid = md5($arr['bz']);
$pf = '';
$flag = self::BZ;
} else {
$name = $this->_rootname;
$pfid = 0;
$pf = '';
$flag = self::BZ;
if ($arr['bucket']) $arr['bucket'] .= '/';
} else {
if ($arr['bucket']) $arr['bucket'] .= '/';
$namearr = explode('/', $meta['Key']);
$name = $namearr[count($namearr) - 2];
$pf = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($namearr) - 2); $i++) {
$pf .= $namearr[$i] . '/';
$pf = $arr['bucket'] . $pf;
$pfid = md5($arr['bz'] . $pf);
$flag = '';
$icoarr = array(
'icoid' => md5(($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key'])),
'path' => $arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key'],
'dpath' => dzzencode($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']),
'bz' => ($arr['bz']),
'gid' => 0,
'name' => $name,
'username' => $_G['username'],
'uid' => $_G['uid'],
'oid' => md5($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']),
'img' => 'dzz/images/default/system/folder.png',
'type' => 'folder',
'ext' => '',
'pfid' => $pfid,
'ppath' => $arr['bz'] . $pf,
'size' => 0,
'dateline' => strtotime($meta['LastModified']),
'flag' => $flag,
'nextMarker' => $meta['nextMarker'],
'IsTruncated' => $meta['IsTruncated'],
$icoarr['fsize'] = formatsize($icoarr['size']);
$icoarr['ftype'] = getFileTypeName($icoarr['type'], $icoarr['ext']);
$icoarr['fdateline'] = dgmdate($icoarr['dateline']);
$icosdata = $icoarr;
} else {
if ($arr['bucket']) $arr['bucket'] .= '/';
$namearr = explode('/', $meta['Key']);
$name = $namearr[count($namearr) - 1];
$pf = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($namearr) - 1; $i++) {
$pf .= $namearr[$i] . '/';
$ext = strtoupper(substr(strrchr($meta['Key'], '.'), 1));
if (in_array($ext, $imageexts)) $type = 'image'; elseif (in_array($ext, $documentexts)) $type = 'document';
else $type = 'attach';
if ($type == 'image') {
$img = $_G['siteurl'] . DZZSCRIPT . '?mod=io&op=thumbnail&size=small&path=' . dzzencode($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']);
$url = $_G['siteurl'] . DZZSCRIPT . '?mod=io&op=thumbnail&size=large&path=' . dzzencode($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']);
} else {
$img = geticonfromext($ext, $type);
$url = $_G['siteurl'] . DZZSCRIPT . '?mod=io&op=getStream&path=' . dzzencode($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']);;
$icoarr = array(
'icoid' => md5(($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key'])),
'path' => ($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']),
'dpath' => dzzencode($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key']),
'bz' => ($arr['bz']),
'gid' => 0,
'name' => $name,
'username' => $_G['username'],
'uid' => $_G['uid'],
'oid' => md5(($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $meta['Key'])),
'img' => $img,
'url' => $url,
'type' => $type,
'ext' => strtolower($ext),
'pfid' => md5($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $pf),
'ppath' => $arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . $pf,
'size' => $meta['Size'],
'dateline' => strtotime($meta['LastModified']),
'flag' => ''
$icoarr['fsize'] = formatsize($icoarr['size']);
$icoarr['ftype'] = getFileTypeName($icoarr['type'], $icoarr['ext']);
$icoarr['fdateline'] = dgmdate($icoarr['dateline']);
$icosdata = $icoarr;
return $icosdata;
public function getFolderDatasByPath($path)
$bzarr = self::parsePath($path);
$oss = self::init($path, 1);
$spath = $bzarr['object'];
if (!$this->bucket && $bzarr['bucket']) {
$spath = $bzarr['bucket'] . '/' . $spath;
$bzarr['bucket'] = '';
} else {
$bzarr['bucket'] .= '/';
$spath = trim($spath, '/');
$patharr = explode('/', $spath);
$folderarr = array();
$path1 = $bzarr['bz'] . $bzarr['bucket'];
if ($arr = self::getMeta($path1)) {
if (!isset($arr['error'])) {
$folder = self::getFolderByIcosdata($arr);
$folderarr[$folder['fid']] = $folder;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($patharr); $i++) {
$path1 = $bzarr['bz'] . $bzarr['bucket'];
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
$path1 .= $patharr[$j] . '/';
if ($arr = self::getMeta($path1)) {
if (isset($arr['error'])) continue;
$folder = self::getFolderByIcosdata($arr);
$folderarr[$folder['fid']] = $folder;
return $folderarr;
function getFolderByIcosdata($icosdata)
global $_GET;
$folder = array();
$path = $icosdata['path'];
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
if (!$arr['bucket']) { //根目录
$fsperm = 0;
} else {
$fsperm = 0;
if ($icosdata['type'] == 'folder') {
$folder = array(
'fid' => $icosdata['oid'],
'path' => $icosdata['path'],
'fname' => $icosdata['name'],
'uid' => $icosdata['uid'],
'pfid' => $icosdata['pfid'],
'ppath' => $icosdata['ppath'],
'iconview' => $_GET['iconview'] ? intval($_GET['iconview']) : 0,
'disp' => $_GET['disp'] ? intval($_GET['disp']) : 0,
'perm' => $this->perm,
'hash' => $icosdata['hash'],
'bz' => $icosdata['bz'],
'gid' => $icosdata['gid'],
'fsperm' => $fsperm,
'icon' => '',
'nextMarker' => $icosdata['nextMarker'],
'IsTruncated' => $icosdata['IsTruncated'],
return $folder;
function getFileContent($path)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$url = self::getFileUri($path);
return file_get_contents($url);
public function zipdownload($paths, $filename)
global $_G;
$paths = (array)$paths;
if (empty($filename)) {
$meta = self::getMeta($paths[0]);
$filename = $meta['name'] . (count($paths) > 1 ? lang('wait') : '');
$filename = (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8' && (strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') || strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Edge') || strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'rv:11')) ? urlencode($filename) : $filename);
include_once libfile('class/ZipStream');
$zip = new ZipStream($filename . ".zip");
$data = self::getFolderInfo($paths, '', $zip);
/*foreach($data as $value){
$zip->addLargeFile(fopen($value['url'],'rb'), $value['position'], $value['dateline']);
public function getFolderInfo($paths, $position = '', $zip)
static $data = array();
try {
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$arr = IO::parsePath($path);
$oss = self::init($path, 1);
if (is_array($oss) && $oss['error']) return $oss;
$meta = self::getMeta($path);
switch ($meta['type']) {
case 'folder':
$lposition = $position . $meta['name'] . '/';
$contents = self::listFilesAll($oss, $path);
$arr = array();
foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
if ($value['path'] != $path) {
$arr[] = $value['path'];
if ($arr) self::getFolderInfo($arr, $lposition, $zip);
$meta['url'] = self::getStream($meta['path']);
$meta['position'] = $position . $meta['name'];
$zip->addLargeFile(@fopen($meta['url'], 'rb'), $meta['position'], $meta['dateline']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data['error'] = $e->getMessage();
return $data;
return $data;
public function download($paths, $filename)
global $_G;
$paths = (array)$paths;
if (count($paths) > 1) {
self::zipdownload($paths, $filename);
} else {
$path = $paths[0];
$path = rawurldecode($path);
//header("location: $url");
try {
$url = self::getStream($path);
// Download the file
$file = self::getMeta($path);
if ($file['type'] == 'folder') {
if (!$fp = @fopen($url, 'rb')) {
$chunk = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
//$file['data'] = self::getFileContent($path);
//if($file['data']['error']) topshowmessage($file['data']['error']);
$file['name'] = '"' . (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8' && (strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') || strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Edge') || strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'rv:11')) ? urlencode($file['name']) : $file['name']) . '"';
$d = new FileDownload();
$d->download($url, $file['name'], $file['size'], $file['dateline'], true);
dheader('Date: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $file['dateline']) . ' GMT');
dheader('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $file['dateline']) . ' GMT');
dheader('Content-Encoding: none');
dheader('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $file['name']);
dheader('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
dheader('Content-Length: ' . $file['size']);
if (getglobal('gzipcompress')) @ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fread($fp, $chunk);
@ob_flush(); // flush output
} catch (Exception $e) {
// The file wasn't found at the specified path/revision
//echo 'The file was not found at the specified path/revision';
public function getFolderObjects(&$qcos, $path, $limit = '1000', $marker = '')
static $objects = array();
