site_name: Imgbrd-Grabber site_url: repo_url: repo_name: Bionus/imgbrd-grabber copyright: This project is maintained by Bionus use_directory_urls: false plugins: - search - blog - git-revision-date-localized - glightbox - macros: module_name: docs/theme/hooks/github_metadata hooks: - docs/theme/hooks/ theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/theme features: - navigation.tabs - navigation.sections - - search.suggest - search.highlight - content.action.edit - content.action.view - content.code.copy - content.tooltips language: en logo: assets/img/icon.png favicon: assets/favicon.ico palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" toggle: icon: material/brightness-auto name: Switch to light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: indigo accent: orange toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: indigo accent: orange toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to system preference # Custom grabber: subtitle: Booru browsing made easy description: Very customizable imageboard/booru browser and mass downloader, with powerful filenaming features. google_site_verification: HUsU9v5lhoPPeKdafhViSRi1NofQwzQrRwLN1nEzsA8 extra: generator: false analytics: provider: google property: G-MR404DPTE5 social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: extra_css: - assets/css/style.css markdown_extensions: - attr_list - markdown.extensions.extra - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - toc: permalink: 'ΒΆ' nav: - Home: - Blog: - blog/ - Docs: - Basics: - Installation: - docs/install/ - docs/install/ - docs/install/ - docs/install/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - Sources: # TODO: use the awesome-pages plugin with "... | flat | docs/sources/*" once compatibility is fixed - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/sources/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - Advanced: - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - Tools: - docs/tools/ - docs/tools/ - docs/tools/ - Commands: - Introduction: docs/commands/ - docs/commands/ - docs/commands/ - docs/commands/ - docs/commands/ - docs/commands/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - docs/ - Plugins: - docs/plugins/ - Sources: - docs/sites/ - docs/sites/ - docs/sites/ - docs/sites/ - docs/sites/ - docs/plugins/ - Issue tracker: - Discord: - Sponsor: - Patreon: - GitHub: - Paypal: