import argparse import json import os import sys from telethon import TelegramClient from tools.down_file import down_group from tools.monit import StartMonit from tools.tool import print_all_channel, Hook, print_group, initDb, md5 from tools.upload_file import upload_file # 1.创建解释器 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # 2.创建一个互斥参数组 mutex_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() # 3.添加需要的参数 parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='config.json', help='配置文件') parser.add_argument('-re', '--refresh', action='store_true', help='刷新缓存') mutex_group.add_argument('-up', '--upload', action='store_true', help='上传文件') mutex_group.add_argument('-down', '--download', action='store_true', help='下载文件') mutex_group.add_argument('-print', action='store_true', help='打印消息') mutex_group.add_argument('-m', '--monit', action='store_true', help='监控频道') parser.add_argument('-id', help='频道ID') parser.add_argument('-user', help='指定下载用户', default=None) parser.add_argument('--range', default='>0', help='下载范围') parser.add_argument('-path', help='上传路径') parser.add_argument('-dau', default='N', choices=['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N'], help='上传完成删除原文件') parser.add_argument('-at', '--addtag', help='增加tag') # 3.进行参数解析 args = parser.parse_args() config_path = args.config # 配置处理开始 with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: config = json.load(f) api_id = config.get('api_id') api_hash = config.get('api_hash') phone = config.get('phone') bot_token = config.get('bot_token') alias = config.get('alias') if (phone is not None and bot_token is not None) or (phone is None and bot_token is None): print('请确认使用机器人登录还是电话号码登录') exit() if phone: md5Token = md5(phone) else: md5Token = md5(bot_token) if alias: for _id in alias: os.environ[_id] = alias[_id] initDb(md5Token) os.environ['save_path'] = save_path = config.get('save_path') proxy = config.get('proxy') if proxy is not None: import python_socks username = None password = None if '@' in proxy: username = proxy.split('@')[0].split(':')[0] password = proxy.split('@')[0].split(':')[1] addr = proxy.split('@')[1].split(':')[0] port = proxy.split('@')[1].split(':')[1] else: addr = proxy.split(':')[0] port = proxy.split(':')[1] proxy = { 'proxy_type': python_socks.ProxyType.SOCKS5, # (mandatory) protocol to use (see above) 'addr': addr, # (mandatory) proxy IP address 'port': int(port), # (mandatory) proxy port number 'username': username, # (optional) username if the proxy requires auth 'password': password, # (optional) password if the proxy requires auth 'rdns': True # (optional) whether to use remote or local resolve, default remote } client = TelegramClient(md5Token, api_id, api_hash, proxy=proxy) else: client = TelegramClient(md5Token, api_id, api_hash) # 配置处理结束 # 展示登陆的信息 def show_my_inf(me): print("-----****************-----") print("Name:", me.username) print("ID:", print("-----login successful-----") async def client_main(): print("-client-main-") me = await client.get_me() show_my_inf(me) if __name__ == '__main__': # 除了刷新缓存,都需要频道ID if not args.refresh and is None: sys.exit(1) if args.upload and args.path is None: print('缺失上传路径') sys.exit(1) with client.start(phone=phone, bot_token=bot_token): client.loop.run_until_complete(client_main()) client.loop.run_until_complete(Hook(client)) if args.refresh: print_all_channel(client=client) if if '' in tmpList ='/') channel_id = tmpList[-2] plus_func = '=' + tmpList[-1] else: channel_id = plus_func = args.range for _id in channel_id.split('|'): client.loop.run_until_complete(down_group(client, _id, plus_func, args.user)) elif args.upload: del_after_upload = True if args.dau.upper() == 'Y' else False client.loop.run_until_complete(upload_file(client,, args.path, del_after_upload, args.addtag)) elif args.print: client.loop.run_until_complete(print_group(client, elif args.monit: channel_ids =',') client.loop.run_until_complete(StartMonit(client, channel_ids)) client.run_until_disconnected()