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
//echo( $path.'---------');
$folders = $icos = array();
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$data = $qcos->listObjects(array(
'Marker' => $arr['object'],
'MaxKeys' => $limit,
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$value = array();
foreach ($icos as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$objects[] = $value['Key'];
} else {
$objects[] = $icos['Key'];
$value = array();
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$objects[] = $value['Prefix'];
} else {
$objects[] = $folders['Prefix'];
if ($data['IsTruncated'] == 'true') {
self::getFolderObjects($path, 1000, $data['nextMarker']);
return $objects;
//$path: 删除的路径
//$bz: 删除的api;
public function Delete($path, $force = false)
//global $dropbox;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
try {
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
if (substr($arr['object'], -1) == '/') { //是文件夹
$objects = self::getFolderObjects($qcos, $path);
$objectsarr = array();
foreach ($objects as $v) {
$objectsarr[] = array('Key' => $v);
$response = $qcos->deleteObjects(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Objects' => $objectsarr));
} else {
$response = $qcos->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['object']));
if ($response === false) {
return array('error' => self::get_error_info($qcos));
return array(
'icoid' => md5(($path)),
'name' => substr(strrchr($path, '/'), 1),
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array('icoid' => md5($path), 'error' => $e->getMessage());
public function CreateFolder($path, $fname)
global $_G;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$return = array();
try {
$qcos = self::init($path);
if (is_array($qcos) && $qcos['error']) return $qcos;
$ret = $qcos->putObjectByContent($arr['object'] . '/' . $fname . '/', '');
if ($ret === false) {
return array('error' => self::get_error_info($qcos));
$meta = array(
'isdir' => true,
'Key' => $arr['object'] . $fname . '/',
'Size' => 0,
'LastModified' => $ret->header['date'],
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
$folderarr = self::getFolderByIcosdata($icoarr);
$return = array('folderarr' => $folderarr, 'icoarr' => $icoarr);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$return = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
return $return;
public function getFolderName($name, $path)
static $i = 0;
if (!$this->icosdatas) $this->icosdatas = self::listFiles($path);
$names = array();
foreach ($this->icosdatas as $value) {
$names[] = $value['name'];
if (in_array($name, $names)) {
$name = str_replace('(' . $i . ')', '', $name) . '(' . ($i + 1) . ')';
$i += 1;
return self::getFolderName($name, $path);
} else {
return $name;
private function getCache($path)
$cachekey = 'qcos_uploadID_' . md5($path);
$cache = C::t('cache')->fetch($cachekey);
return unserialize($cache['cachevalue']);
private function saveCache($path, $data)
global $_G;
$cachekey = 'qcos_uploadID_' . md5($path);
'cachekey' => $cachekey,
'cachevalue' => serialize($data),
'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'],
), false, true);
private function deleteCache($path)
$cachekey = 'qcos_uploadID_' . md5($path);
private function getPartInfo($content_range)
$arr = array();
if (!$content_range) {
$arr['ispart'] = false;
$arr['iscomplete'] = true;
} elseif (is_array($content_range)) {
$arr['ispart'] = true;
$partsize = getglobal('setting/maxChunkSize');
$arr['partnum'] = ceil(($content_range[2] + 1) / $partsize);
if (($content_range[2] + 1) >= $content_range[3]) {
$arr['iscomplete'] = true;
} else {
$arr['iscomplete'] = false;
} else {
return false;
return $arr;
public function uploadStream($file, $filename, $path, $relativePath, $content_range)
$data = array();
$arr = self::getPartInfo($content_range);
//echo ($relativePath).'vvvvvvvv';
//if($arr['partnum']>1) print_r($arr);
if ($relativePath && ($arr['iscomplete'])) {
$path1 = $path;
$patharr = explode('/', $relativePath);
foreach ($patharr as $key => $value) {
if (!$value) {
// echo $path1.'---'.$value.'------';
$re = self::CreateFolder($path1, $value);
if (isset($re['error'])) {
return $re;
} else {
if ($key == 0) {
$data['icoarr'][] = $re['icoarr'];
$data['folderarr'][] = $re['folderarr'];
$path1 = $path1 . $value . '/';
$path .= $relativePath;
if ($arr['ispart']) {
if ($re1 = self::upload($file, $path, $filename, $arr)) {
if ($re1['error']) {
return $re1;
if ($arr['iscomplete']) {
if (empty($re1['error'])) {
$data['icoarr'][] = $re1;
return $data;
} else {
$data['error'] = $re1['error'];
return $data;
} else {
return true;
} else {
$re1 = self::upload($file, $path, $filename);
if (empty($re1['error'])) {
$data['icoarr'][] = $re1;
return $data;
} else {
$data['error'] = $re1['error'];
return $data;
function CreateMultipartUpload($path)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$oss = self::init($path);
if (is_array($oss) && $oss['error']) return $oss;
$ret = $oss->createMultipartUpload(array('Bucket'=>$arr['bucket'], 'Key'=>$arr['object']));
function upload($file, $path, $filename, $partinfo = array(), $ondup = 'overwrite')
global $_G;
$path .= $filename;
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
try {
$oss = self::init($path);
if (is_array($oss) && $oss['error']) return $oss;
$upload_file_options = array(
'SourceFile' => $file,
if ($partinfo['partnum']) {
$upload_file_options['PartNumber'] = $partinfo['partnum'];
if ($partinfo['partnum'] == 1) {//第一个分块时 初始化分块上传得到$uploadID;并缓存住,留以后分块使用
$response = $oss->CreateMultipartUpload(array('Bucket'=>$arr['bucket'],'Key'=>$arr['object']));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$upload_id = $response['UploadId'];
$response = $oss->UploadPart(array('Bucket'=>$arr['bucket'],'Key'=>$arr['object'], 'UploadId'=>$upload_id,'PartNumber'=>$upload_file_options));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
array('error' => $e->getMessage());
if (md5_file($file) != strtolower(trim($response['ETag'], '"'))) { //验证上传是否完整
return array('error' => lang('upload_file_incomplete'));
$data = array();
$data['upload_id'] = $upload_id;
$data['filesize'] = filesize($file);
$data['partnum'] = 1;
$data['path'] = $path;
$data['parts'][$data['partnum']] = array(
'PartNumber' => $data['partnum'],
'ETag' => $response['ETag']
self::saveCache($path, $data);
} else {
$cache = self::getCache($path);
$upload_id = $cache['upload_id'];
$cache['partnum'] += 1;
$response = $oss->UploadPart(array('Bucket'=>$arr['bucket'],'Key'=>$arr['object'], 'UploadId'=>$upload_id,'PartNumber'=>$upload_file_options));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
array('error' => $e->getMessage());
if (md5_file($file) != strtolower(trim($response['ETag'], '"'))) { //验证上传是否完整
return array('error' => lang('upload_file_incomplete'));
$cache['filesize'] += filesize($file);
$cache['parts'][$partinfo['partnum']] = array(
'PartNumber' => $cache['partnum'],
'ETag' => $response['ETag']
self::saveCache($path, $cache);
if ($partinfo['iscomplete']) {
$cache = self::getCache($path);
try {
$response = $oss->completeMultipartUpload(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['object'], 'UploadId' => $cache['upload_id'], 'Parts' => $cache['parts']));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$meta = array(
'Key' => $arr['object'],
'Size' => $cache['filesize'],
'LastModified' => $response['LastModified']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
return $icoarr;
} else {
return true;
} else {
$response = $oss->putObjectBySavePath($file, $arr['object']);
if ($response === false) {
return array('error' => self::get_error_info($oss));
$meta = array(
'Key' => $arr['object'],
'Size' => filesize($file),
'LastModified' => $response['LastModified'],
$icoarr = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
return $icoarr;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
public function rename($path, $name)
$arr = self::parsePath($path);
$patharr = explode('/', $arr['object']);
$arr['object1'] = '';
if (strrpos($path, '/') == (strlen($path) - 1)) {//是目录
return array('error' => lang('folder_not_allowed_rename'));
} else {
$ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($arr['object'], '.'), 1));
foreach ($patharr as $key => $value) {
if ($key >= count($patharr) - 1) break;
$arr['object1'] .= $value . '/';
$arr['object1'] .= $ext ? (preg_replace("/\.\w+$/i", '.' . $ext, $name)) : $name;
if ($arr['object'] != $arr['object1']) {
$oss = self::init($path);
if (is_array($oss) && $oss['error']) return $oss;
$result = $oss->getObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['bucket']));
$CopySource = $result['Location'];
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$result = $oss->copyObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['object1'], 'CopySource' =>$CopySource));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
$response = $oss->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket']));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
return self::getMeta($arr['bz'] . $arr['bucket'] . '/' . $arr['object1']);
* 移动文件到目标位置
* @param string $opath 被移动的文件路径
* @param string $path 目标位置(可能是同一api内或跨api,这两种情况分开处理)
* @return icosdatas
public function CopyTo($opath, $path, $iscopy)
static $i = 0;
$oarr = self::parsePath($opath);
$arr = IO::parsePath($path);
$oss = self::init($opath);
if (is_array($oss) && $oss['error']) return $oss;
try {
$data = self::getMeta($opath);
switch ($data['type']) {
case 'folder'://创建目录
if ($re = IO::CreateFolder($path, $data['name'])) {
if (isset($re['error']) && intval($re['error_code']) != 31061) {
$data['success'] = $arr['error'];
} else {
$data['newdata'] = $re['icoarr'];
$data['success'] = true;
//echo $opath.'<br>';
$contents = self::listFilesAll($oss, $opath);
$value = array();
foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
if ($value['path'] != $opath) {
$data['contents'][$key] = self::CopyTo($value['path'], $re['folderarr']['path']);
$value = array();
} else {
$data['success'] = 'create folder failure';
if ($arr['bz'] == $oarr['bz']) {//同一个api时
$arr = self::parsePath($path . $data['name']);
$result = $oss->getObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $arr['bucket']));
$CopySource = $result['Location'];
}catch (ErrorException $e){
$data['success'] = $e->getMessage();
$result = $oss->copyObject(array('Bucket' => $arr['bucket'], 'Key' => $oarr['object'], 'CopySource' =>$CopySource));
}catch (ErrorException $e){
$data['success'] = $e->getMessage();
$response = $oss->copyObject($oarr['object'], $arr['object']);
$meta = array(
'Key' => $arr['object'],
'Size' => $data['size'],
'LastModified' => $response['LastModified'],
$data['newdata'] = self::_formatMeta($meta, $arr);
$data['success'] = true;
} else {
if ($re = IO::multiUpload($opath, $path, $data['name'])) {
if ($re['error']) $data['success'] = $re['error']; else {
$data['newdata'] = $re;
$data['success'] = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data['success'] = $e->getMessage();
return $data;
return $data;
public function multiUpload($opath, $path, $filename, $attach = array(), $ondup = "newcopy")
global $_G;
$partsize = 1024 * 1024 * 20; //分块大小2M
if ($attach) {
$data = $attach;
$data['size'] = $attach['filesize'];
} else {
$data = IO::getMeta($opath);
if ($data['error']) return $data;
$size = $data['size'];
if (is_array($filepath = IO::getStream($opath))) {
return array('error' => $filepath['error']);
if ($size < $partsize) {
$fileContent = '';
if (!$handle = fopen($filepath, 'rb')) {
return array('error' => lang('open_file_error'));
while (!feof($handle)) {
$fileContent .= fread($handle, 8192);
//if(strlen($fileContent)==0) return array('error'=>'文件不存在');
return self::upload_by_content($fileContent, $path, $filename);
} else { //分片上传
$partinfo = array('ispart' => true, 'partnum' => 0, 'iscomplete' => false);
if (!$handle = fopen($filepath, 'rb')) {
return array('error' => lang('open_file_error'));
$cachefile = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './cache/' . md5($opath) . '.dzz';
$fileContent = '';
while (!feof($handle)) {
$fileContent .= fread($handle, 8192);
if (strlen($fileContent) == 0) return array('error' => lang('file_not_exist1'));
if (strlen($fileContent) >= $partsize) {
if ($partinfo['partnum'] * $partsize + strlen($fileContent) >= $size) $partinfo['iscomplete'] = true;
$partinfo['partnum'] += 1;
file_put_contents($cachefile, $fileContent);
$re = self::upload($cachefile, $path, $filename, $partinfo);
if ($re['error']) return $re;
if ($partinfo['iscomplete']) {
return $re;
$fileContent = '';
if (!empty($fileContent)) {
$partinfo['partnum'] += 1;
$partinfo['iscomplete'] = true;
file_put_contents($cachefile, $fileContent);
$re = self::upload($cachefile, $path, $filename, $partinfo);
if ($re['error']) return $re;
if ($partinfo['iscomplete']) {
return $re;